/ *
Copyright The Helm Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package tiller
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
relutil "k8s.io/helm/pkg/releaseutil"
// releaseNameMaxLen is the maximum length of a release name.
// As of Kubernetes 1.4, the max limit on a name is 63 chars. We reserve 10 for
// charts to add data. Effectively, that gives us 53 chars.
// See https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/1528
const releaseNameMaxLen = 53
// NOTESFILE_SUFFIX that we want to treat special. It goes through the templating engine
// but it's not a yaml file (resource) hence can't have hooks, etc. And the user actually
// wants to see this file after rendering in the status command. However, it must be a suffix
// since there can be filepath in front of it.
const notesFileSuffix = "NOTES.txt"
var (
// errMissingChart indicates that a chart was not provided.
errMissingChart = errors . New ( "no chart provided" )
// errMissingRelease indicates that a release (name) was not provided.
errMissingRelease = errors . New ( "no release provided" )
// errInvalidRevision indicates that an invalid release revision number was provided.
errInvalidRevision = errors . New ( "invalid release revision" )
//errInvalidName indicates that an invalid release name was provided
errInvalidName = errors . New ( "invalid release name, must match regex ^(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])+$ and the length must not longer than 53" )
// ValidName is a regular expression for names.
// According to the Kubernetes help text, the regular expression it uses is:
// (([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])?
// We modified that. First, we added start and end delimiters. Second, we changed
// the final ? to + to require that the pattern match at least once. This modification
// prevents an empty string from matching.
var ValidName = regexp . MustCompile ( "^(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])+$" )
// ReleaseServer implements the server-side gRPC endpoint for the HAPI services.
type ReleaseServer struct {
engine Engine
discovery discovery . DiscoveryInterface
// Releases stores records of releases.
Releases * storage . Storage
// KubeClient is a Kubernetes API client.
KubeClient environment . KubeClient
Log func ( string , ... interface { } )
// NewReleaseServer creates a new release server.
func NewReleaseServer ( discovery discovery . DiscoveryInterface , kubeClient environment . KubeClient ) * ReleaseServer {
return & ReleaseServer {
engine : engine . New ( ) ,
discovery : discovery ,
Releases : storage . Init ( driver . NewMemory ( ) ) ,
KubeClient : kubeClient ,
Log : func ( _ string , _ ... interface { } ) { } ,
// reuseValues copies values from the current release to a new release if the
// new release does not have any values.
// If the request already has values, or if there are no values in the current
// release, this does nothing.
// This is skipped if the req.ResetValues flag is set, in which case the
// request values are not altered.
func ( s * ReleaseServer ) reuseValues ( req * hapi . UpdateReleaseRequest , current * release . Release ) error {
if req . ResetValues {
// If ResetValues is set, we comletely ignore current.Config.
s . Log ( "resetting values to the chart's original version" )
return nil
// If the ReuseValues flag is set, we always copy the old values over the new config's values.
if req . ReuseValues {
s . Log ( "reusing the old release's values" )
// We have to regenerate the old coalesced values:
oldVals , err := chartutil . CoalesceValues ( current . Chart , current . Config )
if err != nil {
return errors . Wrap ( err , "failed to rebuild old values" )
req . Values = chartutil . CoalesceTables ( current . Config , req . Values )
req . Chart . Values = oldVals
return nil
if len ( req . Values ) == 0 && len ( current . Config ) > 0 {
s . Log ( "copying values from %s (v%d) to new release." , current . Name , current . Version )
req . Values = current . Config
return nil
func ( s * ReleaseServer ) uniqName ( start string , reuse bool ) ( string , error ) {
if start == "" {
return "" , errors . New ( "name is required" )
if len ( start ) > releaseNameMaxLen {
return "" , errors . Errorf ( "release name %q exceeds max length of %d" , start , releaseNameMaxLen )
h , err := s . Releases . History ( start )
if err != nil || len ( h ) < 1 {
return start , nil
relutil . Reverse ( h , relutil . SortByRevision )
rel := h [ 0 ]
if st := rel . Info . Status ; reuse && ( st == release . StatusUninstalled || st == release . StatusFailed ) {
// Allowe re-use of names if the previous release is marked deleted.
s . Log ( "name %s exists but is not in use, reusing name" , start )
return start , nil
} else if reuse {
return "" , errors . New ( "cannot re-use a name that is still in use" )
return "" , errors . Errorf ( "a release named %s already exists.\nRun: helm ls --all %s; to check the status of the release\nOr run: helm del --purge %s; to delete it" , start , start , start )
// capabilities builds a Capabilities from discovery information.
func capabilities ( disc discovery . DiscoveryInterface ) ( * chartutil . Capabilities , error ) {
sv , err := disc . ServerVersion ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
vs , err := GetVersionSet ( disc )
if err != nil {
return nil , errors . Wrap ( err , "could not get apiVersions from Kubernetes" )
return & chartutil . Capabilities {
APIVersions : vs ,
KubeVersion : sv ,
HelmVersion : version . GetBuildInfo ( ) ,
} , nil
// GetVersionSet retrieves a set of available k8s API versions
func GetVersionSet ( client discovery . ServerGroupsInterface ) ( chartutil . VersionSet , error ) {
groups , err := client . ServerGroups ( )
if err != nil {
return chartutil . DefaultVersionSet , err
// FIXME: The Kubernetes test fixture for cli appears to always return nil
// for calls to Discovery().ServerGroups(). So in this case, we return
// the default API list. This is also a safe value to return in any other
// odd-ball case.
if groups . Size ( ) == 0 {
return chartutil . DefaultVersionSet , nil
versions := metav1 . ExtractGroupVersions ( groups )
return chartutil . NewVersionSet ( versions ... ) , nil
func ( s * ReleaseServer ) renderResources ( ch * chart . Chart , values chartutil . Values , vs chartutil . VersionSet ) ( [ ] * release . Hook , * bytes . Buffer , string , error ) {
// Guard to make sure Helm is at the right version to handle this chart.
sver := version . GetVersion ( )
if ch . Metadata . HelmVersion != "" &&
! version . IsCompatibleRange ( ch . Metadata . HelmVersion , sver ) {
return nil , nil , "" , errors . Errorf ( "chart incompatible with Helm %s" , sver )
if ch . Metadata . KubeVersion != "" {
cap , _ := values [ "Capabilities" ] . ( * chartutil . Capabilities )
gitVersion := cap . KubeVersion . String ( )
k8sVersion := strings . Split ( gitVersion , "+" ) [ 0 ]
if ! version . IsCompatibleRange ( ch . Metadata . KubeVersion , k8sVersion ) {
return nil , nil , "" , errors . Errorf ( "chart requires kubernetesVersion: %s which is incompatible with Kubernetes %s" , ch . Metadata . KubeVersion , k8sVersion )
s . Log ( "rendering %s chart using values" , ch . Name ( ) )
files , err := s . engine . Render ( ch , values )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , "" , err
// NOTES.txt gets rendered like all the other files, but because it's not a hook nor a resource,
// pull it out of here into a separate file so that we can actually use the output of the rendered
// text file. We have to spin through this map because the file contains path information, so we
// look for terminating NOTES.txt. We also remove it from the files so that we don't have to skip
// it in the sortHooks.
notes := ""
for k , v := range files {
if strings . HasSuffix ( k , notesFileSuffix ) {
// Only apply the notes if it belongs to the parent chart
// Note: Do not use filePath.Join since it creates a path with \ which is not expected
if k == path . Join ( ch . Name ( ) , "templates" , notesFileSuffix ) {
notes = v
delete ( files , k )
// Sort hooks, manifests, and partials. Only hooks and manifests are returned,
// as partials are not used after renderer.Render. Empty manifests are also
// removed here.
hooks , manifests , err := SortManifests ( files , vs , InstallOrder )
if err != nil {
// By catching parse errors here, we can prevent bogus releases from going
// to Kubernetes.
// We return the files as a big blob of data to help the user debug parser
// errors.
b := bytes . NewBuffer ( nil )
for name , content := range files {
if len ( strings . TrimSpace ( content ) ) == 0 {
b . WriteString ( "\n---\n# Source: " + name + "\n" )
b . WriteString ( content )
return nil , b , "" , err
// Aggregate all valid manifests into one big doc.
b := bytes . NewBuffer ( nil )
for _ , m := range manifests {
b . WriteString ( "\n---\n# Source: " + m . Name + "\n" )
b . WriteString ( m . Content )
return hooks , b , notes , nil
// recordRelease with an update operation in case reuse has been set.
func ( s * ReleaseServer ) recordRelease ( r * release . Release , reuse bool ) {
if reuse {
if err := s . Releases . Update ( r ) ; err != nil {
s . Log ( "warning: Failed to update release %s: %s" , r . Name , err )
} else if err := s . Releases . Create ( r ) ; err != nil {
s . Log ( "warning: Failed to record release %s: %s" , r . Name , err )
func ( s * ReleaseServer ) execHook ( hs [ ] * release . Hook , name , namespace , hook string , timeout int64 ) error {
code , ok := events [ hook ]
if ! ok {
return errors . Errorf ( "unknown hook %s" , hook )
s . Log ( "executing %d %s hooks for %s" , len ( hs ) , hook , name )
executingHooks := [ ] * release . Hook { }
for _ , h := range hs {
for _ , e := range h . Events {
if e == code {
executingHooks = append ( executingHooks , h )
sort . Sort ( hookByWeight ( executingHooks ) )
for _ , h := range executingHooks {
if err := s . deleteHookIfShouldBeDeletedByDeletePolicy ( h , hooks . BeforeHookCreation , name , namespace , hook , s . KubeClient ) ; err != nil {
return err
b := bytes . NewBufferString ( h . Manifest )
if err := s . KubeClient . Create ( namespace , b , timeout , false ) ; err != nil {
return errors . Wrapf ( err , "warning: Release %s %s %s failed" , name , hook , h . Path )
// No way to rewind a bytes.Buffer()?
b . Reset ( )
b . WriteString ( h . Manifest )
if err := s . KubeClient . WatchUntilReady ( namespace , b , timeout , false ) ; err != nil {
s . Log ( "warning: Release %s %s %s could not complete: %s" , name , hook , h . Path , err )
// If a hook is failed, checkout the annotation of the hook to determine whether the hook should be deleted
// under failed condition. If so, then clear the corresponding resource object in the hook
if err := s . deleteHookIfShouldBeDeletedByDeletePolicy ( h , hooks . HookFailed , name , namespace , hook , s . KubeClient ) ; err != nil {
return err
return err
s . Log ( "hooks complete for %s %s" , hook , name )
// If all hooks are succeeded, checkout the annotation of each hook to determine whether the hook should be deleted
// under succeeded condition. If so, then clear the corresponding resource object in each hook
for _ , h := range executingHooks {
if err := s . deleteHookIfShouldBeDeletedByDeletePolicy ( h , hooks . HookSucceeded , name , namespace , hook , s . KubeClient ) ; err != nil {
return err
h . LastRun = time . Now ( )
return nil
func validateManifest ( c environment . KubeClient , ns string , manifest [ ] byte ) error {
r := bytes . NewReader ( manifest )
_ , err := c . BuildUnstructured ( ns , r )
return err
func validateReleaseName ( releaseName string ) error {
if releaseName == "" {
return errMissingRelease
if ! ValidName . MatchString ( releaseName ) || ( len ( releaseName ) > releaseNameMaxLen ) {
return errInvalidName
return nil
func ( s * ReleaseServer ) deleteHookIfShouldBeDeletedByDeletePolicy ( h * release . Hook , policy , name , namespace , hook string , kubeCli environment . KubeClient ) error {
b := bytes . NewBufferString ( h . Manifest )
if hookHasDeletePolicy ( h , policy ) {
s . Log ( "deleting %s hook %s for release %s due to %q policy" , hook , h . Name , name , policy )
if errHookDelete := kubeCli . Delete ( namespace , b ) ; errHookDelete != nil {
s . Log ( "warning: Release %s %s %S could not be deleted: %s" , name , hook , h . Path , errHookDelete )
return errHookDelete
return nil
// hookShouldBeDeleted determines whether the defined hook deletion policy matches the hook deletion polices
// supported by helm. If so, mark the hook as one should be deleted.
func hookHasDeletePolicy ( h * release . Hook , policy string ) bool {
if dp , ok := deletePolices [ policy ] ; ok {
for _ , v := range h . DeletePolicies {
if dp == v {
return true
return false