- [CI/CD with Jenkins, Kubernetes, and Helm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVoln4HdZOY): AKA "The Infamous Croc Hunter Video".
- [Helm with Michelle Noorali and Matthew Butcher](https://gcppodcast.com/post/episode-50-helm-with-michelle-noorali-and-matthew-butcher/): The official Google CloudPlatform Podcast interviews Michelle and Matt about Helm.
- [App Registry](https://github.com/app-registry/helm-plugin) - Plugin to manage charts via the [App Registry specification](https://github.com/app-registry/spec)
- [helm-monitor](https://github.com/ContainerSolutions/helm-monitor) - Plugin to monitor a release and rollback based on Prometheus/ElasticSearch query
- [helm-nuke](https://github.com/adamreese/helm-nuke) - Plugin to destroy all releases
- [Armada](https://github.com/att-comdev/armada) - Manage prefixed releases throughout various Kubernetes namespaces, and removes completed jobs for complex deployments. Used by the [Openstack-Helm](https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm) team.
- [ChartMuseum](https://github.com/chartmuseum/chartmuseum) - Helm Chart Repository with support for Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage
- [Chartify](https://github.com/appscode/chartify) - Generate Helm charts from existing Kubernetes resources.
- [Codefresh](https://codefresh.io) - Kubernetes native CI/CD and management platform with UI dashboards for managing Helm charts and releases
- [Helmsman](https://github.com/Praqma/helmsman) - Helmsman is a helm-charts-as-code tool which enables installing/upgrading/protecting/moving/deleting releases from version controlled desired state files (described in a simple TOML format).
- [Landscaper](https://github.com/Eneco/landscaper/) - "Landscaper takes a set of Helm Chart references with values (a desired state), and realizes this in a Kubernetes cluster."
- [Monocular](https://github.com/helm/monocular) - Web UI for Helm Chart repositories
- [Quay App Registry](https://coreos.com/blog/quay-application-registry-for-kubernetes.html) - Open Kubernetes application registry, including a Helm access client
- [Reckoner](https://github.com/reactiveops/reckoner) - Reckoner (formerly Autohelm) is a tool for declarative management of helm releases. Written in python and supports git urls as a source for helm charts.
- [Jenkins X](http://jenkins-x.io/) - open source automated CI/CD for Kubernetes which uses Helm for [promoting](http://jenkins-x.io/about/features/#promotion) applications through [environments via GitOps](http://jenkins-x.io/about/features/#environments)
Grab bag of useful things for Chart authors and Helm users
- [Await](https://github.com/saltside/await) - Docker image to "await" different conditions--especially useful for init containers. [More Info](http://blog.slashdeploy.com/2017/02/16/introducing-await/)