Copyright The Helm Authors.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package action

import (



// Pull is the action for checking a given release's information.
// It provides the implementation of 'helm pull'.
type Pull struct {

	Settings *cli.EnvSettings // TODO: refactor this out of pkg/action

	Devel       bool
	Untar       bool
	VerifyLater bool
	UntarDir    string
	DestDir     string

// NewPull creates a new Pull object with the given configuration.
func NewPull() *Pull {
	return &Pull{}

// Run executes 'helm pull' against the given release.
func (p *Pull) Run(chartRef string) (string, error) {
	var out strings.Builder

	c := downloader.ChartDownloader{
		Out:     &out,
		Keyring: p.Keyring,
		Verify:  downloader.VerifyNever,
		Getters: getter.All(p.Settings),
		Options: []getter.Option{
			getter.WithBasicAuth(p.Username, p.Password),
			getter.WithTLSClientConfig(p.CertFile, p.KeyFile, p.CaFile),
		RepositoryConfig: p.Settings.RepositoryConfig,
		RepositoryCache:  p.Settings.RepositoryCache,

	if p.Verify {
		c.Verify = downloader.VerifyAlways
	} else if p.VerifyLater {
		c.Verify = downloader.VerifyLater

	// If untar is set, we fetch to a tempdir, then untar and copy after
	// verification.
	dest := p.DestDir
	if p.Untar {
		var err error
		dest, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "helm-")
		if err != nil {
			return out.String(), errors.Wrap(err, "failed to untar")
		defer os.RemoveAll(dest)

	if p.RepoURL != "" {
		chartURL, err := repo.FindChartInAuthRepoURL(p.RepoURL, p.Username, p.Password, chartRef, p.Version, p.CertFile, p.KeyFile, p.CaFile, getter.All(p.Settings))
		if err != nil {
			return out.String(), err
		chartRef = chartURL

	saved, v, err := c.DownloadTo(chartRef, p.Version, dest)
	if err != nil {
		return out.String(), err

	if p.Verify {
		for name := range v.SignedBy.Identities {
			fmt.Fprintf(&out, "Signed by: %v\n", name)
		fmt.Fprintf(&out, "Using Key With Fingerprint: %X\n", v.SignedBy.PrimaryKey.Fingerprint)
		fmt.Fprintf(&out, "Chart Hash Verified: %s\n", v.FileHash)

	// After verification, untar the chart into the requested directory.
	if p.Untar {
		ud := p.UntarDir
		if !filepath.IsAbs(ud) {
			ud = filepath.Join(p.DestDir, ud)
		// Let udCheck to check conflict file/dir without replacing ud when untarDir is the current directory(.).
		udCheck := ud
		if udCheck == "." {
			_, udCheck = filepath.Split(chartRef)
		} else {
			_, chartName := filepath.Split(chartRef)
			udCheck = filepath.Join(udCheck, chartName)
		if _, err := os.Stat(udCheck); err != nil {
			if err := os.MkdirAll(udCheck, 0755); err != nil {
				return out.String(), errors.Wrap(err, "failed to untar (mkdir)")

		} else {
			return out.String(), errors.Errorf("failed to untar: a file or directory with the name %s already exists", udCheck)

		return out.String(), chartutil.ExpandFile(ud, saved)
	return out.String(), nil