- [Quay App Registry](https://coreos.com/blog/quay-application-registry-for-kubernetes.html) - Open Kubernetes application registry, including a Helm access client
- [Chartify](https://github.com/appscode/chartify) - Generate Helm charts from existing Kubernetes resources.
- [VIM-Kubernetes](https://github.com/andrewstuart/vim-kubernetes) - VIM plugin for Kubernetes and Helm
- [Landscaper](https://github.com/Eneco/landscaper/) - "Landscaper takes a set of Helm Chart references with values (a desired state), and realizes this in a Kubernetes cluster."
- [Rudder](https://github.com/AcalephStorage/rudder) - RESTful (JSON) proxy for Tiller's API
- [Helmfile](https://github.com/roboll/helmfile) - Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts
- [Schelm](https://github.com/databus23/schelm) - Render a Helm manifest to a directory
Grab bag of useful things for Chart authors and Helm users
- [Await](https://github.com/saltside/await) - Docker image to "await" different conditions--especially useful for init containers. [More Info](http://blog.slashdeploy.com/2017/02/16/introducing-await/)