package middleware import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" model "" "" "" "" "" "" captcha "" "" "" "io" "io/ioutil" "strconv" "time" ) type req struct { CaptchaCode string `json:"captchaCode"` Ticket string `json:"ticket"` Randstr string `json:"randstr"` } const ( captchaNotMatch = "CAPTCHA not match." captchaRefresh = "Verification failed, please refresh the page and retry." ) // CaptchaRequired 验证请求签名 func CaptchaRequired(configName string) gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { // 相关设定 options := model.GetSettingByNames(configName, "captcha_type", "captcha_ReCaptchaSecret", "captcha_TCaptcha_SecretId", "captcha_TCaptcha_SecretKey", "captcha_TCaptcha_CaptchaAppId", "captcha_TCaptcha_AppSecretKey") // 检查验证码 isCaptchaRequired := model.IsTrueVal(options[configName]) if isCaptchaRequired { var service req bodyCopy := new(bytes.Buffer) _, err := io.Copy(bodyCopy, c.Request.Body) if err != nil { c.JSON(200, serializer.Err(serializer.CodeCaptchaError, captchaNotMatch, err)) c.Abort() return } bodyData := bodyCopy.Bytes() err = json.Unmarshal(bodyData, &service) if err != nil { c.JSON(200, serializer.Err(serializer.CodeCaptchaError, captchaNotMatch, err)) c.Abort() return } c.Request.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(bodyData)) switch options["captcha_type"] { case "normal": captchaID := util.GetSession(c, "captchaID") util.DeleteSession(c, "captchaID") if captchaID == nil || !base64Captcha.VerifyCaptcha(captchaID.(string), service.CaptchaCode) { c.JSON(200, serializer.Err(serializer.CodeCaptchaError, captchaNotMatch, err)) c.Abort() return } break case "recaptcha": reCAPTCHA, err := recaptcha.NewReCAPTCHA(options["captcha_ReCaptchaSecret"], recaptcha.V2, 10*time.Second) if err != nil { util.Log().Warning("reCAPTCHA verification failed, %s", err) c.Abort() break } err = reCAPTCHA.Verify(service.CaptchaCode) if err != nil { util.Log().Warning("reCAPTCHA verification failed, %s", err) c.JSON(200, serializer.Err(serializer.CodeCaptchaRefreshNeeded, captchaRefresh, nil)) c.Abort() return } break case "tcaptcha": credential := common.NewCredential( options["captcha_TCaptcha_SecretId"], options["captcha_TCaptcha_SecretKey"], ) cpf := profile.NewClientProfile() cpf.HttpProfile.Endpoint = "" client, _ := captcha.NewClient(credential, "", cpf) request := captcha.NewDescribeCaptchaResultRequest() request.CaptchaType = common.Uint64Ptr(9) appid, _ := strconv.Atoi(options["captcha_TCaptcha_CaptchaAppId"]) request.CaptchaAppId = common.Uint64Ptr(uint64(appid)) request.AppSecretKey = common.StringPtr(options["captcha_TCaptcha_AppSecretKey"]) request.Ticket = common.StringPtr(service.Ticket) request.Randstr = common.StringPtr(service.Randstr) request.UserIp = common.StringPtr(c.ClientIP()) response, err := client.DescribeCaptchaResult(request) if err != nil { util.Log().Warning("TCaptcha verification failed, %s", err) c.Abort() break } if *response.Response.CaptchaCode != int64(1) { c.JSON(200, serializer.Err(serializer.CodeCaptchaRefreshNeeded, captchaRefresh, nil)) c.Abort() return } break } } c.Next() } }