:boom: 你的 `Star` 是我开发的动力,下载源码 `git clone https://gitee.com/pnoker/dc3-web.git` ! :rocket: 非常欢迎广大兴趣爱好者的加入,第一时间 [联系作者]([https://gitee.com/pnoker/iot-dc3/tree/dev/#5-%E8%81%94%E7%B3%BB%E4%BD%9C%E8%80%85](https://gitee.com/pnoker/iot-dc3/tree/dev/#5-联系作者)),`show me you code`,让我们肩并肩 :alien:! :seedling: 该 `Demo Web UI` ,需要借助 `DC3` 平台服务,https://gitee.com/pnoker/iot-dc3

DC3是基于Spring Cloud的开源可分布式物联网(IOT)平台,用于快速开发、部署物联设备接入项目,是一整套物联系统解决方案。
IOT DC3 is an open source, distributed Internet of Things (IOT) platform based on Spring Cloud. It is used for rapid development of IOT projects and management of IOT devices. It is a set of solutions for IOT system.

------ ![](./dc3/images/web-all.png) ### Run & Build ```bash git clone https://gitee.com/pnoker/dc3-web.git cd dc3-web #这步至关重要,请务必使用 cnpm 进行 install npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org cnpm install # run npm run serve # build npm run build # docker build cd dc3 docker-compose build # docker run docker-compose up -d ``` ### Demo UI ![](./dc3/images/demo/1.png) ![](./dc3/images/demo/2.png) ![](./dc3/images/demo/3.png) ![](./dc3/images/demo/4.png) ![](./dc3/images/demo/5.png) ![](./dc3/images/demo/6.png) ![](./dc3/images/demo/7.png) ![](./dc3/images/demo/8.png) ![](./dc3/images/demo/9.png) ![](./dc3/images/demo/10.png) ![](./dc3/images/demo/11.png) ![](./dc3/images/demo/12.png) ![](./dc3/images/demo/13.png)