diff --git a/cmd/helm/upgrade.go b/cmd/helm/upgrade.go index 145d342b7..42262273d 100644 --- a/cmd/helm/upgrade.go +++ b/cmd/helm/upgrade.go @@ -65,6 +65,13 @@ last (right-most) set specified. For example, if both 'bar' and 'newbar' values set for a key called 'foo', the 'newbar' value would take precedence: $ helm upgrade --set foo=bar --set foo=newbar redis ./redis + +You can update the values for an existing release with this command as well via the +'--reuse-values' flag. The 'RELEASE' and 'CHART' arguments should be set to the original +parameters, and existing values will be merged with any values set via '--values'/'-f' +or '--set' flags. Priority is given to new values. + + $ helm upgrade --reuse-values --set foo=bar --set foo=newbar redis ./redis ` func newUpgradeCmd(cfg *action.Configuration, out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {