package model
import (
// File 文件
type File struct {
// 表字段
Name string `gorm:"unique_index:idx_only_one"`
SourceName string `gorm:"type:text"`
UserID uint `gorm:"index:user_id;unique_index:idx_only_one"`
Size uint64
PicInfo string
FolderID uint `gorm:"index:folder_id;unique_index:idx_only_one"`
PolicyID uint
UploadSessionID *string `gorm:"index:session_id;unique_index:session_only_one"`
Metadata string `gorm:"type:text"`
// 关联模型
Policy Policy `gorm:"PRELOAD:false,association_autoupdate:false"`
// 数据库忽略字段
Position string `gorm:"-"`
MetadataSerialized map[string]string `gorm:"-"`
func init() {
// 注册缓存用到的复杂结构
// Create 创建文件记录
func (file *File) Create() error {
tx := DB.Begin()
if err := tx.Create(file).Error; err != nil {
util.Log().Warning("无法插入文件记录, %s", err)
return err
user := &User{}
user.ID = file.UserID
if err := user.ChangeStorage(tx, "+", file.Size); err != nil {
return err
return tx.Commit().Error
// AfterFind 找到文件后的钩子
func (file *File) AfterFind() (err error) {
// 反序列化文件元数据
if file.Metadata != "" {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(file.Metadata), &file.MetadataSerialized)
// BeforeSave Save策略前的钩子
func (file *File) BeforeSave() (err error) {
metaValue, err := json.Marshal(&file.MetadataSerialized)
file.Metadata = string(metaValue)
return err
// GetChildFile 查找目录下名为name的子文件
func (folder *Folder) GetChildFile(name string) (*File, error) {
var file File
result := DB.Where("folder_id = ? AND name = ?", folder.ID, name).Find(&file)
if result.Error == nil {
file.Position = path.Join(folder.Position, folder.Name)
return &file, result.Error
// GetChildFiles 查找目录下子文件
func (folder *Folder) GetChildFiles() ([]File, error) {
var files []File
result := DB.Where("folder_id = ?", folder.ID).Find(&files)
if result.Error == nil {
for i := 0; i < len(files); i++ {
files[i].Position = path.Join(folder.Position, folder.Name)
return files, result.Error
// GetFilesByIDs 根据文件ID批量获取文件,
// UID为0表示忽略用户,只根据文件ID检索
func GetFilesByIDs(ids []uint, uid uint) ([]File, error) {
var files []File
var result *gorm.DB
if uid == 0 {
result = DB.Where("id in (?)", ids).Find(&files)
} else {
result = DB.Where("id in (?) AND user_id = ?", ids, uid).Find(&files)
return files, result.Error
// GetFilesByKeywords 根据关键字搜索文件,
// UID为0表示忽略用户,只根据文件ID检索
func GetFilesByKeywords(uid uint, keywords ...interface{}) ([]File, error) {
var (
files []File
result = DB
conditions string
// 生成查询条件
for i := 0; i < len(keywords); i++ {
conditions += "name like ?"
if i != len(keywords)-1 {
conditions += " or "
if uid != 0 {
result = result.Where("user_id = ?", uid)
result = result.Where("("+conditions+")", keywords...).Find(&files)
return files, result.Error
// GetChildFilesOfFolders 批量检索目录子文件
func GetChildFilesOfFolders(folders *[]Folder) ([]File, error) {
// 将所有待删除目录ID抽离,以便检索文件
folderIDs := make([]uint, 0, len(*folders))
for _, value := range *folders {
folderIDs = append(folderIDs, value.ID)
// 检索文件
var files []File
result := DB.Where("folder_id in (?)", folderIDs).Find(&files)
return files, result.Error
// GetUploadPlaceholderFiles 获取所有上传占位文件
// UID为0表示忽略用户
func GetUploadPlaceholderFiles(uid uint) []*File {
query := DB
if uid != 0 {
query = query.Where("user_id = ?", uid)
var files []*File
query.Where("upload_session_id is not NULL").Find(&files)
return files
// GetPolicy 获取文件所属策略
func (file *File) GetPolicy() *Policy {
if file.Policy.Model.ID == 0 {
file.Policy, _ = GetPolicyByID(file.PolicyID)
return &file.Policy
// RemoveFilesWithSoftLinks 去除给定的文件列表中有软链接的文件
func RemoveFilesWithSoftLinks(files []File) ([]File, error) {
// 结果值
filteredFiles := make([]File, 0)
// 查询软链接的文件
var filesWithSoftLinks []File
tx := DB
for _, value := range files {
tx = tx.Or("source_name = ? and policy_id = ? and id != ?", value.SourceName, value.PolicyID, value.ID)
result := tx.Find(&filesWithSoftLinks)
if result.Error != nil {
return nil, result.Error
// 过滤具有软连接的文件
// TODO: 优化复杂度
if len(filesWithSoftLinks) == 0 {
filteredFiles = files
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(files); i++ {
finder := false
for _, value := range filesWithSoftLinks {
if value.PolicyID == files[i].PolicyID && value.SourceName == files[i].SourceName {
finder = true
if !finder {
filteredFiles = append(filteredFiles, files[i])
return filteredFiles, nil
// DeleteFiles 批量删除文件记录并归还容量
func DeleteFiles(files []*File, uid uint) error {
tx := DB.Begin()
user := &User{}
user.ID = uid
var size uint64
for _, file := range files {
if file.UserID != uid {
return errors.New("user id not consistent")
result := tx.Unscoped().Where("size = ?", file.Size).Delete(file)
if result.RowsAffected == 0 {
return errors.New("file size is dirty")
size += file.Size
if result.Error != nil {
return result.Error
if err := user.ChangeStorage(tx, "-", size); err != nil {
return err
return tx.Commit().Error
// GetFilesByParentIDs 根据父目录ID查找文件
func GetFilesByParentIDs(ids []uint, uid uint) ([]File, error) {
files := make([]File, 0, len(ids))
result := DB.Where("user_id = ? and folder_id in (?)", uid, ids).Find(&files)
return files, result.Error
// GetFilesByUploadSession 查找上传会话对应的文件
func GetFilesByUploadSession(sessionID string, uid uint) (*File, error) {
file := File{}
result := DB.Where("user_id = ? and upload_session_id = ?", uid, sessionID).Find(&file)
return &file, result.Error
// Rename 重命名文件
func (file *File) Rename(new string) error {
return DB.Model(&file).Update("name", new).Error
// UpdatePicInfo 更新文件的图像信息
func (file *File) UpdatePicInfo(value string) error {
return DB.Model(&file).Set("gorm:association_autoupdate", false).UpdateColumns(File{PicInfo: value}).Error
// UpdateSize 更新文件的大小信息
// TODO: 全局锁
func (file *File) UpdateSize(value uint64) error {
tx := DB.Begin()
var sizeDelta uint64
operator := "+"
user := User{}
user.ID = file.UserID
if value > file.Size {
sizeDelta = value - file.Size
} else {
operator = "-"
sizeDelta = file.Size - value
if res := tx.Model(&file).
Where("size = ?", file.Size).
Set("gorm:association_autoupdate", false).
Update("size", value); res.Error != nil {
return res.Error
if err := user.ChangeStorage(tx, operator, sizeDelta); err != nil {
return err
file.Size = value
return tx.Commit().Error
// UpdateSourceName 更新文件的源文件名
func (file *File) UpdateSourceName(value string) error {
return DB.Model(&file).Set("gorm:association_autoupdate", false).Update("source_name", value).Error
func (file *File) PopChunkToFile(lastModified *time.Time, picInfo string) error {
file.UploadSessionID = nil
if lastModified != nil {
file.UpdatedAt = *lastModified
return DB.Model(file).UpdateColumns(map[string]interface{}{
"upload_session_id": file.UploadSessionID,
"updated_at": file.UpdatedAt,
"pic_info": picInfo,
// CanCopy 返回文件是否可被复制
func (file *File) CanCopy() bool {
return file.UploadSessionID == nil
实现 webdav.FileInfo 接口
func (file *File) GetName() string {
return file.Name
func (file *File) GetSize() uint64 {
return file.Size
func (file *File) ModTime() time.Time {
return file.UpdatedAt
func (file *File) IsDir() bool {
return false
func (file *File) GetPosition() string {
return file.Position