To match the convention of `helm install`, `helm uninstall` is the inverse.
Other tangential changes in this PR:
- StatusDeleting has been changed to StatusUninstalling
- StatusDeleted has been changed to StatusUninstalled
- `helm list --deleted` has been changed to `helm list --uninstalled`
- `helm list --deleting` has been changed to `helm list --uninstalling`
- `helm.DeleteOption` and all delete options have been renamed to `helm.UninstallOption`
I have not made any changes to the "", "pre-delete" and "post-delete" hook annotations because
1. it's a major breaking change to existing helm charts, which we've commited to NOT break in Helm 3
2. there is no "" to pair with "", so delete still makes sense here
`helm delete` and `helm del` have been added as aliases to `helm uninstall`, so `helm delete` and `helm del` still works as is.
* docs(helm): Document how to update a release idempotently
To use the same command when installing and upgrading a release, using helm upgrade with '--install' works.
* Upgrade instead of update
Document how to add an image pull secret in Helm
Provide an example of how to take an image registry, user name, and password and prepare a Secret that can be used by a pod to pull a protected container image.
Adds the `required` function in enginge.go to support required
properties in values.yml. When a chart developer wishes to specify
intent in requiring a value, they can use this function to declare
an error message that gets returned when chart rendering fails
when a required value is not present in values.yml.