@ -117,18 +117,19 @@ plugin to perform the update of a release to supported APIs. Check out the
readme for more details.
Alternatively, you can follow these manual steps to perform an update of the API
versions of a release manifest:
versions of a release manifest. Depending on your configuration you will follow
the steps for the ConfigMap or Secret backend.
- Prerequisites:
- HELM_PROTOBUF_SCHEMA: [Helm protobuf schema](https://github.com/helm/helm/tree/dev-v2/_proto)
- PROTOBUF_SCHEMA: [Protobuf base schema](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/tree/master/src)
- Get the name of the latest deployed release:
- Get the name of the ConfigMap or Secret associated with the latest deployed release:
- ConfigMap backend: `kubectl get configmap -l OWNER=TILLER,STATUS=DEPLOYED,NAME=<release_name> --namespace <tiller_namespace> | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME`
- Secrets backend: `kubectl get secret -l OWNER=TILLER,STATUS=DEPLOYED,NAME=<release_name> --namespace <tiller_namespace> | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME`
- Get latest deployed release details:
- ConfigMap backend: `kubectl get configmap <release_version_configmap_name> -n <tiller_namespace> -o yaml > release.yaml`
- Secrets backend: `kubectl get secret <release_version_secret_name> -n <tiller_namespace> -o yaml > release.yaml`
- Backup the release incase you need to restore if something goes wrong:
- ConfigMap backend: `kubectl get configmap <release_configmap_name> -n <tiller_namespace> -o yaml > release.yaml`
- Secrets backend: `kubectl get secret <release_secret_name> -n <tiller_namespace> -o yaml > release.yaml`
- Backup the release in case you need to restore if something goes wrong:
- `cp release.yaml release.bak`
- In case of emergency, restore: `kubectl apply -f release.bak -n <tiller_namespace>`
- Decode the release object: