cmd.Flags().StringVar(&tlsServerName,"tls-hostname",settings.TillerHost,"the server name used to verify the hostname on the returned certificates from the server")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&tlsCaCertFile,"tls-ca-cert",tlsCaCertDefault,"path to TLS CA certificate file")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&tlsCertFile,"tls-cert",tlsCertDefault,"path to TLS certificate file")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&tlsKeyFile,"tls-key",tlsKeyDefault,"path to TLS key file")
--description string specify a description for the release
--dry-run simulate a rollback
--force force resource update through delete/recreate if needed
--no-hooks prevent hooks from running during rollback
--recreate-pods performs pods restart for the resource if applicable
--timeout int time in seconds to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks) (default 300)
--tls enable TLS for request
--tls-ca-cert string path to TLS CA certificate file (default "$HELM_HOME/ca.pem")
--tls-cert string path to TLS certificate file (default "$HELM_HOME/cert.pem")
--tls-key string path to TLS key file (default "$HELM_HOME/key.pem")
--tls-verify enable TLS for request and verify remote
--wait if set, will wait until all Pods, PVCs, Services, and minimum number of Pods of a Deployment are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as --timeout
--description string specify a description for the release
--dry-run simulate a rollback
--force force resource update through delete/recreate if needed
--no-hooks prevent hooks from running during rollback
--recreate-pods performs pods restart for the resource if applicable
--timeout int time in seconds to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks) (default 300)
--tls enable TLS for request
--tls-ca-cert string path to TLS CA certificate file (default "$HELM_HOME/ca.pem")
--tls-cert string path to TLS certificate file (default "$HELM_HOME/cert.pem")
--tls-hostname string the server name used to verify the hostname on the returned certificates from the server
--tls-key string path to TLS key file (default "$HELM_HOME/key.pem")
--tls-verify enable TLS for request and verify remote
--wait if set, will wait until all Pods, PVCs, Services, and minimum number of Pods of a Deployment are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as --timeout
- [GitLab, Consumer Driven Contracts, Helm and Kubernetes](
- [Using Helm to Deploy to Kubernetes](
- [Writing a Helm Chart](
- [Creating a Helm Plugin in 3 Steps](
- [Awesome Helm]( - List of awesome Helm resources
- [A basic walk through Kubernetes Helm](
## Video, Audio, and Podcast
- [CI/CD with Jenkins, Kubernetes, and Helm]( AKA "The Infamous Croc Hunter Video".
- [KubeCon2016: Delivering Kubernetes-Native Applications by Michelle Noorali](
- [Helm with Michelle Noorali and Matthew Butcher]( The official Google CloudPlatform Podcast interviews Michelle and Matt about Helm.
- [KubeCon2016: Delivering Kubernetes-Native Applications by Michelle Noorali](
## Helm Plugins
- [helm-tiller]( - Additional commands to work with Tiller
- [Technosophos's Helm Plugins]( - Plugins for GitHub, Keybase, and GPG
- [Helm Value Store]( - Plugin for working with Helm deployment values
- [Helm Diff]( - Preview `helm upgrade` as a coloured diff
- [helm-env]( - Plugin to show current environment
- [helm-last]( - Plugin to show the latest release
- [helm-nuke]( - Plugin to destroy all releases
- [helm-local]( - Plugin to run Tiller as a local daemon
- [App Registry]( - Plugin to manage charts via the [App Registry specification](
- [helm-secrets]( - Plugin to manage and store secrets safely
- [Helm Diff]( - Preview `helm upgrade` as a coloured diff
- [Helm Value Store]( - Plugin for working with Helm deployment values
- [Technosophos's Helm Plugins]( - Plugins for GitHub, Keybase, and GPG
- [helm-cos]( - Plugin to manage repositories on Tencent Cloud Object Storage
- [helm-edit]( - Plugin for editing release's values
- [helm-env]( - Plugin to show current environment
- [helm-gcs]( - Plugin to manage repositories on Google Cloud Storage
- [helm-cos]( - Plugin to manage repositories on Tencent Cloud Object Storage
- [helm-github]( - Plugin to install Helm Charts from Github repositories
- [helm-monitor]( - Plugin to monitor a release and rollback based on Prometheus/ElasticSearch query
- [helm-k8comp]( - Plugin to create Helm Charts from hiera using k8comp
- [helm-hashtag]( - Plugin for tracking docker tag hash digests as values
- [helm-k8comp]( - Plugin to create Helm Charts from hiera using k8comp
- [helm-last]( - Plugin to show the latest release
- [helm-local]( - Plugin to run Tiller as a local daemon
- [helm-monitor]( - Plugin to monitor a release and rollback based on Prometheus/ElasticSearch query
- [helm-nuke]( - Plugin to destroy all releases
- [helm-secrets]( - Plugin to manage and store secrets safely
- [helm-stop]( - Plugin for stopping a release pods
- [Quay App Registry]( - Open Kubernetes application registry, including a Helm access client
- [Chartify]( - Generate Helm charts from existing Kubernetes resources.
- [VIM-Kubernetes]( - VIM plugin for Kubernetes and Helm
- [Landscaper]( - "Landscaper takes a set of Helm Chart references with values (a desired state), and realizes this in a Kubernetes cluster."
- [Rudder]( - RESTful (JSON) proxy for Tiller's API
- [Helmfile]( - Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts
- [Armada]( - Manage prefixed releases throughout various Kubernetes namespaces, and removes completed jobs for complex deployments. Used by the [Openstack-Helm]( team.
- [Autohelm]( - Autohelm is _another_ simple declarative spec for deploying helm charts. Written in python and supports git urls as a source for helm charts.
- [Helmsman]( - Helmsman is a helm-charts-as-code tool which enables installing/upgrading/protecting/moving/deleting releases from version controlled desired state files (described in a simple TOML format).
- [Schelm]( - Render a Helm manifest to a directory
- [ Helm Plugin]( - Run Helm inside of the Drone CI/CD system
- [ChartMuseum]( - Helm Chart Repository with support for Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage
- [Chartify]( - Generate Helm charts from existing Kubernetes resources.
- [Codefresh]( - Kubernetes native CI/CD and management platform with UI dashboards for managing Helm charts and releases
- [Cog]( - Helm chart to deploy Cog on Kubernetes
- [Monocular]( - Web UI for Helm Chart repositories
- [ Helm Plugin]( - Run Helm inside of the Drone CI/CD system
- [Helm Chart Publisher]( - HTTP API for publishing Helm Charts in an easy way
- [Armada]( - Manage prefixed releases throughout various Kubernetes namespaces, and removes completed jobs for complex deployments. Used by the [Openstack-Helm]( team.
- [ChartMuseum]( - Helm Chart Repository with support for Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage
- [Helm.NET]( - A .NET client for Tiller's API
- [Codefresh]( - Kubernetes native CI/CD and management platform with UI dashboards for managing Helm charts and releases
- [Helmfile]( - Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts
- [Helmsman]( - Helmsman is a helm-charts-as-code tool which enables installing/upgrading/protecting/moving/deleting releases from version controlled desired state files (described in a simple TOML format).
- [Landscaper]( - "Landscaper takes a set of Helm Chart references with values (a desired state), and realizes this in a Kubernetes cluster."
- [Monocular]( - Web UI for Helm Chart repositories
- [Quay App Registry]( - Open Kubernetes application registry, including a Helm access client
- [Rudder]( - RESTful (JSON) proxy for Tiller's API
- [Schelm]( - Render a Helm manifest to a directory
- [VIM-Kubernetes]( - VIM plugin for Kubernetes and Helm
## Helm Included
Platforms, distributions, and services that include Helm support.
- [Cabin]( - Mobile App for Managing Kubernetes
- [Qstack](
- [Fabric8]( - Integrated development platform for Kubernetes
- [Jenkins X]( - open source automated CI/CD for Kubernetes which uses Helm for [promoting]( applications through [environments via GitOps](