/ *
Copyright The Helm Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package registry
import (
_ "github.com/distribution/distribution/v3/registry/auth/htpasswd"
_ "github.com/distribution/distribution/v3/registry/storage/driver/inmemory"
const (
tlsServerKey = "./testdata/tls/server-key.pem"
tlsServerCert = "./testdata/tls/server-cert.pem"
tlsCA = "./testdata/tls/ca-cert.pem"
tlsKey = "./testdata/tls/client-key.pem"
tlsCert = "./testdata/tls/client-cert.pem"
var (
testWorkspaceDir = "helm-registry-test"
testHtpasswdFileBasename = "authtest.htpasswd"
testUsername = "myuser"
testPassword = "mypass"
type TestSuite struct {
suite . Suite
Out io . Writer
DockerRegistryHost string
CompromisedRegistryHost string
WorkspaceDir string
RegistryClient * Client
// A mock DNS server needed for TLS connection testing.
srv * mockdns . Server
func setup ( suite * TestSuite , tlsEnabled bool , insecure bool ) * registry . Registry {
suite . WorkspaceDir = testWorkspaceDir
os . RemoveAll ( suite . WorkspaceDir )
os . Mkdir ( suite . WorkspaceDir , 0700 )
var (
out bytes . Buffer
err error
suite . Out = & out
credentialsFile := filepath . Join ( suite . WorkspaceDir , CredentialsFileBasename )
// init test client
if tlsEnabled {
var tlsConf * tls . Config
tlsConf , err = tlsutil . NewClientTLS ( tlsCert , tlsKey , tlsCA , insecure )
httpClient := & http . Client {
Transport : & http . Transport {
TLSClientConfig : tlsConf ,
} ,
suite . Nil ( err , "no error loading tlsconfog" )
suite . RegistryClient , err = NewClient (
ClientOptDebug ( true ) ,
ClientOptEnableCache ( true ) ,
ClientOptWriter ( suite . Out ) ,
ClientOptCredentialsFile ( credentialsFile ) ,
ClientOptHTTPClient ( httpClient ) ,
} else {
suite . RegistryClient , err = NewClient (
ClientOptDebug ( true ) ,
ClientOptEnableCache ( true ) ,
ClientOptWriter ( suite . Out ) ,
ClientOptCredentialsFile ( credentialsFile ) ,
suite . Nil ( err , "no error creating registry client" )
// create htpasswd file (w BCrypt, which is required)
pwBytes , err := bcrypt . GenerateFromPassword ( [ ] byte ( testPassword ) , bcrypt . DefaultCost )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error generating bcrypt password for test htpasswd file" )
htpasswdPath := filepath . Join ( suite . WorkspaceDir , testHtpasswdFileBasename )
err = os . WriteFile ( htpasswdPath , [ ] byte ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%s:%s\n" , testUsername , string ( pwBytes ) ) ) , 0644 )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error creating test htpasswd file" )
// Registry config
config := & configuration . Configuration { }
port , err := freeport . GetFreePort ( )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error finding free port for test registry" )
if tlsEnabled {
// docker has "MatchLocalhost is a host match function which returns true for
// localhost, and is used to enforce http for localhost requests."
// That function does not handle matching of ip addresses in octal,
// decimal or hex form.
suite . DockerRegistryHost = fmt . Sprintf ( "0x7f000001:%d" , port )
// As of Go 1.20, Go may lookup "0x7f000001" as a DNS entry and fail.
// Using a mock DNS server to handle the address.
suite . srv , _ = mockdns . NewServer ( map [ string ] mockdns . Zone {
"0x7f000001." : {
A : [ ] string { "" } ,
} ,
} , false )
suite . srv . PatchNet ( net . DefaultResolver )
} else {
suite . DockerRegistryHost = fmt . Sprintf ( "localhost:%d" , port )
config . HTTP . Addr = fmt . Sprintf ( ":%d" , port )
// config.HTTP.Addr = fmt.Sprintf("", port)
config . HTTP . DrainTimeout = time . Duration ( 10 ) * time . Second
config . Storage = map [ string ] configuration . Parameters { "inmemory" : map [ string ] interface { } { } }
config . Auth = configuration . Auth {
"htpasswd" : configuration . Parameters {
"realm" : "localhost" ,
"path" : htpasswdPath ,
} ,
// config tls
if tlsEnabled {
// TLS config
// this set tlsConf.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert in the
// server tls config
config . HTTP . TLS . Certificate = tlsServerCert
config . HTTP . TLS . Key = tlsServerKey
config . HTTP . TLS . ClientCAs = [ ] string { tlsCA }
dockerRegistry , err := registry . NewRegistry ( context . Background ( ) , config )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error creating test registry" )
suite . CompromisedRegistryHost = initCompromisedRegistryTestServer ( )
return dockerRegistry
func teardown ( suite * TestSuite ) {
if suite . srv != nil {
mockdns . UnpatchNet ( net . DefaultResolver )
suite . srv . Close ( )
func initCompromisedRegistryTestServer ( ) string {
s := httptest . NewServer ( http . HandlerFunc ( func ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
if strings . Contains ( r . URL . Path , "manifests" ) {
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json" )
w . WriteHeader ( 200 )
// layers[0] is the blob []byte("a")
w . Write ( [ ] byte (
fmt . Sprintf ( ` { "schemaVersion" : 2 , "config" : {
"mediaType" : "%s" ,
"digest" : "sha256:a705ee2789ab50a5ba20930f246dbd5cc01ff9712825bb98f57ee8414377f133" ,
"size" : 181
} ,
"layers" : [
"mediaType" : "%s" ,
"digest" : "sha256:ca978112ca1bbdcafac231b39a23dc4da786eff8147c4e72b9807785afee48bb" ,
"size" : 1
} ` , ConfigMediaType , ChartLayerMediaType ) ) )
} else if r . URL . Path == "/v2/testrepo/supposedlysafechart/blobs/sha256:a705ee2789ab50a5ba20930f246dbd5cc01ff9712825bb98f57ee8414377f133" {
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , "application/json" )
w . WriteHeader ( 200 )
w . Write ( [ ] byte ( "{\"name\":\"mychart\",\"version\":\"0.1.0\",\"description\":\"A Helm chart for Kubernetes\\n" +
"an 'application' or a 'library' chart.\",\"apiVersion\":\"v2\",\"appVersion\":\"1.16.0\",\"type\":" +
"\"application\"}" ) )
} else if r . URL . Path == "/v2/testrepo/supposedlysafechart/blobs/sha256:ca978112ca1bbdcafac231b39a23dc4da786eff8147c4e72b9807785afee48bb" {
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , ChartLayerMediaType )
w . WriteHeader ( 200 )
w . Write ( [ ] byte ( "b" ) )
} else {
w . WriteHeader ( 500 )
} ) )
u , _ := url . Parse ( s . URL )
return fmt . Sprintf ( "localhost:%s" , u . Port ( ) )
func testPush ( suite * TestSuite ) {
// Bad bytes
ref := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/testrepo/testchart:1.2.3" , suite . DockerRegistryHost )
_ , err := suite . RegistryClient . Push ( [ ] byte ( "hello" ) , ref )
suite . NotNil ( err , "error pushing non-chart bytes" )
// Load a test chart
chartData , err := os . ReadFile ( "../repo/repotest/testdata/examplechart-0.1.0.tgz" )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error loading test chart" )
meta , err := extractChartMeta ( chartData )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error extracting chart meta" )
// non-strict ref (chart name)
ref = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/testrepo/boop:%s" , suite . DockerRegistryHost , meta . Version )
_ , err = suite . RegistryClient . Push ( chartData , ref )
suite . NotNil ( err , "error pushing non-strict ref (bad basename)" )
// non-strict ref (chart name), with strict mode disabled
_ , err = suite . RegistryClient . Push ( chartData , ref , PushOptStrictMode ( false ) )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error pushing non-strict ref (bad basename), with strict mode disabled" )
// non-strict ref (chart version)
ref = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/testrepo/%s:latest" , suite . DockerRegistryHost , meta . Name )
_ , err = suite . RegistryClient . Push ( chartData , ref )
suite . NotNil ( err , "error pushing non-strict ref (bad tag)" )
// non-strict ref (chart version), with strict mode disabled
_ , err = suite . RegistryClient . Push ( chartData , ref , PushOptStrictMode ( false ) )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error pushing non-strict ref (bad tag), with strict mode disabled" )
// basic push, good ref
chartData , err = os . ReadFile ( "../downloader/testdata/local-subchart-0.1.0.tgz" )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error loading test chart" )
meta , err = extractChartMeta ( chartData )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error extracting chart meta" )
ref = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/testrepo/%s:%s" , suite . DockerRegistryHost , meta . Name , meta . Version )
_ , err = suite . RegistryClient . Push ( chartData , ref )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error pushing good ref" )
_ , err = suite . RegistryClient . Pull ( ref )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error pulling a simple chart" )
// Load another test chart
chartData , err = os . ReadFile ( "../downloader/testdata/signtest-0.1.0.tgz" )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error loading test chart" )
meta , err = extractChartMeta ( chartData )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error extracting chart meta" )
// Load prov file
provData , err := os . ReadFile ( "../downloader/testdata/signtest-0.1.0.tgz.prov" )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error loading test prov" )
// push with prov
ref = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/testrepo/%s:%s" , suite . DockerRegistryHost , meta . Name , meta . Version )
result , err := suite . RegistryClient . Push ( chartData , ref , PushOptProvData ( provData ) )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error pushing good ref with prov" )
_ , err = suite . RegistryClient . Pull ( ref )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error pulling a simple chart" )
// Validate the output
// Note: these digests/sizes etc may change if the test chart/prov files are modified,
// or if the format of the OCI manifest changes
suite . Equal ( ref , result . Ref )
suite . Equal ( meta . Name , result . Chart . Meta . Name )
suite . Equal ( meta . Version , result . Chart . Meta . Version )
suite . Equal ( int64 ( 684 ) , result . Manifest . Size )
suite . Equal ( int64 ( 99 ) , result . Config . Size )
suite . Equal ( int64 ( 973 ) , result . Chart . Size )
suite . Equal ( int64 ( 695 ) , result . Prov . Size )
suite . Equal (
"sha256:b57e8ffd938c43253f30afedb3c209136288e6b3af3b33473e95ea3b805888e6" ,
result . Manifest . Digest )
suite . Equal (
"sha256:8d17cb6bf6ccd8c29aace9a658495cbd5e2e87fc267876e86117c7db681c9580" ,
result . Config . Digest )
suite . Equal (
"sha256:e5ef611620fb97704d8751c16bab17fedb68883bfb0edc76f78a70e9173f9b55" ,
result . Chart . Digest )
suite . Equal (
"sha256:b0a02b7412f78ae93324d48df8fcc316d8482e5ad7827b5b238657a29a22f256" ,
result . Prov . Digest )
func testPull ( suite * TestSuite ) {
// bad/missing ref
ref := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/testrepo/no-existy:1.2.3" , suite . DockerRegistryHost )
_ , err := suite . RegistryClient . Pull ( ref )
suite . NotNil ( err , "error on bad/missing ref" )
// Load test chart (to build ref pushed in previous test)
chartData , err := os . ReadFile ( "../downloader/testdata/local-subchart-0.1.0.tgz" )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error loading test chart" )
meta , err := extractChartMeta ( chartData )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error extracting chart meta" )
ref = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/testrepo/%s:%s" , suite . DockerRegistryHost , meta . Name , meta . Version )
// Simple pull, chart only
_ , err = suite . RegistryClient . Pull ( ref )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error pulling a simple chart" )
// Simple pull with prov (no prov uploaded)
_ , err = suite . RegistryClient . Pull ( ref , PullOptWithProv ( true ) )
suite . NotNil ( err , "error pulling a chart with prov when no prov exists" )
// Simple pull with prov, ignoring missing prov
_ , err = suite . RegistryClient . Pull ( ref ,
PullOptWithProv ( true ) ,
PullOptIgnoreMissingProv ( true ) )
suite . Nil ( err ,
"no error pulling a chart with prov when no prov exists, ignoring missing" )
// Load test chart (to build ref pushed in previous test)
chartData , err = os . ReadFile ( "../downloader/testdata/signtest-0.1.0.tgz" )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error loading test chart" )
meta , err = extractChartMeta ( chartData )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error extracting chart meta" )
ref = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/testrepo/%s:%s" , suite . DockerRegistryHost , meta . Name , meta . Version )
// Load prov file
provData , err := os . ReadFile ( "../downloader/testdata/signtest-0.1.0.tgz.prov" )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error loading test prov" )
// no chart and no prov causes error
_ , err = suite . RegistryClient . Pull ( ref ,
PullOptWithChart ( false ) ,
PullOptWithProv ( false ) )
suite . NotNil ( err , "error on both no chart and no prov" )
// full pull with chart and prov
result , err := suite . RegistryClient . Pull ( ref , PullOptWithProv ( true ) )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error pulling a chart with prov" )
// Validate the output
// Note: these digests/sizes etc may change if the test chart/prov files are modified,
// or if the format of the OCI manifest changes
suite . Equal ( ref , result . Ref )
suite . Equal ( meta . Name , result . Chart . Meta . Name )
suite . Equal ( meta . Version , result . Chart . Meta . Version )
suite . Equal ( int64 ( 684 ) , result . Manifest . Size )
suite . Equal ( int64 ( 99 ) , result . Config . Size )
suite . Equal ( int64 ( 973 ) , result . Chart . Size )
suite . Equal ( int64 ( 695 ) , result . Prov . Size )
suite . Equal (
"sha256:b57e8ffd938c43253f30afedb3c209136288e6b3af3b33473e95ea3b805888e6" ,
result . Manifest . Digest )
suite . Equal (
"sha256:8d17cb6bf6ccd8c29aace9a658495cbd5e2e87fc267876e86117c7db681c9580" ,
result . Config . Digest )
suite . Equal (
"sha256:e5ef611620fb97704d8751c16bab17fedb68883bfb0edc76f78a70e9173f9b55" ,
result . Chart . Digest )
suite . Equal (
"sha256:b0a02b7412f78ae93324d48df8fcc316d8482e5ad7827b5b238657a29a22f256" ,
result . Prov . Digest )
suite . Equal ( "{\"schemaVersion\":2,\"config\":{\"mediaType\":\"application/vnd.cncf.helm.config.v1+json\",\"digest\":\"sha256:8d17cb6bf6ccd8c29aace9a658495cbd5e2e87fc267876e86117c7db681c9580\",\"size\":99},\"layers\":[{\"mediaType\":\"application/vnd.cncf.helm.chart.provenance.v1.prov\",\"digest\":\"sha256:b0a02b7412f78ae93324d48df8fcc316d8482e5ad7827b5b238657a29a22f256\",\"size\":695},{\"mediaType\":\"application/vnd.cncf.helm.chart.content.v1.tar+gzip\",\"digest\":\"sha256:e5ef611620fb97704d8751c16bab17fedb68883bfb0edc76f78a70e9173f9b55\",\"size\":973}],\"annotations\":{\"org.opencontainers.image.description\":\"A Helm chart for Kubernetes\",\"org.opencontainers.image.title\":\"signtest\",\"org.opencontainers.image.version\":\"0.1.0\"}}" ,
string ( result . Manifest . Data ) )
suite . Equal ( "{\"name\":\"signtest\",\"version\":\"0.1.0\",\"description\":\"A Helm chart for Kubernetes\",\"apiVersion\":\"v1\"}" ,
string ( result . Config . Data ) )
suite . Equal ( chartData , result . Chart . Data )
suite . Equal ( provData , result . Prov . Data )
func testTags ( suite * TestSuite ) {
// Load test chart (to build ref pushed in previous test)
chartData , err := os . ReadFile ( "../downloader/testdata/local-subchart-0.1.0.tgz" )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error loading test chart" )
meta , err := extractChartMeta ( chartData )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error extracting chart meta" )
ref := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/testrepo/%s" , suite . DockerRegistryHost , meta . Name )
// Query for tags and validate length
tags , err := suite . RegistryClient . Tags ( ref )
suite . Nil ( err , "no error retrieving tags" )
suite . Equal ( 1 , len ( tags ) )