@ -60,6 +60,12 @@ type EnvSettings struct {
KubeAPIServer string
// Custom certificate authority file.
KubeCaFile string
// KubeInsecureSkipTLSVerify indicates if server's certificate will not be checked for validity.
// This makes the HTTPS connections insecure
KubeInsecureSkipTLSVerify bool
// KubeTLSServerName overrides the name to use for server certificate validation.
// If it is not provided, the hostname used to contact the server is used
KubeTLSServerName string
// Debug indicates whether or not Helm is running in Debug mode.
Debug bool
// RegistryConfig is the path to the registry config file.
@ -78,19 +84,21 @@ type EnvSettings struct {
func New ( ) * EnvSettings {
env := & EnvSettings {
namespace : os . Getenv ( "HELM_NAMESPACE" ) ,
MaxHistory : envIntOr ( "HELM_MAX_HISTORY" , defaultMaxHistory ) ,
KubeContext : os . Getenv ( "HELM_KUBECONTEXT" ) ,
KubeToken : os . Getenv ( "HELM_KUBETOKEN" ) ,
KubeAsUser : os . Getenv ( "HELM_KUBEASUSER" ) ,
KubeAsGroups : envCSV ( "HELM_KUBEASGROUPS" ) ,
KubeAPIServer : os . Getenv ( "HELM_KUBEAPISERVER" ) ,
KubeCaFile : os . Getenv ( "HELM_KUBECAFILE" ) ,
PluginsDirectory : envOr ( "HELM_PLUGINS" , helmpath . DataPath ( "plugins" ) ) ,
RegistryConfig : envOr ( "HELM_REGISTRY_CONFIG" , helmpath . ConfigPath ( "registry/config.json" ) ) ,
RepositoryConfig : envOr ( "HELM_REPOSITORY_CONFIG" , helmpath . ConfigPath ( "repositories.yaml" ) ) ,
RepositoryCache : envOr ( "HELM_REPOSITORY_CACHE" , helmpath . CachePath ( "repository" ) ) ,
BurstLimit : envIntOr ( "HELM_BURST_LIMIT" , defaultBurstLimit ) ,
namespace : os . Getenv ( "HELM_NAMESPACE" ) ,
MaxHistory : envIntOr ( "HELM_MAX_HISTORY" , defaultMaxHistory ) ,
KubeContext : os . Getenv ( "HELM_KUBECONTEXT" ) ,
KubeToken : os . Getenv ( "HELM_KUBETOKEN" ) ,
KubeAsUser : os . Getenv ( "HELM_KUBEASUSER" ) ,
KubeAsGroups : envCSV ( "HELM_KUBEASGROUPS" ) ,
KubeAPIServer : os . Getenv ( "HELM_KUBEAPISERVER" ) ,
KubeCaFile : os . Getenv ( "HELM_KUBECAFILE" ) ,
KubeTLSServerName : os . Getenv ( "HELM_KUBETLS_SERVER_NAME" ) ,
KubeInsecureSkipTLSVerify : envBoolOr ( "HELM_KUBEINSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY" , false ) ,
PluginsDirectory : envOr ( "HELM_PLUGINS" , helmpath . DataPath ( "plugins" ) ) ,
RegistryConfig : envOr ( "HELM_REGISTRY_CONFIG" , helmpath . ConfigPath ( "registry/config.json" ) ) ,
RepositoryConfig : envOr ( "HELM_REPOSITORY_CONFIG" , helmpath . ConfigPath ( "repositories.yaml" ) ) ,
RepositoryCache : envOr ( "HELM_REPOSITORY_CACHE" , helmpath . CachePath ( "repository" ) ) ,
BurstLimit : envIntOr ( "HELM_BURST_LIMIT" , defaultBurstLimit ) ,
env . Debug , _ = strconv . ParseBool ( os . Getenv ( "HELM_DEBUG" ) )
@ -103,6 +111,8 @@ func New() *EnvSettings {
CAFile : & env . KubeCaFile ,
KubeConfig : & env . KubeConfig ,
Impersonate : & env . KubeAsUser ,
Insecure : & env . KubeInsecureSkipTLSVerify ,
TLSServerName : & env . KubeTLSServerName ,
ImpersonateGroup : & env . KubeAsGroups ,
WrapConfigFn : func ( config * rest . Config ) * rest . Config {
config . Burst = env . BurstLimit
@ -122,6 +132,8 @@ func (s *EnvSettings) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
fs . StringArrayVar ( & s . KubeAsGroups , "kube-as-group" , s . KubeAsGroups , "group to impersonate for the operation, this flag can be repeated to specify multiple groups." )
fs . StringVar ( & s . KubeAPIServer , "kube-apiserver" , s . KubeAPIServer , "the address and the port for the Kubernetes API server" )
fs . StringVar ( & s . KubeCaFile , "kube-ca-file" , s . KubeCaFile , "the certificate authority file for the Kubernetes API server connection" )
fs . StringVar ( & s . KubeTLSServerName , "kube-tls-server-name" , s . KubeTLSServerName , "server name to use for Kubernetes API server certificate validation. If it is not provided, the hostname used to contact the server is used" )
fs . BoolVar ( & s . KubeInsecureSkipTLSVerify , "kube-insecure-skip-tls-verify" , s . KubeInsecureSkipTLSVerify , "if true, the Kubernetes API server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure" )
fs . BoolVar ( & s . Debug , "debug" , s . Debug , "enable verbose output" )
fs . StringVar ( & s . RegistryConfig , "registry-config" , s . RegistryConfig , "path to the registry config file" )
fs . StringVar ( & s . RepositoryConfig , "repository-config" , s . RepositoryConfig , "path to the file containing repository names and URLs" )
@ -136,6 +148,18 @@ func envOr(name, def string) string {
return def
func envBoolOr ( name string , def bool ) bool {
if name == "" {
return def
envVal := envOr ( name , strconv . FormatBool ( def ) )
ret , err := strconv . ParseBool ( envVal )
if err != nil {
return def
return ret
func envIntOr ( name string , def int ) int {
if name == "" {
return def
@ -172,12 +196,14 @@ func (s *EnvSettings) EnvVars() map[string]string {
"HELM_BURST_LIMIT" : strconv . Itoa ( s . BurstLimit ) ,
// broken, these are populated from helm flags and not kubeconfig.
"HELM_KUBECONTEXT" : s . KubeContext ,
"HELM_KUBETOKEN" : s . KubeToken ,
"HELM_KUBEASUSER" : s . KubeAsUser ,
"HELM_KUBEASGROUPS" : strings . Join ( s . KubeAsGroups , "," ) ,
"HELM_KUBECAFILE" : s . KubeCaFile ,
"HELM_KUBECONTEXT" : s . KubeContext ,
"HELM_KUBETOKEN" : s . KubeToken ,
"HELM_KUBEASUSER" : s . KubeAsUser ,
"HELM_KUBEASGROUPS" : strings . Join ( s . KubeAsGroups , "," ) ,
"HELM_KUBECAFILE" : s . KubeCaFile ,
"HELM_KUBEINSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY" : strconv . FormatBool ( s . KubeInsecureSkipTLSVerify ) ,
if s . KubeConfig != "" {
envvars [ "KUBECONFIG" ] = s . KubeConfig