You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package s3
import (
model ""
// Driver 适配器模板
type Driver struct {
Policy *model.Policy
sess *session.Session
svc *s3.S3
// UploadPolicy S3上传策略
type UploadPolicy struct {
Expiration string `json:"expiration"`
Conditions []interface{} `json:"conditions"`
// MetaData 文件信息
type MetaData struct {
Size uint64
Etag string
func NewDriver(policy *model.Policy) (*Driver, error) {
if policy.OptionsSerialized.ChunkSize == 0 {
policy.OptionsSerialized.ChunkSize = 25 << 20 // 25 MB
driver := &Driver{
Policy: policy,
return driver, driver.InitS3Client()
// InitS3Client 初始化S3会话
func (handler *Driver) InitS3Client() error {
if handler.Policy == nil {
return errors.New("empty policy")
if handler.svc == nil {
// 初始化会话
sess, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentials(handler.Policy.AccessKey, handler.Policy.SecretKey, ""),
Endpoint: &handler.Policy.Server,
Region: &handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.Region,
S3ForcePathStyle: &handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.S3ForcePathStyle,
if err != nil {
return err
handler.sess = sess
handler.svc = s3.New(sess)
return nil
// List 列出给定路径下的文件
func (handler *Driver) List(ctx context.Context, base string, recursive bool) ([]response.Object, error) {
// 初始化列目录参数
base = strings.TrimPrefix(base, "/")
if base != "" {
base += "/"
opt := &s3.ListObjectsInput{
Bucket: &handler.Policy.BucketName,
Prefix: &base,
MaxKeys: aws.Int64(1000),
// 是否为递归列出
if !recursive {
opt.Delimiter = aws.String("/")
var (
objects []*s3.Object
commons []*s3.CommonPrefix
for {
res, err := handler.svc.ListObjectsWithContext(ctx, opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
objects = append(objects, res.Contents...)
commons = append(commons, res.CommonPrefixes...)
// 如果本次未列取完则继续使用marker获取结果
if *res.IsTruncated {
opt.Marker = res.NextMarker
} else {
// 处理列取结果
res := make([]response.Object, 0, len(objects)+len(commons))
// 处理目录
for _, object := range commons {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(*opt.Prefix, *object.Prefix)
if err != nil {
res = append(res, response.Object{
Name: path.Base(*object.Prefix),
RelativePath: filepath.ToSlash(rel),
Size: 0,
IsDir: true,
LastModify: time.Now(),
// 处理文件
for _, object := range objects {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(*opt.Prefix, *object.Key)
if err != nil {
res = append(res, response.Object{
Name: path.Base(*object.Key),
Source: *object.Key,
RelativePath: filepath.ToSlash(rel),
Size: uint64(*object.Size),
IsDir: false,
LastModify: time.Now(),
return res, nil
// Get 获取文件
func (handler *Driver) Get(ctx context.Context, path string) (response.RSCloser, error) {
// 获取文件源地址
downloadURL, err := handler.Source(
int64(model.GetIntSetting("preview_timeout", 60)),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 获取文件数据流
Feat: aria2 download and transfer in slave node (#1040) * Feat: retrieve nodes from data table * Feat: master node ping slave node in REST API * Feat: master send scheduled ping request * Feat: inactive nodes recover loop * Modify: remove database operations from aria2 RPC caller implementation * Feat: init aria2 client in master node * Feat: Round Robin load balancer * Feat: create and monitor aria2 task in master node * Feat: salve receive and handle heartbeat * Fix: Node ID will be 0 in download record generated in older version * Feat: sign request headers with all `X-` prefix * Feat: API call to slave node will carry meta data in headers * Feat: call slave aria2 rpc method from master * Feat: get slave aria2 task status Feat: encode slave response data using gob * Feat: aria2 callback to master node / cancel or select task to slave node * Fix: use dummy aria2 client when caller initialize failed in master node * Feat: slave aria2 status event callback / salve RPC auth * Feat: prototype for slave driven filesystem * Feat: retry for init aria2 client in master node * Feat: init request client with global options * Feat: slave receive async task from master * Fix: competition write in request header * Refactor: dependency initialize order * Feat: generic message queue implementation * Feat: message queue implementation * Feat: master waiting slave transfer result * Feat: slave transfer file in stateless policy * Feat: slave transfer file in slave policy * Feat: slave transfer file in local policy * Feat: slave transfer file in OneDrive policy * Fix: failed to initialize update checker http client * Feat: list slave nodes for dashboard * Feat: test aria2 rpc connection in slave * Feat: add and save node * Feat: add and delete node in node pool * Fix: temp file cannot be removed when aria2 task fails * Fix: delete node in admin panel * Feat: edit node and get node info * Modify: delete unused settings
3 years ago
client := request.NewClient()
resp, err := client.Request(
http.Header{"Cache-Control": {"no-cache", "no-store", "must-revalidate"}},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 尝试自主获取文件大小
if file, ok := ctx.Value(fsctx.FileModelCtx).(model.File); ok {
return resp, nil
// Put 将文件流保存到指定目录
func (handler *Driver) Put(ctx context.Context, file fsctx.FileHeader) error {
defer file.Close()
// 初始化客户端
if err := handler.InitS3Client(); err != nil {
return err
uploader := s3manager.NewUploader(handler.sess, func(u *s3manager.Uploader) {
u.PartSize = int64(handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.ChunkSize)
dst := file.Info().SavePath
_, err := uploader.Upload(&s3manager.UploadInput{
Bucket: &handler.Policy.BucketName,
Key: &dst,
Body: io.LimitReader(file, int64(file.Info().Size)),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Delete 删除一个或多个文件,
// 返回未删除的文件,及遇到的最后一个错误
func (handler *Driver) Delete(ctx context.Context, files []string) ([]string, error) {
failed := make([]string, 0, len(files))
deleted := make([]string, 0, len(files))
keys := make([]*s3.ObjectIdentifier, 0, len(files))
for _, file := range files {
filePath := file
keys = append(keys, &s3.ObjectIdentifier{Key: &filePath})
// 发送异步删除请求
res, err := handler.svc.DeleteObjects(
Bucket: &handler.Policy.BucketName,
Delete: &s3.Delete{
Objects: keys,
if err != nil {
return files, err
// 统计未删除的文件
for _, deleteRes := range res.Deleted {
deleted = append(deleted, *deleteRes.Key)
failed = util.SliceDifference(files, deleted)
return failed, nil
// Thumb 获取文件缩略图
func (handler *Driver) Thumb(ctx context.Context, file *model.File) (*response.ContentResponse, error) {
return nil, errors.New("未实现")
// Source 获取外链URL
func (handler *Driver) Source(
ctx context.Context,
path string,
baseURL url.URL,
ttl int64,
isDownload bool,
speed int,
) (string, error) {
// 尝试从上下文获取文件名
fileName := ""
if file, ok := ctx.Value(fsctx.FileModelCtx).(model.File); ok {
fileName = file.Name
// 初始化客户端
if err := handler.InitS3Client(); err != nil {
return "", err
contentDescription := aws.String("attachment; filename=\"" + url.PathEscape(fileName) + "\"")
if !isDownload {
contentDescription = nil
req, _ := handler.svc.GetObjectRequest(
Bucket: &handler.Policy.BucketName,
Key: &path,
ResponseContentDisposition: contentDescription,
signedURL, err := req.Presign(time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// 将最终生成的签名URL域名换成用户自定义的加速域名如果有
finalURL, err := url.Parse(signedURL)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// 公有空间替换掉Key及不支持的头
if !handler.Policy.IsPrivate {
finalURL.RawQuery = ""
if handler.Policy.BaseURL != "" {
cdnURL, err := url.Parse(handler.Policy.BaseURL)
if err != nil {
return "", err
finalURL.Host = cdnURL.Host
finalURL.Scheme = cdnURL.Scheme
return finalURL.String(), nil
// Token 获取上传策略和认证Token
func (handler *Driver) Token(ctx context.Context, ttl int64, uploadSession *serializer.UploadSession, file fsctx.FileHeader) (*serializer.UploadCredential, error) {
// 检查文件是否存在
fileInfo := file.Info()
if _, err := handler.Meta(ctx, fileInfo.SavePath); err == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("file already exist")
// 创建分片上传
expires := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second)
res, err := handler.svc.CreateMultipartUpload(&s3.CreateMultipartUploadInput{
Bucket: &handler.Policy.BucketName,
Key: &fileInfo.SavePath,
Expires: &expires,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create multipart upload: %w", err)
uploadSession.UploadID = *res.UploadId
// 为每个分片签名上传 URL
chunks := chunk.NewChunkGroup(file, handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.ChunkSize, &backoff.ConstantBackoff{}, false)
urls := make([]string, chunks.Num())
for chunks.Next() {
err := chunks.Process(func(c *chunk.ChunkGroup, chunk io.Reader) error {
signedReq, _ := handler.svc.UploadPartRequest(&s3.UploadPartInput{
Bucket: &handler.Policy.BucketName,
Key: &fileInfo.SavePath,
PartNumber: aws.Int64(int64(c.Index() + 1)),
UploadId: res.UploadId,
signedURL, err := signedReq.Presign(time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second)
if err != nil {
return err
urls[c.Index()] = signedURL
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 签名完成分片上传的请求URL
signedReq, _ := handler.svc.CompleteMultipartUploadRequest(&s3.CompleteMultipartUploadInput{
Bucket: &handler.Policy.BucketName,
Key: &fileInfo.SavePath,
UploadId: res.UploadId,
signedURL, err := signedReq.Presign(time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 生成上传凭证
return &serializer.UploadCredential{
SessionID: uploadSession.Key,
ChunkSize: handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.ChunkSize,
UploadID: *res.UploadId,
UploadURLs: urls,
CompleteURL: signedURL,
}, nil
// Meta 获取文件信息
func (handler *Driver) Meta(ctx context.Context, path string) (*MetaData, error) {
res, err := handler.svc.HeadObject(
Bucket: &handler.Policy.BucketName,
Key: &path,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &MetaData{
Size: uint64(*res.ContentLength),
Etag: *res.ETag,
}, nil
// CORS 创建跨域策略
func (handler *Driver) CORS() error {
rule := s3.CORSRule{
AllowedMethods: aws.StringSlice([]string{
AllowedOrigins: aws.StringSlice([]string{"*"}),
AllowedHeaders: aws.StringSlice([]string{"*"}),
ExposeHeaders: aws.StringSlice([]string{"ETag"}),
MaxAgeSeconds: aws.Int64(3600),
_, err := handler.svc.PutBucketCors(&s3.PutBucketCorsInput{
Bucket: &handler.Policy.BucketName,
CORSConfiguration: &s3.CORSConfiguration{
CORSRules: []*s3.CORSRule{&rule},
return err
// 取消上传凭证
func (handler *Driver) CancelToken(ctx context.Context, uploadSession *serializer.UploadSession) error {
_, err := handler.svc.AbortMultipartUpload(&s3.AbortMultipartUploadInput{
UploadId: &uploadSession.UploadID,
Bucket: &handler.Policy.BucketName,
Key: &uploadSession.SavePath,
return err