You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

551 lines
18 KiB

using DownKyi.Core.BiliApi.Users;
using DownKyi.Core.BiliApi.Users.Models;
using DownKyi.Core.Storage;
using DownKyi.Core.Utils;
using DownKyi.CustomControl;
using DownKyi.Events;
using DownKyi.Images;
using DownKyi.Utils;
using DownKyi.ViewModels.UserSpace;
using Prism.Commands;
using Prism.Events;
using Prism.Regions;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace DownKyi.ViewModels
public class ViewUserSpaceViewModel : BaseViewModel
public const string Tag = "PageUserSpace";
private readonly IRegionManager regionManager;
// mid
private long mid = -1;
#region 页面属性申明
private VectorImage arrowBack;
public VectorImage ArrowBack
get => arrowBack;
set => SetProperty(ref arrowBack, value);
private GifImage loading;
public GifImage Loading
get => loading;
set => SetProperty(ref loading, value);
private Visibility noDataVisibility;
public Visibility NoDataVisibility
get => noDataVisibility;
set => SetProperty(ref noDataVisibility, value);
private Visibility loadingVisibility;
public Visibility LoadingVisibility
get => loadingVisibility;
set => SetProperty(ref loadingVisibility, value);
private Visibility viewVisibility;
public Visibility ViewVisibility
get => viewVisibility;
set => SetProperty(ref viewVisibility, value);
private Visibility contentVisibility;
public Visibility ContentVisibility
get => contentVisibility;
set => SetProperty(ref contentVisibility, value);
private string topNavigationBg;
public string TopNavigationBg
get => topNavigationBg;
set => SetProperty(ref topNavigationBg, value);
private BitmapImage background;
public BitmapImage Background
get => background;
set => SetProperty(ref background, value);
private BitmapImage header;
public BitmapImage Header
get => header;
set => SetProperty(ref header, value);
private string userName;
public string UserName
get => userName;
set => SetProperty(ref userName, value);
private BitmapImage sex;
public BitmapImage Sex
get => sex;
set => SetProperty(ref sex, value);
private BitmapImage level;
public BitmapImage Level
get => level;
set => SetProperty(ref level, value);
private Visibility vipTypeVisibility;
public Visibility VipTypeVisibility
get => vipTypeVisibility;
set => SetProperty(ref vipTypeVisibility, value);
private string vipType;
public string VipType
get => vipType;
set => SetProperty(ref vipType, value);
private string sign;
public string Sign
get => sign;
set => SetProperty(ref sign, value);
private string isFollowed;
public string IsFollowed
get => isFollowed;
set => SetProperty(ref isFollowed, value);
private ObservableCollection<TabLeftBanner> tabLeftBanners;
public ObservableCollection<TabLeftBanner> TabLeftBanners
get => tabLeftBanners;
set => SetProperty(ref tabLeftBanners, value);
private ObservableCollection<TabRightBanner> tabRightBanners;
public ObservableCollection<TabRightBanner> TabRightBanners
get => tabRightBanners;
set => SetProperty(ref tabRightBanners, value);
private int selectedRightBanner;
public int SelectedRightBanner
get => selectedRightBanner;
set => SetProperty(ref selectedRightBanner, value);
public ViewUserSpaceViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator) : base(eventAggregator)
this.regionManager = regionManager;
#region 属性初始化
// 返回按钮
ArrowBack = NavigationIcon.Instance().ArrowBack;
ArrowBack.Fill = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorTextDark");
// 初始化loading gif
Loading = new GifImage(Properties.Resources.loading);
TopNavigationBg = "#00FFFFFF"; // 透明
TabLeftBanners = new ObservableCollection<TabLeftBanner>();
TabRightBanners = new ObservableCollection<TabRightBanner>();
#region 命令申明
// 返回事件
private DelegateCommand backSpaceCommand;
public DelegateCommand BackSpaceCommand => backSpaceCommand ?? (backSpaceCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteBackSpace));
/// <summary>
/// 返回事件
/// </summary>
private void ExecuteBackSpace()
NavigationParam parameter = new NavigationParam
ViewName = ParentView,
ParentViewName = null,
Parameter = null
// 左侧tab点击事件
private DelegateCommand<object> tabLeftBannersCommand;
public DelegateCommand<object> TabLeftBannersCommand => tabLeftBannersCommand ?? (tabLeftBannersCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(ExecuteTabLeftBannersCommand));
/// <summary>
/// 左侧tab点击事件
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameter"></param>
private void ExecuteTabLeftBannersCommand(object parameter)
if (!(parameter is TabLeftBanner banner)) { return; }
NavigationParameters param = new NavigationParameters()
{ "object", banner.Object },
{ "mid", mid },
switch (banner.Id)
case 0:
regionManager.RequestNavigate("UserSpaceContentRegion", ViewArchiveViewModel.Tag, param);
case 1:
regionManager.RequestNavigate("UserSpaceContentRegion", UserSpace.ViewChannelViewModel.Tag, param);
// 右侧tab点击事件
private DelegateCommand<object> tabRightBannersCommand;
public DelegateCommand<object> TabRightBannersCommand => tabRightBannersCommand ?? (tabRightBannersCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(ExecuteTabRightBannersCommand));
/// <summary>
/// 右侧tab点击事件
/// </summary>
private void ExecuteTabRightBannersCommand(object parameter)
if (!(parameter is TabRightBanner banner)) { return; }
Dictionary<string, object> data = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "mid", mid },
{ "friendId", 0 }
switch (banner.Id)
case 0:
data["friendId"] = 0;
NavigateToView.NavigationView(eventAggregator, ViewFriendViewModel.Tag, Tag, data);
case 1:
data["friendId"] = 1;
NavigateToView.NavigationView(eventAggregator, ViewFriendViewModel.Tag, Tag, data);
SelectedRightBanner = -1;
/// <summary>
/// 初始化页面
/// </summary>
private void InitView()
TopNavigationBg = "#00FFFFFF"; // 透明
ArrowBack.Fill = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorTextDark");
Background = null;
Header = null;
UserName = "";
Sex = null;
Level = null;
VipTypeVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
VipType = "";
Sign = "";
SelectedRightBanner = -1;
// 将内容置空,使其不指向任何页面
regionManager.RequestNavigate("UserSpaceContentRegion", "");
ContentVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
ViewVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
LoadingVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
NoDataVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
/// <summary>
/// 更新用户信息
/// </summary>
private async void UpdateSpaceInfo()
bool isNoData = true;
Uri toutuUri = null;
string headerUri = null;
Uri sexUri = null;
Uri levelUri = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
// 背景图片
SpaceSettings spaceSettings = Core.BiliApi.Users.UserSpace.GetSpaceSettings(mid);
if (spaceSettings != null)
StorageCover storageCover = new StorageCover();
string toutu = storageCover.GetCover($"{spaceSettings.Toutu.Limg}");
toutuUri = new Uri(toutu);
toutuUri = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Resources/backgound/9-绿荫秘境.png");
// 用户信息
UserInfoForSpace userInfo = UserInfo.GetUserInfoForSpace(mid);
if (userInfo != null)
isNoData = false;
// 头像
StorageHeader storageHeader = new StorageHeader();
headerUri = storageHeader.GetHeader(mid, userInfo.Name, userInfo.Face);
// 用户名
UserName = userInfo.Name;
// 性别
if (userInfo.Sex == "男")
sexUri = new Uri($"pack://application:,,,/Resources/sex/male.png");
else if (userInfo.Sex == "女")
sexUri = new Uri($"pack://application:,,,/Resources/sex/female.png");
// 显示vip信息
if (userInfo.Vip.Label.Text == null || userInfo.Vip.Label.Text == "")
VipTypeVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
VipTypeVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
VipType = userInfo.Vip.Label.Text;
// 等级
levelUri = new Uri($"pack://application:,,,/Resources/level/lv{userInfo.Level}.png");
// 签名
Sign = userInfo.Sign;
// 是否关注此UP
IsFollowed = userInfo.IsFollowed ?
DictionaryResource.GetString("Followed") : DictionaryResource.GetString("NotFollowed");
// 没有数据
isNoData = true;
// 是否获取到数据
if (isNoData)
TopNavigationBg = "#00FFFFFF"; // 透明
ArrowBack.Fill = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorTextDark");
Background = null;
ViewVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
LoadingVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
NoDataVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
// 头像
StorageHeader storageHeader = new StorageHeader();
Header = storageHeader.GetHeaderThumbnail(headerUri, 64, 64);
// 性别
Sex = sexUri == null ? null : new BitmapImage(sexUri);
// 等级
3 years ago
Level = levelUri == null ? null : new BitmapImage(levelUri);
ArrowBack.Fill = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorText");
TopNavigationBg = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorMask100");
Background = new BitmapImage(toutuUri);
ViewVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
LoadingVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
NoDataVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
ContentVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
// 投稿视频
List<SpacePublicationListTypeVideoZone> publicationTypes = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
publicationTypes = Core.BiliApi.Users.UserSpace.GetPublicationType(mid);
if (publicationTypes != null && publicationTypes.Count > 0)
TabLeftBanners.Add(new TabLeftBanner
Object = publicationTypes,
Id = 0,
Icon = NormalIcon.Instance().VideoUp,
IconColor = "#FF02B5DA",
Title = DictionaryResource.GetString("Publication"),
IsSelected = true
// 频道
List<SpaceChannelList> channelList = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
channelList = Core.BiliApi.Users.UserSpace.GetChannelList(mid);
if (channelList != null && channelList.Count > 0)
TabLeftBanners.Add(new TabLeftBanner
Object = channelList,
Id = 1,
Icon = NormalIcon.Instance().Channel,
IconColor = "#FF23C9ED",
Title = DictionaryResource.GetString("Channel")
// 收藏夹
// 订阅
// 关系状态数
UserRelationStat relationStat = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
relationStat = UserStatus.GetUserRelationStat(mid);
if (relationStat != null)
TabRightBanners.Add(new TabRightBanner
Id = 0,
IsEnabled = true,
LabelColor = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorPrimary"),
CountColor = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorPrimary"),
Label = DictionaryResource.GetString("FollowingCount"),
Count = Format.FormatNumber(relationStat.Following)
TabRightBanners.Add(new TabRightBanner
Id = 1,
IsEnabled = true,
LabelColor = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorPrimary"),
CountColor = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorPrimary"),
Label = DictionaryResource.GetString("FollowerCount"),
Count = Format.FormatNumber(relationStat.Follower)
// UP主状态数需要任意用户登录否则不会返回任何数据
UpStat upStat = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
upStat = UserStatus.GetUpStat(mid);
if (upStat != null && upStat.Archive != null && upStat.Article != null)
TabRightBanners.Add(new TabRightBanner
Id = 2,
IsEnabled = false,
LabelColor = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorTextGrey"),
CountColor = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorTextDark"),
Label = DictionaryResource.GetString("LikesCount"),
Count = Format.FormatNumber(upStat.Likes)
long archiveView = 0;
if (upStat.Archive != null)
archiveView = upStat.Archive.View;
TabRightBanners.Add(new TabRightBanner
Id = 3,
IsEnabled = false,
LabelColor = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorTextGrey"),
CountColor = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorTextDark"),
Label = DictionaryResource.GetString("ArchiveViewCount"),
Count = Format.FormatNumber(archiveView)
long articleView = 0;
if (upStat.Article != null)
articleView = upStat.Article.View;
TabRightBanners.Add(new TabRightBanner
Id = 4,
IsEnabled = false,
LabelColor = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorTextGrey"),
CountColor = DictionaryResource.GetColor("ColorTextDark"),
Label = DictionaryResource.GetString("ArticleViewCount"),
Count = Format.FormatNumber(articleView)
/// <summary>
/// 接收mid参数
/// </summary>
/// <param name="navigationContext"></param>
public override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationContext navigationContext)
// 根据传入参数不同执行不同任务
long parameter = navigationContext.Parameters.GetValue<long>("Parameter");
if (parameter == 0)
mid = parameter;