package oss import ( "context" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net/url" "path" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "" model "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // UploadPolicy 阿里云OSS上传策略 type UploadPolicy struct { Expiration string `json:"expiration"` Conditions []interface{} `json:"conditions"` } // CallbackPolicy 回调策略 type CallbackPolicy struct { CallbackURL string `json:"callbackUrl"` CallbackBody string `json:"callbackBody"` CallbackBodyType string `json:"callbackBodyType"` } // Driver 阿里云OSS策略适配器 type Driver struct { Policy *model.Policy client *oss.Client bucket *oss.Bucket HTTPClient request.Client } type key int const ( chunkRetrySleep = time.Duration(5) * time.Second // MultiPartUploadThreshold 服务端使用分片上传的阈值 MultiPartUploadThreshold uint64 = 5 * (1 << 30) // 5GB // VersionID 文件版本标识 VersionID key = iota ) func NewDriver(policy *model.Policy) (*Driver, error) { if policy.OptionsSerialized.ChunkSize == 0 { policy.OptionsSerialized.ChunkSize = 25 << 20 // 25 MB } driver := &Driver{ Policy: policy, HTTPClient: request.NewClient(), } return driver, driver.InitOSSClient(false) } // CORS 创建跨域策略 func (handler *Driver) CORS() error { return handler.client.SetBucketCORS(handler.Policy.BucketName, []oss.CORSRule{ { AllowedOrigin: []string{"*"}, AllowedMethod: []string{ "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", }, ExposeHeader: []string{}, AllowedHeader: []string{"*"}, MaxAgeSeconds: 3600, }, }) } // InitOSSClient 初始化OSS鉴权客户端 func (handler *Driver) InitOSSClient(forceUsePublicEndpoint bool) error { if handler.Policy == nil { return errors.New("empty policy") } // 决定是否使用内网 Endpoint endpoint := handler.Policy.Server if handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.ServerSideEndpoint != "" && !forceUsePublicEndpoint { endpoint = handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.ServerSideEndpoint } // 初始化客户端 client, err := oss.New(endpoint, handler.Policy.AccessKey, handler.Policy.SecretKey) if err != nil { return err } handler.client = client // 初始化存储桶 bucket, err := client.Bucket(handler.Policy.BucketName) if err != nil { return err } handler.bucket = bucket return nil } // List 列出OSS上的文件 func (handler *Driver) List(ctx context.Context, base string, recursive bool) ([]response.Object, error) { // 列取文件 base = strings.TrimPrefix(base, "/") if base != "" { base += "/" } var ( delimiter string marker string objects []oss.ObjectProperties commons []string ) if !recursive { delimiter = "/" } for { subRes, err := handler.bucket.ListObjects(oss.Marker(marker), oss.Prefix(base), oss.MaxKeys(1000), oss.Delimiter(delimiter)) if err != nil { return nil, err } objects = append(objects, subRes.Objects...) commons = append(commons, subRes.CommonPrefixes...) marker = subRes.NextMarker if marker == "" { break } } // 处理列取结果 res := make([]response.Object, 0, len(objects)+len(commons)) // 处理目录 for _, object := range commons { rel, err := filepath.Rel(base, object) if err != nil { continue } res = append(res, response.Object{ Name: path.Base(object), RelativePath: filepath.ToSlash(rel), Size: 0, IsDir: true, LastModify: time.Now(), }) } // 处理文件 for _, object := range objects { rel, err := filepath.Rel(base, object.Key) if err != nil { continue } res = append(res, response.Object{ Name: path.Base(object.Key), Source: object.Key, RelativePath: filepath.ToSlash(rel), Size: uint64(object.Size), IsDir: false, LastModify: object.LastModified, }) } return res, nil } // Get 获取文件 func (handler *Driver) Get(ctx context.Context, path string) (response.RSCloser, error) { // 通过VersionID禁止缓存 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, VersionID, time.Now().UnixNano()) // 尽可能使用私有 Endpoint ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, fsctx.ForceUsePublicEndpointCtx, false) // 获取文件源地址 downloadURL, err := handler.Source( ctx, path, url.URL{}, int64(model.GetIntSetting("preview_timeout", 60)), false, 0, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } // 获取文件数据流 resp, err := handler.HTTPClient.Request( "GET", downloadURL, nil, request.WithContext(ctx), request.WithTimeout(time.Duration(0)), ).CheckHTTPResponse(200).GetRSCloser() if err != nil { return nil, err } resp.SetFirstFakeChunk() // 尝试自主获取文件大小 if file, ok := ctx.Value(fsctx.FileModelCtx).(model.File); ok { resp.SetContentLength(int64(file.Size)) } return resp, nil } // Put 将文件流保存到指定目录 func (handler *Driver) Put(ctx context.Context, file fsctx.FileHeader) error { defer file.Close() fileInfo := file.Info() // 凭证有效期 credentialTTL := model.GetIntSetting("upload_session_timeout", 3600) // 是否允许覆盖 overwrite := fileInfo.Mode&fsctx.Overwrite == fsctx.Overwrite options := []oss.Option{ oss.Expires(time.Now().Add(time.Duration(credentialTTL) * time.Second)), oss.ForbidOverWrite(!overwrite), } // 小文件直接上传 if fileInfo.Size < MultiPartUploadThreshold { return handler.bucket.PutObject(fileInfo.SavePath, file, options...) } // 超过阈值时使用分片上传 imur, err := handler.bucket.InitiateMultipartUpload(fileInfo.SavePath, options...) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to initiate multipart upload: %w", err) } chunks := chunk.NewChunkGroup(file, handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.ChunkSize, &backoff.ConstantBackoff{ Max: model.GetIntSetting("chunk_retries", 5), Sleep: chunkRetrySleep, }, model.IsTrueVal(model.GetSettingByName("use_temp_chunk_buffer"))) uploadFunc := func(current *chunk.ChunkGroup, content io.Reader) error { _, err := handler.bucket.UploadPart(imur, content, current.Length(), current.Index()+1) return err } for chunks.Next() { if err := chunks.Process(uploadFunc); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to upload chunk #%d: %w", chunks.Index(), err) } } _, err = handler.bucket.CompleteMultipartUpload(imur, oss.CompleteAll("yes"), oss.ForbidOverWrite(!overwrite)) return err } // Delete 删除一个或多个文件, // 返回未删除的文件 func (handler *Driver) Delete(ctx context.Context, files []string) ([]string, error) { // 删除文件 delRes, err := handler.bucket.DeleteObjects(files) if err != nil { return files, err } // 统计未删除的文件 failed := util.SliceDifference(files, delRes.DeletedObjects) if len(failed) > 0 { return failed, errors.New("failed to delete") } return []string{}, nil } // Thumb 获取文件缩略图 func (handler *Driver) Thumb(ctx context.Context, file *model.File) (*response.ContentResponse, error) { // quick check by extension name // supported := []string{"png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp", "webp", "heic", "tiff", "avif"} if len(handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.ThumbExts) > 0 { supported = handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.ThumbExts } if !util.IsInExtensionList(supported, file.Name) || file.Size > (20<<(10*2)) { return nil, driver.ErrorThumbNotSupported } // 初始化客户端 if err := handler.InitOSSClient(true); err != nil { return nil, err } var ( thumbSize = [2]uint{400, 300} ok = false ) if thumbSize, ok = ctx.Value(fsctx.ThumbSizeCtx).([2]uint); !ok { return nil, errors.New("failed to get thumbnail size") } thumbParam := fmt.Sprintf("image/resize,m_lfit,h_%d,w_%d", thumbSize[1], thumbSize[0]) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, fsctx.ThumbSizeCtx, thumbParam) thumbOption := []oss.Option{oss.Process(thumbParam)} thumbURL, err := handler.signSourceURL( ctx, file.SourceName, int64(model.GetIntSetting("preview_timeout", 60)), thumbOption, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &response.ContentResponse{ Redirect: true, URL: thumbURL, }, nil } // Source 获取外链URL func (handler *Driver) Source( ctx context.Context, path string, baseURL url.URL, ttl int64, isDownload bool, speed int, ) (string, error) { // 初始化客户端 usePublicEndpoint := true if forceUsePublicEndpoint, ok := ctx.Value(fsctx.ForceUsePublicEndpointCtx).(bool); ok { usePublicEndpoint = forceUsePublicEndpoint } if err := handler.InitOSSClient(usePublicEndpoint); err != nil { return "", err } // 尝试从上下文获取文件名 fileName := "" if file, ok := ctx.Value(fsctx.FileModelCtx).(model.File); ok { fileName = file.Name } // 添加各项设置 var signOptions = make([]oss.Option, 0, 2) if isDownload { signOptions = append(signOptions, oss.ResponseContentDisposition("attachment; filename=\""+url.PathEscape(fileName)+"\"")) } if speed > 0 { // Byte 转换为 bit speed *= 8 // OSS对速度值有范围限制 if speed < 819200 { speed = 819200 } if speed > 838860800 { speed = 838860800 } signOptions = append(signOptions, oss.TrafficLimitParam(int64(speed))) } return handler.signSourceURL(ctx, path, ttl, signOptions) } func (handler *Driver) signSourceURL(ctx context.Context, path string, ttl int64, options []oss.Option) (string, error) { signedURL, err := handler.bucket.SignURL(path, oss.HTTPGet, ttl, options...) if err != nil { return "", err } // 将最终生成的签名URL域名换成用户自定义的加速域名(如果有) finalURL, err := url.Parse(signedURL) if err != nil { return "", err } // 公有空间替换掉Key及不支持的头 if !handler.Policy.IsPrivate { query := finalURL.Query() query.Del("OSSAccessKeyId") query.Del("Signature") query.Del("response-content-disposition") query.Del("x-oss-traffic-limit") finalURL.RawQuery = query.Encode() } if handler.Policy.BaseURL != "" { cdnURL, err := url.Parse(handler.Policy.BaseURL) if err != nil { return "", err } finalURL.Host = cdnURL.Host finalURL.Scheme = cdnURL.Scheme } return finalURL.String(), nil } // Token 获取上传策略和认证Token func (handler *Driver) Token(ctx context.Context, ttl int64, uploadSession *serializer.UploadSession, file fsctx.FileHeader) (*serializer.UploadCredential, error) { // 初始化客户端 if err := handler.InitOSSClient(true); err != nil { return nil, err } // 生成回调地址 siteURL := model.GetSiteURL() apiBaseURI, _ := url.Parse("/api/v3/callback/oss/" + uploadSession.Key) apiURL := siteURL.ResolveReference(apiBaseURI) // 回调策略 callbackPolicy := CallbackPolicy{ CallbackURL: apiURL.String(), CallbackBody: `{"name":${x:fname},"source_name":${object},"size":${size},"pic_info":"${imageInfo.width},${imageInfo.height}"}`, CallbackBodyType: "application/json", } callbackPolicyJSON, err := json.Marshal(callbackPolicy) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encode callback policy: %w", err) } callbackPolicyEncoded := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(callbackPolicyJSON) // 初始化分片上传 fileInfo := file.Info() options := []oss.Option{ oss.Expires(time.Now().Add(time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second)), oss.ForbidOverWrite(true), } imur, err := handler.bucket.InitiateMultipartUpload(fileInfo.SavePath, options...) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize multipart upload: %w", err) } uploadSession.UploadID = imur.UploadID // 为每个分片签名上传 URL chunks := chunk.NewChunkGroup(file, handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.ChunkSize, &backoff.ConstantBackoff{}, false) urls := make([]string, chunks.Num()) for chunks.Next() { err := chunks.Process(func(c *chunk.ChunkGroup, chunk io.Reader) error { signedURL, err := handler.bucket.SignURL(fileInfo.SavePath, oss.HTTPPut, ttl, oss.PartNumber(c.Index()+1), oss.UploadID(imur.UploadID), oss.ContentType("application/octet-stream")) if err != nil { return err } urls[c.Index()] = signedURL return nil }) if err != nil { return nil, err } } // 签名完成分片上传的URL completeURL, err := handler.bucket.SignURL(fileInfo.SavePath, oss.HTTPPost, ttl, oss.ContentType("application/octet-stream"), oss.UploadID(imur.UploadID), oss.Expires(time.Now().Add(time.Duration(ttl)*time.Second)), oss.CompleteAll("yes"), oss.ForbidOverWrite(true), oss.CallbackParam(callbackPolicyEncoded)) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &serializer.UploadCredential{ SessionID: uploadSession.Key, ChunkSize: handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.ChunkSize, UploadID: imur.UploadID, UploadURLs: urls, CompleteURL: completeURL, }, nil } // 取消上传凭证 func (handler *Driver) CancelToken(ctx context.Context, uploadSession *serializer.UploadSession) error { return handler.bucket.AbortMultipartUpload(oss.InitiateMultipartUploadResult{UploadID: uploadSession.UploadID, Key: uploadSession.SavePath}, nil) }