package user
import (
model "github.com/cloudreve/Cloudreve/v3/models"
// UserRegisterService 管理用户注册的服务
type UserRegisterService struct {
//TODO 细致调整验证规则
UserName string `form:"userName" json:"userName" binding:"required,email"`
Password string `form:"Password" json:"Password" binding:"required,min=4,max=64"`
// Register 新用户注册
func (service *UserRegisterService) Register(c *gin.Context) serializer.Response {
// 相关设定
options := model.GetSettingByNames("email_active")
// 相关设定
isEmailRequired := model.IsTrueVal(options["email_active"])
defaultGroup := model.GetIntSetting("default_group", 2)
// 创建新的用户对象
user := model.NewUser()
user.Email = service.UserName
user.Nick = strings.Split(service.UserName, "@")[0]
user.Status = model.Active
if isEmailRequired {
user.Status = model.NotActivicated
user.GroupID = uint(defaultGroup)
userNotActivated := false
// 创建用户
if err := model.DB.Create(&user).Error; err != nil {
expectedUser, err := model.GetUserByEmail(service.UserName)
if expectedUser.Status == model.NotActivicated {
userNotActivated = true
user = expectedUser
} else {
return serializer.Err(serializer.CodeEmailExisted, "Email already in use", err)
// 发送激活邮件
if isEmailRequired {
// 签名激活请求API
base := model.GetSiteURL()
userID := hashid.HashID(user.ID, hashid.UserID)
controller, _ := url.Parse("/api/v3/user/activate/" + userID)
activateURL, err := auth.SignURI(auth.General, base.ResolveReference(controller).String(), 86400)
if err != nil {
return serializer.Err(serializer.CodeEncryptError, "Failed to sign the activation link", err)
// 取得签名
credential := activateURL.Query().Get("sign")
// 生成对用户访问的激活地址
controller, _ = url.Parse("/activate")
finalURL := base.ResolveReference(controller)
queries := finalURL.Query()
queries.Add("id", userID)
queries.Add("sign", credential)
finalURL.RawQuery = queries.Encode()
// 返送激活邮件
title, body := email.NewActivationEmail(user.Email,
if err := email.Send(user.Email, title, body); err != nil {
return serializer.Err(serializer.CodeFailedSendEmail, "Failed to send activation email", err)
if userNotActivated == true {
return serializer.Err(serializer.CodeEmailSent, "User is not activated, activation email has been resent", nil)
} else {
return serializer.Response{Code: 203}
return serializer.Response{}
// Activate 激活用户
func (service *SettingService) Activate(c *gin.Context) serializer.Response {
// 查找待激活用户
uid, _ := c.Get("object_id")
user, err := model.GetUserByID(uid.(uint))
if err != nil {
return serializer.Err(serializer.CodeUserNotFound, "User not fount", err)
// 检查状态
if user.Status != model.NotActivicated {
return serializer.Err(serializer.CodeUserCannotActivate, "This user cannot be activated", nil)
// 激活用户
return serializer.Response{Data: user.Email}