You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package model
import (
// 是否需要迁移
func needMigration() bool {
var setting Setting
return DB.Where("name = ?", "db_version_"+conf.RequiredDBVersion).First(&setting).Error != nil
// 执行数据迁移
func migration() {
// 确认是否需要执行迁移
if !needMigration() {
util.Log().Info("Database version fulfilled, skip schema migration.")
util.Log().Info("Start initializing database schema...")
// 清除所有缓存
if instance, ok := cache.Store.(*cache.RedisStore); ok {
// 自动迁移模式
if conf.DatabaseConfig.Type == "mysql" {
DB = DB.Set("gorm:table_options", "ENGINE=InnoDB")
Feat: aria2 download and transfer in slave node (#1040) * Feat: retrieve nodes from data table * Feat: master node ping slave node in REST API * Feat: master send scheduled ping request * Feat: inactive nodes recover loop * Modify: remove database operations from aria2 RPC caller implementation * Feat: init aria2 client in master node * Feat: Round Robin load balancer * Feat: create and monitor aria2 task in master node * Feat: salve receive and handle heartbeat * Fix: Node ID will be 0 in download record generated in older version * Feat: sign request headers with all `X-` prefix * Feat: API call to slave node will carry meta data in headers * Feat: call slave aria2 rpc method from master * Feat: get slave aria2 task status Feat: encode slave response data using gob * Feat: aria2 callback to master node / cancel or select task to slave node * Fix: use dummy aria2 client when caller initialize failed in master node * Feat: slave aria2 status event callback / salve RPC auth * Feat: prototype for slave driven filesystem * Feat: retry for init aria2 client in master node * Feat: init request client with global options * Feat: slave receive async task from master * Fix: competition write in request header * Refactor: dependency initialize order * Feat: generic message queue implementation * Feat: message queue implementation * Feat: master waiting slave transfer result * Feat: slave transfer file in stateless policy * Feat: slave transfer file in slave policy * Feat: slave transfer file in local policy * Feat: slave transfer file in OneDrive policy * Fix: failed to initialize update checker http client * Feat: list slave nodes for dashboard * Feat: test aria2 rpc connection in slave * Feat: add and save node * Feat: add and delete node in node pool * Fix: temp file cannot be removed when aria2 task fails * Fix: delete node in admin panel * Feat: edit node and get node info * Modify: delete unused settings
3 years ago
DB.AutoMigrate(&User{}, &Setting{}, &Group{}, &Policy{}, &Folder{}, &File{}, &Share{},
&Task{}, &Download{}, &Tag{}, &Webdav{}, &Node{}, &SourceLink{})
// 创建初始存储策略
// 创建初始用户组
// 创建初始管理员账户
// 创建初始节点
// 向设置数据表添加初始设置
// 执行数据库升级脚本
util.Log().Info("Finish initializing database schema.")
func addDefaultPolicy() {
_, err := GetPolicyByID(uint(1))
// 未找到初始存储策略时,则创建
if gorm.IsRecordNotFoundError(err) {
defaultPolicy := Policy{
Name: "Default storage policy",
Type: "local",
MaxSize: 0,
AutoRename: true,
DirNameRule: "uploads/{uid}/{path}",
FileNameRule: "{uid}_{randomkey8}_{originname}",
IsOriginLinkEnable: false,
OptionsSerialized: PolicyOption{
ChunkSize: 25 << 20, // 25MB
if err := DB.Create(&defaultPolicy).Error; err != nil {
util.Log().Panic("Failed to create default storage policy: %s", err)
func addDefaultSettings() {
for _, value := range defaultSettings {
DB.Where(Setting{Name: value.Name}).Create(&value)
func addDefaultGroups() {
_, err := GetGroupByID(1)
// 未找到初始管理组时,则创建
if gorm.IsRecordNotFoundError(err) {
defaultAdminGroup := Group{
Name: "Admin",
PolicyList: []uint{1},
MaxStorage: 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
ShareEnabled: true,
WebDAVEnabled: true,
OptionsSerialized: GroupOption{
ArchiveDownload: true,
ArchiveTask: true,
ShareDownload: true,
Aria2: true,
SourceBatchSize: 1000,
Aria2BatchSize: 50,
RedirectedSource: true,
if err := DB.Create(&defaultAdminGroup).Error; err != nil {
util.Log().Panic("Failed to create admin user group: %s", err)
err = nil
_, err = GetGroupByID(2)
// 未找到初始注册会员时,则创建
if gorm.IsRecordNotFoundError(err) {
defaultAdminGroup := Group{
Name: "User",
PolicyList: []uint{1},
MaxStorage: 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
ShareEnabled: true,
WebDAVEnabled: true,
OptionsSerialized: GroupOption{
ShareDownload: true,
SourceBatchSize: 10,
Aria2BatchSize: 1,
RedirectedSource: true,
if err := DB.Create(&defaultAdminGroup).Error; err != nil {
util.Log().Panic("Failed to create initial user group: %s", err)
err = nil
_, err = GetGroupByID(3)
// 未找到初始游客用户组时,则创建
if gorm.IsRecordNotFoundError(err) {
defaultAdminGroup := Group{
Name: "Anonymous",
PolicyList: []uint{},
Policies: "[]",
OptionsSerialized: GroupOption{
ShareDownload: true,
if err := DB.Create(&defaultAdminGroup).Error; err != nil {
util.Log().Panic("Failed to create anonymous user group: %s", err)
func addDefaultUser() {
5 years ago
_, err := GetUserByID(1)
password := util.RandStringRunes(8)
// 未找到初始用户时,则创建
if gorm.IsRecordNotFoundError(err) {
defaultUser := NewUser()
defaultUser.Email = ""
defaultUser.Nick = "admin"
defaultUser.Status = Active
defaultUser.GroupID = 1
err := defaultUser.SetPassword(password)
if err != nil {
util.Log().Panic("Failed to create password: %s", err)
if err := DB.Create(&defaultUser).Error; err != nil {
util.Log().Panic("Failed to create initial root user: %s", err)
c := color.New(color.FgWhite).Add(color.BgBlack).Add(color.Bold)
util.Log().Info("Admin user name: " + c.Sprint(""))
util.Log().Info("Admin password: " + c.Sprint(password))
func addDefaultNode() {
_, err := GetNodeByID(1)
if gorm.IsRecordNotFoundError(err) {
defaultAdminGroup := Node{
Name: "Master (Local machine)",
Status: NodeActive,
Type: MasterNodeType,
Aria2OptionsSerialized: Aria2Option{
Interval: 10,
Timeout: 10,
if err := DB.Create(&defaultAdminGroup).Error; err != nil {
util.Log().Panic("Failed to create initial node: %s", err)
func execUpgradeScripts() {
s := invoker.ListPrefix("UpgradeTo")
versions := make([]*version.Version, len(s))
for i, raw := range s {
v, _ := version.NewVersion(strings.TrimPrefix(raw, "UpgradeTo"))
versions[i] = v
for i := 0; i < len(versions); i++ {
invoker.RunDBScript("UpgradeTo"+versions[i].String(), context.Background())