@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ func newReleaseTestCmd(cfg *action.Configuration, out io.Writer) *cobra.Command
f.DurationVar(&client.Timeout,"timeout",300*time.Second,"time to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks)")
f.BoolVar(&outputLogs,"logs",false,"dump the logs from test pods (this runs after all tests are complete, but before any cleanup)")
f.StringSliceVar(&filter,"filter",[]string{},"specify tests by attribute (currently \"name\") using attribute=value syntax or '!attribute=value' to exclude a test (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: name=test1,name=test2)")
f.BoolVar(&client.HideNotes,"hide-notes",false,"if set, do not show notes in test output. Does not affect presence in chart metadata")
f.IntVar(&client.MaxHistory,"history-max",settings.MaxHistory,"limit the maximum number of revisions saved per release. Use 0 for no limit")
f.BoolVar(&client.CleanupOnFail,"cleanup-on-fail",false,"allow deletion of new resources created in this upgrade when upgrade fails")
f.BoolVar(&client.SubNotes,"render-subchart-notes",false,"if set, render subchart notes along with the parent")
f.BoolVar(&client.HideNotes,"hide-notes",false,"if set, do not show notes in upgrade output. Does not affect presence in chart metadata")
f.StringToStringVarP(&client.Labels,"labels","l",nil,"Labels that would be added to release metadata. Should be separated by comma. Original release labels will be merged with upgrade labels. You can unset label using null.")
f.StringVar(&client.Description,"description","","add a custom description")
f.BoolVar(&client.DependencyUpdate,"dependency-update",false,"update dependencies if they are missing before installing the chart")