You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

416 lines
13 KiB

using DownKyi.Core.BiliApi.Users;
using DownKyi.Core.BiliApi.Users.Models;
using DownKyi.Core.Settings;
using DownKyi.Core.Settings.Models;
using DownKyi.Core.Storage;
using DownKyi.CustomControl;
using DownKyi.Utils;
using DownKyi.ViewModels.PageViewModels;
using Prism.Commands;
using Prism.Events;
using Prism.Regions;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace DownKyi.ViewModels.Friends
public class ViewFollowingViewModel : BaseViewModel
public const string Tag = "PageFriendsFollowing";
// mid
private long mid = -1;
// 每页数量,暂时在此写死,以后在设置中增加选项
private readonly int NumberInPage = 20;
#region 页面属性申明
private string pageName = ViewFriendsViewModel.Tag;
public string PageName
get => pageName;
set => SetProperty(ref pageName, value);
private Visibility contentVisibility;
public Visibility ContentVisibility
get => contentVisibility;
set => SetProperty(ref contentVisibility, value);
private Visibility innerContentVisibility;
public Visibility InnerContentVisibility
get => innerContentVisibility;
set => SetProperty(ref innerContentVisibility, value);
private GifImage loading;
public GifImage Loading
get => loading;
set => SetProperty(ref loading, value);
private Visibility loadingVisibility;
public Visibility LoadingVisibility
get => loadingVisibility;
set => SetProperty(ref loadingVisibility, value);
private Visibility noDataVisibility;
public Visibility NoDataVisibility
get => noDataVisibility;
set => SetProperty(ref noDataVisibility, value);
private GifImage contentLoading;
public GifImage ContentLoading
get => contentLoading;
set => SetProperty(ref contentLoading, value);
private Visibility contentLoadingVisibility;
public Visibility ContentLoadingVisibility
get => contentLoadingVisibility;
set => SetProperty(ref contentLoadingVisibility, value);
private Visibility contentNoDataVisibility;
public Visibility ContentNoDataVisibility
get => contentNoDataVisibility;
set => SetProperty(ref contentNoDataVisibility, value);
private ObservableCollection<TabHeader> tabHeaders;
public ObservableCollection<TabHeader> TabHeaders
get => tabHeaders;
set => SetProperty(ref tabHeaders, value);
private int selectTabId;
public int SelectTabId
get => selectTabId;
set => SetProperty(ref selectTabId, value);
private bool isEnabled = true;
public bool IsEnabled
get => isEnabled;
set => SetProperty(ref isEnabled, value);
private CustomPagerViewModel pager;
public CustomPagerViewModel Pager
get => pager;
set => SetProperty(ref pager, value);
private ObservableCollection<FriendInfo> contents;
public ObservableCollection<FriendInfo> Contents
get => contents;
set => SetProperty(ref contents, value);
public ViewFollowingViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator) : base(eventAggregator)
#region 属性初始化
// 初始化loading gif
Loading = new GifImage(Properties.Resources.loading);
LoadingVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
NoDataVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
ContentLoading = new GifImage(Properties.Resources.loading);
ContentLoadingVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
ContentNoDataVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
TabHeaders = new ObservableCollection<TabHeader>();
Contents = new ObservableCollection<FriendInfo>();
#region 命令申明
// 左侧tab点击事件
private DelegateCommand<object> leftTabHeadersCommand;
public DelegateCommand<object> LeftTabHeadersCommand => leftTabHeadersCommand ?? (leftTabHeadersCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(ExecuteLeftTabHeadersCommand, CanExecuteLeftTabHeadersCommand));
/// <summary>
/// 左侧tab点击事件
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameter"></param>
private void ExecuteLeftTabHeadersCommand(object parameter)
if (!(parameter is TabHeader tabHeader)) { return; }
// 页面选择
Pager = new CustomPagerViewModel(1, (int)Math.Ceiling(double.Parse(tabHeader.SubTitle) / NumberInPage));
Pager.CurrentChanged += OnCurrentChanged_Pager;
Pager.CountChanged += OnCountChanged_Pager;
Pager.Current = 1;
/// <summary>
/// 左侧tab点击事件是否允许执行
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameter"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool CanExecuteLeftTabHeadersCommand(object parameter)
return IsEnabled;
/// <summary>
/// 初始化页面数据
/// </summary>
private void InitView()
ContentVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
InnerContentVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
LoadingVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
NoDataVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
ContentLoadingVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
ContentNoDataVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
SelectTabId = -1;
/// <summary>
/// 初始化左侧列表
/// </summary>
private async void InitLeftTable()
UserInfoSettings userInfo = SettingsManager.GetInstance().GetUserInfo();
if (userInfo != null && userInfo.Mid == mid)
// 用户的关系状态数
UserRelationStat relationStat = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
relationStat = UserStatus.GetUserRelationStat(mid);
if (relationStat != null)
TabHeaders.Add(new TabHeader { Id = -1, Title = DictionaryResource.GetString("AllFollowing"), SubTitle = relationStat.Following.ToString() });
TabHeaders.Add(new TabHeader { Id = -2, Title = DictionaryResource.GetString("WhisperFollowing"), SubTitle = relationStat.Whisper.ToString() });
// 用户的关注分组
List<FollowingGroup> followingGroup = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
followingGroup = UserRelation.GetFollowingGroup();
if (followingGroup != null)
foreach (FollowingGroup tag in followingGroup)
TabHeaders.Add(new TabHeader { Id = tag.TagId, Title = tag.Name, SubTitle = tag.Count.ToString() });
// 用户的关系状态数
UserRelationStat relationStat = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
relationStat = UserStatus.GetUserRelationStat(mid);
if (relationStat != null)
TabHeaders.Add(new TabHeader { Id = -1, Title = DictionaryResource.GetString("AllFollowing"), SubTitle = relationStat.Following.ToString() });
ContentVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
LoadingVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
private void LoadContent(List<RelationFollowInfo> contents)
InnerContentVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
ContentLoadingVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
ContentNoDataVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
foreach (var item in contents)
StorageHeader storageHeader = new StorageHeader();
BitmapImage header = storageHeader.GetHeaderThumbnail(item.Mid, item.Name, item.Face, 64, 64);
App.PropertyChangeAsync(new Action(() =>
Contents.Add(new FriendInfo(eventAggregator) { Mid = item.Mid, Header = header, Name = item.Name, Sign = item.Sign });
private async Task<bool> LoadAllFollowings(int pn, int ps)
List<RelationFollowInfo> contents = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
RelationFollow data = UserRelation.GetFollowings(mid, pn, ps);
if (data != null && data.List != null && data.List.Count > 0)
contents = data.List;
if (contents == null) { return; }
if (contents == null) { return false; }
return true;
private async Task<bool> LoadWhispers(int pn, int ps)
List<RelationFollowInfo> contents = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
contents = UserRelation.GetWhispers(pn, ps);
if (contents == null) { return; }
if (contents == null) { return false; }
return true;
private async Task<bool> LoadFollowingGroupContent(long tagId, int pn, int ps)
List<RelationFollowInfo> contents = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
contents = UserRelation.GetFollowingGroupContent(tagId, pn, ps);
if (contents == null) { return; }
if (contents == null) { return false; }
return true;
private async void UpdateContent(int current)
// 是否正在获取数据
// 在所有的退出分支中都需要设为true
IsEnabled = false;
InnerContentVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
ContentLoadingVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
ContentNoDataVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
TabHeader tab = TabHeaders[SelectTabId];
bool isSucceed;
switch (tab.Id)
case -1:
isSucceed = await LoadAllFollowings(current, NumberInPage);
case -2:
isSucceed = await LoadWhispers(current, NumberInPage);
isSucceed = await LoadFollowingGroupContent(tab.Id, current, NumberInPage);
if (isSucceed)
InnerContentVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
ContentLoadingVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
ContentNoDataVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
InnerContentVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
ContentLoadingVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
ContentNoDataVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
IsEnabled = true;
private void OnCountChanged_Pager(int count) { }
private bool OnCurrentChanged_Pager(int old, int current)
if (!IsEnabled)
//Pager.Current = old;
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// 导航到页面时执行
/// </summary>
/// <param name="navigationContext"></param>
public override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationContext navigationContext)
// 传入mid
long parameter = navigationContext.Parameters.GetValue<long>("mid");
if (parameter == 0)
mid = parameter;
// 是否是从PageFriends的headerTable的item点击进入的
// true表示加载PageFriends后第一次进入此页面
// false表示从headerTable的item点击进入的
bool isFirst = navigationContext.Parameters.GetValue<bool>("isFirst");
if (isFirst)
// 初始化左侧列表
// 进入页面时显示的设置项
SelectTabId = 0;