# Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import unittest import schema_validation import yaml INVALID_PROPERTIES = "Invalid properties for 'template.py'" def GetFilePath(): """Find our source and data files.""" return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def ReadTestFile(filename): """Returns contents of a file from the testdata/ directory.""" full_path = os.path.join(GetFilePath(), '..', 'test', 'schemas', filename) return open(full_path, 'r').read() def RawValidate(raw_properties, schema_name, raw_schema): return ImportsRawValidate(raw_properties, schema_name, {schema_name: raw_schema}) def ImportsRawValidate(raw_properties, schema_name, import_map): """Takes raw properties, calls validate and returns yaml properties.""" properties = yaml.safe_load(raw_properties) return schema_validation.Validate(properties, schema_name, 'template.py', import_map) class SchemaValidationTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests of the schema portion of the template expansion library.""" def testDefaults(self): schema_name = 'defaults.jinja.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) empty_properties = '' expected_properties = """ alpha: alpha one: 1 """ self.assertEqual(yaml.safe_load(expected_properties), RawValidate(empty_properties, schema_name, schema)) def testNestedDefaults(self): schema_name = 'nested_defaults.py.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) properties = """ zone: us-central1-a disks: - name: backup # diskType and sizeGb set by default - name: cache # sizeGb set by default diskType: pd-ssd - name: data # Nothing set by default diskType: pd-ssd sizeGb: 150 - name: swap # diskType set by default sizeGb: 200 """ expected_properties = """ zone: us-central1-a disks: - sizeGb: 100 diskType: pd-standard name: backup - sizeGb: 100 diskType: pd-ssd name: cache - sizeGb: 150 diskType: pd-ssd name: data - sizeGb: 200 diskType: pd-standard name: swap """ self.assertEqual(yaml.safe_load(expected_properties), RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema)) def testNestedRefDefaults(self): schema_name = 'ref_nested_defaults.py.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) properties = """ zone: us-central1-a disks: - name: backup # diskType and sizeGb set by default - name: cache # sizeGb set by default diskType: pd-ssd - name: data # Nothing set by default diskType: pd-ssd sizeGb: 150 - name: swap # diskType set by default sizeGb: 200 """ expected_properties = """ zone: us-central1-a disks: - sizeGb: 100 diskType: pd-standard name: backup - sizeGb: 100 diskType: pd-ssd name: cache - sizeGb: 150 diskType: pd-ssd name: data - sizeGb: 200 diskType: pd-standard name: swap """ self.assertEqual(yaml.safe_load(expected_properties), RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema)) def testInvalidDefault(self): schema_name = 'invalid_default.jinja.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) empty_properties = '' try: RawValidate(empty_properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn(INVALID_PROPERTIES, e.message) self.assertIn("'string' is not of type 'integer' at ['number']", e.message) def testRequiredDefault(self): schema_name = 'required_default.jinja.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) empty_properties = '' expected_properties = """ name: my_name """ self.assertEqual(yaml.safe_load(expected_properties), RawValidate(empty_properties, schema_name, schema)) def testRequiredDefaultReference(self): schema_name = 'req_default_ref.py.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) empty_properties = '' try: RawValidate(empty_properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn(INVALID_PROPERTIES, e.message) self.assertIn("'my_name' is not of type 'integer' at ['number']", e.message) def testDefaultReference(self): schema_name = 'default_ref.jinja.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) empty_properties = '' expected_properties = 'number: 1' self.assertEqual(yaml.safe_load(expected_properties), RawValidate(empty_properties, schema_name, schema)) def testMissingQuoteInReference(self): schema_name = 'missing_quote.py.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) properties = 'number: 1' try: RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(2, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn("Invalid schema '%s'" % schema_name, e.message) self.assertIn("type 'NoneType' is not iterable", e.message) self.assertIn('around your reference', e.message) def testRequiredPropertyMissing(self): schema_name = 'required.jinja.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) empty_properties = '' try: RawValidate(empty_properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn(INVALID_PROPERTIES, e.message) self.assertIn("'name' is a required property", e.errors[0].message) def testRequiredPropertyValid(self): schema_name = 'required.jinja.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) properties = """ name: my-name """ self.assertEqual(yaml.safe_load(properties), RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema)) def testMultipleErrors(self): schema_name = 'defaults.py.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) properties = """ one: not a number alpha: 12345 """ try: RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(2, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn(INVALID_PROPERTIES, e.message) self.assertIn("'not a number' is not of type 'integer' at ['one']", e.message) self.assertIn("12345 is not of type 'string' at ['alpha']", e.message) def testNumbersValid(self): schema_name = 'numbers.py.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) properties = """ minimum0: 0 exclusiveMin0: 1 maximum10: 10 exclusiveMax10: 9 even: 20 odd: 21 """ self.assertEquals(yaml.safe_load(properties), RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema)) def testNumbersInvalid(self): schema_name = 'numbers.py.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) properties = """ minimum0: -1 exclusiveMin0: 0 maximum10: 11 exclusiveMax10: 10 even: 21 odd: 20 """ try: RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(6, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn(INVALID_PROPERTIES, e.message) self.assertIn("-1 is less than the minimum of 0 at ['minimum0']", e.message) self.assertIn(('0 is less than or equal to the minimum of 0' " at ['exclusiveMin0']"), e.message) self.assertIn("11 is greater than the maximum of 10 at \ ['maximum10']", e.message) self.assertIn(('10 is greater than or equal to the maximum of 10' " at ['exclusiveMax10']"), e.message) self.assertIn("21 is not a multiple of 2 at ['even']", e.message) self.assertIn("{'multipleOf': 2} is not allowed for 20 at ['odd']", e.message) def testReference(self): schema_name = 'reference.jinja.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) properties = """ odd: 6 """ try: RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn('even', e.message) self.assertIn('is not allowed for 6', e.message) def testBadSchema(self): schema_name = 'bad.jinja.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) empty_properties = '' try: RawValidate(empty_properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(2, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn("Invalid schema '%s'" % schema_name, e.message) self.assertIn("u'minimum' is a dependency of u'exclusiveMinimum'", e.message) self.assertIn("0 is not of type u'boolean'", e.message) def testInvalidReference(self): schema_name = 'invalid_reference.py.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) properties = 'odd: 1' try: RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn("Invalid schema '%s'" % schema_name, e.message) self.assertIn('Unresolvable JSON pointer', e.message) def testInvalidReferenceInSchema(self): schema_name = 'invalid_reference_schema.py.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) empty_properties = '' try: RawValidate(empty_properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn("Invalid schema '%s'" % schema_name, e.message) self.assertIn('Unresolvable JSON pointer', e.message) def testMetadata(self): schema_name = 'metadata.py.schema' schema = ReadTestFile(schema_name) properties = """ one: 2 alpha: beta """ self.assertEquals(yaml.safe_load(properties), RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema)) def testInvalidInput(self): schema_name = 'schema' schema = """ info: title: Invalid Input properties: invalid """ properties = """ one: 2 alpha: beta """ try: RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn("Invalid schema '%s'" % schema_name, e.message) self.assertIn("'invalid' is not of type u'object'", e.message) def testPattern(self): schema_name = 'schema' schema = r""" properties: bad-zone: pattern: \w+-\w+-\w+ zone: pattern: \w+-\w+-\w+ """ properties = """ bad-zone: abc zone: us-central1-a """ try: RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn('Invalid properties', e.message) self.assertIn("'abc' does not match", e.message) self.assertIn('bad-zone', e.message) def testUniqueItems(self): schema_name = 'schema' schema = """ properties: bad-list: type: array uniqueItems: true list: type: array uniqueItems: true """ properties = """ bad-list: - a - b - a list: - a - b - c """ try: RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn('Invalid properties', e.message) self.assertIn('has non-unique elements', e.message) self.assertIn('bad-list', e.message) def testUniqueItemsOnString(self): schema_name = 'schema' schema = """ properties: ok-string: type: string uniqueItems: true string: type: string uniqueItems: true """ properties = """ ok-string: aaa string: abc """ self.assertEquals(yaml.safe_load(properties), RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema)) def testRequiredTopLevel(self): schema_name = 'schema' schema = """ info: title: Invalid Input required: - name """ properties = """ one: 2 alpha: beta """ try: RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn(INVALID_PROPERTIES, e.message) self.assertIn("'name' is a required property", e.message) def testEmptySchemaProperties(self): schema_name = 'schema' schema = """ info: title: Empty Input properties: """ properties = """ one: 2 alpha: beta """ try: RawValidate(properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn("Invalid schema '%s'" % schema_name, e.message) self.assertIn("None is not of type u'object' at [u'properties']", e.message) def testNoInput(self): schema = """ info: title: No other sections """ properties = """ one: 2 alpha: beta """ self.assertEquals(yaml.safe_load(properties), RawValidate(properties, 'schema', schema)) def testEmptySchema(self): schema = '' properties = """ one: 2 alpha: beta """ self.assertEquals(yaml.safe_load(properties), RawValidate(properties, 'schema', schema)) def testImportPathSchema(self): schema = """ imports: - path: a - path: path/to/b name: b """ properties = """ one: 2 alpha: beta """ import_map = {'schema': schema, 'a': '', 'b': ''} self.assertEquals(yaml.safe_load(properties), ImportsRawValidate(properties, 'schema', import_map)) def testImportSchemaMissing(self): schema = '' empty_properties = '' try: properties = yaml.safe_load(empty_properties) schema_validation.Validate(properties, 'schema', 'template', {'wrong_name': schema}) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn("Could not find schema file 'schema'", e.message) def testImportsMalformedNotAList(self): schema_name = 'schema' schema = """ imports: not-a-list """ empty_properties = '' try: RawValidate(empty_properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn("Invalid schema '%s'" % schema_name, e.message) self.assertIn("is not of type 'array' at ['imports']", e.message) def testImportsMalformedMissingPath(self): schema_name = 'schema' schema = """ imports: - name: no_path.yaml """ empty_properties = '' try: RawValidate(empty_properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn("Invalid schema '%s'" % schema_name, e.message) self.assertIn("'path' is a required property", e.message) def testImportsMalformedNonunique(self): schema_name = 'schema' schema = """ imports: - path: a.yaml name: a - path: a.yaml name: a """ empty_properties = '' try: RawValidate(empty_properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn("Invalid schema '%s'" % schema_name, e.message) self.assertIn('non-unique elements', e.message) def testImportsMalformedAdditionalProperties(self): schema_name = 'schema' schema = """ imports: - path: a.yaml gnome: a """ empty_properties = '' try: RawValidate(empty_properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn("Invalid schema '%s'" % schema_name, e.message) self.assertIn('Additional properties are not allowed' " ('gnome' was unexpected)", e.message) def testImportAndInputErrors(self): schema = """ imports: - path: file required: - name """ empty_properties = '' try: RawValidate(empty_properties, 'schema', schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(2, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn("'file' requested in schema 'schema'", e.message) self.assertIn("'name' is a required property", e.message) def testImportAndInputSchemaErrors(self): schema_name = 'schema' schema = """ imports: not-a-list required: not-a-list """ empty_properties = '' try: RawValidate(empty_properties, schema_name, schema) self.fail('Validation should fail') except schema_validation.ValidationErrors as e: self.assertEqual(2, len(e.errors)) self.assertIn("Invalid schema '%s'" % schema_name, e.message) self.assertIn("is not of type 'array' at ['imports']", e.message) self.assertIn("is not of type u'array' at [u'required']", e.message) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()