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package cluster
import (
model ""
type Node interface {
// Init a node from database model
Init(node *model.Node)
// Check if given feature is enabled
IsFeatureEnabled(feature string) bool
// Subscribe node status change to a callback function
SubscribeStatusChange(callback func(isActive bool, id uint))
// Ping the node
Ping(req *serializer.NodePingReq) (*serializer.NodePingResp, error)
// Returns if the node is active
IsActive() bool
// Get instances for aria2 calls
GetAria2Instance() common.Aria2
// Returns unique id of this node
ID() uint
// Kill node and recycle resources
// Returns if current node is master node
IsMater() bool
// Get auth instance used to check RPC call from slave to master
MasterAuthInstance() auth.Auth
// Get auth instance used to check RPC call from master to slave
SlaveAuthInstance() auth.Auth
// Get node DB model
DBModel() *model.Node
// Create new node from DB model
func NewNodeFromDBModel(node *model.Node) Node {
switch node.Type {
case model.SlaveNodeType:
slave := &SlaveNode{}
return slave
master := &MasterNode{}
return master