@ -21,61 +21,70 @@ import (
const completionDesc = `
Generate autocompletions script for Helm for the specified shell ( bash or zsh ) .
Generate autocompletions script for Helm for the specified shell .
const bashCompDesc = `
Generate the autocompletion script for Helm for the bash shell .
This command can generate shell autocompletions . e . g .
To load completions in your current shell session :
$ source < ( helm completion bash )
$ helm completion bash
To load completions for every new session , execute once :
Linux :
$ helm completion bash > / etc / bash_completion . d / helm
MacOS :
$ helm completion bash > / usr / local / etc / bash_completion . d / helm
Can be sourced as such
const zshCompDesc = `
Generate the autocompletion script for Helm for the zsh shell .
$ source < ( helm completion bash )
To load completions in your current shell session :
$ source < ( helm completion zsh )
var (
completionShells = map [ string ] func ( out io . Writer , cmd * cobra . Command ) error {
"bash" : runCompletionBash ,
"zsh" : runCompletionZsh ,
To load completions for every new session , execute once :
$ helm completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_helm"
func newCompletionCmd ( out io . Writer ) * cobra . Command {
shells := [ ] string { }
for s := range completionShells {
shells = append ( shells , s )
cmd := & cobra . Command {
Use : "completion SHELL ",
Short : "generate autocompletions script for the specified shell (bash or zsh) ",
Use : "completion" ,
Short : "generate autocompletions script for the specified shell" ,
Long : completionDesc ,
Args : require . NoArgs ,
bash := & cobra . Command {
Use : "bash" ,
Short : "generate autocompletions script for bash" ,
Long : bashCompDesc ,
Args : require . NoArgs ,
DisableFlagsInUseLine : true ,
RunE : func ( cmd * cobra . Command , args [ ] string ) error {
return runCompletion ( out , cmd , args )
return runCompletion Bash ( out , cmd )
} ,
ValidArgs : shells ,
return cmd
func runCompletion ( out io . Writer , cmd * cobra . Command , args [ ] string ) error {
if len ( args ) == 0 {
return errors . New ( "shell not specified" )
if len ( args ) > 1 {
return errors . New ( "too many arguments, expected only the shell type" )
run , found := completionShells [ args [ 0 ] ]
if ! found {
return errors . Errorf ( "unsupported shell type %q" , args [ 0 ] )
zsh := & cobra . Command {
Use : "zsh" ,
Short : "generate autocompletions script for zsh" ,
Long : zshCompDesc ,
Args : require . NoArgs ,
DisableFlagsInUseLine : true ,
RunE : func ( cmd * cobra . Command , args [ ] string ) error {
return runCompletionZsh ( out , cmd )
} ,
return run ( out , cmd )
cmd . AddCommand ( bash , zsh )
return cmd
func runCompletionBash ( out io . Writer , cmd * cobra . Command ) error {