package filesystem
import (
model "github.com/cloudreve/Cloudreve/v3/models"
/* ================
// GetThumb 获取文件的缩略图
func (fs *FileSystem) GetThumb(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*response.ContentResponse, error) {
// 根据 ID 查找文件
err := fs.resetFileIDIfNotExist(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrObjectNotExist
file := fs.FileTarget[0]
if !file.ShouldLoadThumb() {
return nil, ErrObjectNotExist
w, h := fs.GenerateThumbnailSize(0, 0)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, fsctx.ThumbSizeCtx, [2]uint{w, h})
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, fsctx.FileModelCtx, file)
res, err := fs.Handler.Thumb(ctx, &file)
if errors.Is(err, driver.ErrorThumbNotExist) {
// Regenerate thumb if the thumb is not initialized yet
if generateErr := fs.generateThumbnail(ctx, &file); generateErr == nil {
res, err = fs.Handler.Thumb(ctx, &file)
} else {
err = generateErr
} else if errors.Is(err, driver.ErrorThumbNotSupported) {
// Policy handler explicitly indicates thumb not available, check if proxy is enabled
if fs.Policy.CouldProxyThumb() {
// if thumb id marked as existed, redirect to "sidecar" thumb file.
if file.MetadataSerialized != nil &&
file.MetadataSerialized[model.ThumbStatusMetadataKey] == model.ThumbStatusExist {
// redirect to sidecar file
res = &response.ContentResponse{
Redirect: true,
res.URL, err = fs.Handler.Source(ctx, file.ThumbFile(), int64(model.GetIntSetting("preview_timeout", 60)), false, 0)
} else {
// if not exist, generate and upload the sidecar thumb.
if err = fs.generateThumbnail(ctx, &file); err == nil {
return fs.GetThumb(ctx, id)
} else {
// thumb not supported and proxy is disabled, mark as not available
_ = updateThumbStatus(&file, model.ThumbStatusNotAvailable)
if err == nil && conf.SystemConfig.Mode == "master" {
res.MaxAge = model.GetIntSetting("preview_timeout", 60)
return res, err
// thumbPool 要使用的任务池
var thumbPool *Pool
var once sync.Once
// Pool 带有最大配额的任务池
type Pool struct {
// 容量
worker chan int
// Init 初始化任务池
func getThumbWorker() *Pool {
once.Do(func() {
maxWorker := model.GetIntSetting("thumb_max_task_count", -1)
if maxWorker <= 0 {
maxWorker = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
thumbPool = &Pool{
worker: make(chan int, maxWorker),
util.Log().Debug("Initialize thumbnails task queue with: WorkerNum = %d", maxWorker)
return thumbPool
func (pool *Pool) addWorker() {
pool.worker <- 1
util.Log().Debug("Worker added to thumbnails task queue.")
func (pool *Pool) releaseWorker() {
util.Log().Debug("Worker released from thumbnails task queue.")
// generateThumbnail generates thumb for given file, upload the thumb file back with given suffix
func (fs *FileSystem) generateThumbnail(ctx context.Context, file *model.File) error {
// 新建上下文
newCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// TODO: check file size
if file.Size > uint64(model.GetIntSetting("thumb_max_src_size", 31457280)) {
_ = updateThumbStatus(file, model.ThumbStatusNotAvailable)
return errors.New("file too large")
defer getThumbWorker().releaseWorker()
// 获取文件数据
source, err := fs.Handler.Get(newCtx, file.SourceName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("faield to fetch original file %q: %w", file.SourceName, err)
defer source.Close()
// Provide file source path for local policy files
src := ""
if conf.SystemConfig.Mode == "slave" || file.GetPolicy().Type == "local" {
src = file.SourceName
thumbRes, err := thumb.Generators.Generate(ctx, source, src, file.Name, model.GetSettingByNames(
if err != nil {
_ = updateThumbStatus(file, model.ThumbStatusNotAvailable)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to generate thumb for %q: %w", file.Name, err)
defer os.Remove(thumbRes.Path)
thumbFile, err := os.Open(thumbRes.Path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open temp thumb %q: %w", thumbRes.Path, err)
defer thumbFile.Close()
fileInfo, err := thumbFile.Stat()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to stat temp thumb %q: %w", thumbRes.Path, err)
if err = fs.Handler.Put(newCtx, &fsctx.FileStream{
Mode: fsctx.Overwrite,
File: thumbFile,
Seeker: thumbFile,
Size: uint64(fileInfo.Size()),
SavePath: file.SourceName + model.GetSettingByNameWithDefault("thumb_file_suffix", "._thumb"),
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save thumb for %q: %w", file.Name, err)
if model.IsTrueVal(model.GetSettingByName("thumb_gc_after_gen")) {
util.Log().Debug("generateThumbnail runtime.GC")
// Mark this file as thumb available
err = updateThumbStatus(file, model.ThumbStatusExist)
// 失败时删除缩略图文件
if err != nil {
_, _ = fs.Handler.Delete(newCtx, []string{file.SourceName + model.GetSettingByNameWithDefault("thumb_file_suffix", "._thumb")})
return nil
// GenerateThumbnailSize 获取要生成的缩略图的尺寸
func (fs *FileSystem) GenerateThumbnailSize(w, h int) (uint, uint) {
return uint(model.GetIntSetting("thumb_width", 400)), uint(model.GetIntSetting("thumb_height", 300))
func updateThumbStatus(file *model.File, status string) error {
if file.Model.ID > 0 {
meta := map[string]string{
model.ThumbStatusMetadataKey: status,
if status == model.ThumbStatusExist {
meta[model.ThumbSidecarMetadataKey] = "true"
return file.UpdateMetadata(meta)
} else {
if file.MetadataSerialized == nil {
file.MetadataSerialized = map[string]string{}
file.MetadataSerialized[model.ThumbStatusMetadataKey] = status
return nil