You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
3.1 KiB

import os
import sys
from typing import Iterable
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, Template
import config as cfg
from . import app_root_dir, doc_root_dir, resource_dir, template_dir
_usage = "Usage: <provider>"
def load_tmpl(tmpl: str) -> Template:
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir()))
env.filters["up_or_title"] = up_or_title
return env.get_template(tmpl)
def up_or_title(pvd: str, s: str) -> str:
if s in cfg.UPPER_WORDS.get(pvd, ()):
return s.upper()
if s in cfg.TITLE_WORDS.get(pvd, {}):
return cfg.TITLE_WORDS[pvd][s]
return s.title()
def gen_classes(pvd: str, typ: str, paths: Iterable[str]) -> str:
"""Generate all service node classes based on resources paths with class templates."""
tmpl = load_tmpl(cfg.TMPL_MODULE)
# TODO: extract the gen class metas for sharing
# TODO: independent function for generating all pvd/typ/paths pairs
def _gen_class_meta(path: str) -> dict:
base = os.path.splitext(path)[0]
name = "".join([up_or_title(pvd, s) for s in base.split("-")])
return {"name": name, "icon": path}
metas = map(_gen_class_meta, paths)
aliases = cfg.ALIASES[pvd][typ] if typ in cfg.ALIASES[pvd] else {}
return tmpl.render(pvd=pvd, typ=typ, metas=metas, aliases=aliases)
def gen_apidoc(pvd: str, typ_paths: dict) -> str:
tmpl = load_tmpl(cfg.TMPL_APIDOC)
# TODO: remove
def _gen_class_name(path: str) -> str:
base = os.path.splitext(path)[0]
name = "".join([up_or_title(pvd, s) for s in base.split("-")])
return name
typ_classes = {}
for typ, paths in sorted(typ_paths.items()):
typ_classes[typ] = []
for name in map(_gen_class_name, paths):
alias = cfg.ALIASES[pvd].get(typ, {}).get(name)
typ_classes[typ].append({"name": name, "alias": alias})
return tmpl.render(pvd=pvd, typ_classes=typ_classes)
def make_module(pvd: str, typ: str, classes: str) -> None:
"""Create a module file"""
mod_path = os.path.join(app_root_dir(pvd), f"{typ}.py")
with open(mod_path, "w+") as f:
def make_apidoc(pvd: str, content: str) -> None:
"""Create an api documentation file"""
mod_path = os.path.join(doc_root_dir(), f"{pvd}.md")
with open(mod_path, "w+") as f:
def generate(pvd: str) -> None:
"""Generates a service node classes."""
typ_paths = {}
for root, _, files in os.walk(resource_dir(pvd)):
# Extract the names and paths from resources.
pngs = list(filter(lambda f: f.endswith(".png"), files))
paths = list(filter(lambda f: "rounded" not in f, pngs))
# Skip the top-root directory.
typ = os.path.basename(root)
if typ == pvd:
classes = gen_classes(pvd, typ, paths)
make_module(pvd, typ, classes)
typ_paths[typ] = paths
# Build API documentation
apidoc = gen_apidoc(pvd, typ_paths)
make_apidoc(pvd, apidoc)
if __name__ == "__main__":
pvd = sys.argv[1]
if pvd not in cfg.PROVIDERS: