@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ func FindChartInAuthRepoURL(repoURL, username, password, chartName, chartVersion
// but it also receives credentials and TLS verify flag for the chart repository.
// TODO Helm 4, FindChartInAuthAndTLSRepoURL should be integrated into FindChartInAuthRepoURL.
func FindChartInAuthAndTLSRepoURL(repoURL, username, password, chartName, chartVersion, certFile, keyFile, caFile string, insecureSkipTLSverify bool, getters getter.Providers) (string, error) {
return FindChartInAuthAndTLSAndPassRepoURL(repoURL, username, password, chartName, chartVersion, certFile, keyFile, caFile, false, false, getters)
return FindChartInAuthAndTLSAndPassRepoURL(repoURL, username, password, chartName, chartVersion, certFile, keyFile, caFile, insecureSkipTLSverify, false, getters)
// FindChartInAuthAndTLSAndPassRepoURL finds chart in chart repository pointed by repoURL