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package model
import (
// Webdav 应用账户
type Webdav struct {
Name string // 应用名称
Password string `gorm:"unique_index:password_only_on"` // 应用密码
UserID uint `gorm:"unique_index:password_only_on"` // 用户ID
Root string `gorm:"type:text"` // 根目录
Readonly bool `gorm:"type:bool"` // 是否只读
UseProxy bool `gorm:"type:bool"` // 是否进行反代
// Create 创建账户
func (webdav *Webdav) Create() (uint, error) {
if err := DB.Create(webdav).Error; err != nil {
return 0, err
return webdav.ID, nil
// GetWebdavByPassword 根据密码和用户查找Webdav应用
func GetWebdavByPassword(password string, uid uint) (*Webdav, error) {
webdav := &Webdav{}
res := DB.Where("user_id = ? and password = ?", uid, password).First(webdav)
return webdav, res.Error
// ListWebDAVAccounts 列出用户的所有账号
func ListWebDAVAccounts(uid uint) []Webdav {
var accounts []Webdav
DB.Where("user_id = ?", uid).Order("created_at desc").Find(&accounts)
return accounts
// DeleteWebDAVAccountByID 根据账户ID和UID删除账户
func DeleteWebDAVAccountByID(id, uid uint) {
DB.Where("user_id = ? and id = ?", uid, id).Delete(&Webdav{})
// UpdateWebDAVAccountByID 根据账户ID和UID更新账户
func UpdateWebDAVAccountByID(id, uid uint, updates map[string]interface{}) {
DB.Model(&Webdav{Model: gorm.Model{ID: id}, UserID: uid}).Updates(updates)