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package upyun
import (
model ""
// UploadPolicy 又拍云上传策略
type UploadPolicy struct {
Bucket string `json:"bucket"`
SaveKey string `json:"save-key"`
Expiration int64 `json:"expiration"`
CallbackURL string `json:"notify-url"`
ContentLength uint64 `json:"content-length"`
ContentLengthRange string `json:"content-length-range,omitempty"`
AllowFileType string `json:"allow-file-type,omitempty"`
// Driver 又拍云策略适配器
type Driver struct {
Policy *model.Policy
func (handler Driver) List(ctx context.Context, base string, recursive bool) ([]response.Object, error) {
base = strings.TrimPrefix(base, "/")
// 用于接受SDK返回对象的chan
objChan := make(chan *upyun.FileInfo)
objects := []*upyun.FileInfo{}
// 列取配置
listConf := &upyun.GetObjectsConfig{
Path: "/" + base,
ObjectsChan: objChan,
MaxListTries: 1,
// 递归列取时不限制递归次数
if recursive {
listConf.MaxListLevel = -1
// 启动一个goroutine收集列取的对象信
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
go func(input chan *upyun.FileInfo, output *[]*upyun.FileInfo, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for {
file, ok := <-input
if !ok {
*output = append(*output, file)
}(objChan, &objects, wg)
up := upyun.NewUpYun(&upyun.UpYunConfig{
Bucket: handler.Policy.BucketName,
Operator: handler.Policy.AccessKey,
Password: handler.Policy.SecretKey,
err := up.List(listConf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 汇总处理列取结果
res := make([]response.Object, 0, len(objects))
for _, object := range objects {
res = append(res, response.Object{
Name: path.Base(object.Name),
RelativePath: object.Name,
Source: path.Join(base, object.Name),
Size: uint64(object.Size),
IsDir: object.IsDir,
LastModify: object.Time,
return res, nil
// Get 获取文件
func (handler Driver) Get(ctx context.Context, path string) (response.RSCloser, error) {
// 获取文件源地址
downloadURL, err := handler.Source(ctx, path, int64(model.GetIntSetting("preview_timeout", 60)), false, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 获取文件数据流
client := request.NewClient()
resp, err := client.Request(
http.Header{"Cache-Control": {"no-cache", "no-store", "must-revalidate"}},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 尝试自主获取文件大小
if file, ok := ctx.Value(fsctx.FileModelCtx).(model.File); ok {
return resp, nil
// Put 将文件流保存到指定目录
func (handler Driver) Put(ctx context.Context, file fsctx.FileHeader) error {
defer file.Close()
up := upyun.NewUpYun(&upyun.UpYunConfig{
Bucket: handler.Policy.BucketName,
Operator: handler.Policy.AccessKey,
Password: handler.Policy.SecretKey,
err := up.Put(&upyun.PutObjectConfig{
Path: file.Info().SavePath,
Reader: file,
return err
// Delete 删除一个或多个文件,
// 返回未删除的文件,及遇到的最后一个错误
func (handler Driver) Delete(ctx context.Context, files []string) ([]string, error) {
up := upyun.NewUpYun(&upyun.UpYunConfig{
Bucket: handler.Policy.BucketName,
Operator: handler.Policy.AccessKey,
Password: handler.Policy.SecretKey,
var (
failed = make([]string, 0, len(files))
lastErr error
currentIndex = 0
indexLock sync.Mutex
failedLock sync.Mutex
wg sync.WaitGroup
routineNum = 4
// upyun不支持批量操作这里开四个协程并行操作
for i := 0; i < routineNum; i++ {
go func() {
for {
// 取得待删除文件
if currentIndex >= len(files) {
// 所有文件处理完成
path := files[currentIndex]
// 发送异步删除请求
err := up.Delete(&upyun.DeleteObjectConfig{
Path: path,
Async: true,
// 处理错误
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
failed = append(failed, path)
return failed, lastErr
// Thumb 获取文件缩略图
func (handler Driver) Thumb(ctx context.Context, file *model.File) (*response.ContentResponse, error) {
// quick check by extension name
supported := []string{"png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp", "webp", "svg"}
if len(handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.ThumbExts) > 0 {
supported = handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.ThumbExts
if !util.IsInExtensionList(supported, file.Name) {
return nil, driver.ErrorThumbNotSupported
var (
thumbSize = [2]uint{400, 300}
ok = false
if thumbSize, ok = ctx.Value(fsctx.ThumbSizeCtx).([2]uint); !ok {
return nil, errors.New("failed to get thumbnail size")
thumbEncodeQuality := model.GetIntSetting("thumb_encode_quality", 85)
thumbParam := fmt.Sprintf("!/fwfh/%dx%d/quality/%d", thumbSize[0], thumbSize[1], thumbEncodeQuality)
thumbURL, err := handler.Source(ctx, file.SourceName+thumbParam, int64(model.GetIntSetting("preview_timeout", 60)), false, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &response.ContentResponse{
Redirect: true,
URL: thumbURL,
}, nil
// Source 获取外链URL
func (handler Driver) Source(ctx context.Context, path string, ttl int64, isDownload bool, speed int) (string, error) {
// 尝试从上下文获取文件名
fileName := ""
if file, ok := ctx.Value(fsctx.FileModelCtx).(model.File); ok {
fileName = file.Name
sourceURL, err := url.Parse(handler.Policy.BaseURL)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fileKey, err := url.Parse(url.PathEscape(path))
if err != nil {
return "", err
sourceURL = sourceURL.ResolveReference(fileKey)
// 如果是下载文件URL
if isDownload {
query := sourceURL.Query()
query.Add("_upd", fileName)
sourceURL.RawQuery = query.Encode()
return handler.signURL(ctx, sourceURL, ttl)
func (handler Driver) signURL(ctx context.Context, path *url.URL, TTL int64) (string, error) {
if !handler.Policy.IsPrivate {
// 未开启Token防盗链时直接返回
return path.String(), nil
etime := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(TTL) * time.Second).Unix()
signStr := fmt.Sprintf(
signMd5 := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(signStr)))
finalSign := signMd5[12:20] + strconv.FormatInt(etime, 10)
// 将签名添加到URL中
query := path.Query()
query.Add("_upt", finalSign)
path.RawQuery = query.Encode()
return path.String(), nil
// Token 获取上传策略和认证Token
func (handler Driver) Token(ctx context.Context, ttl int64, uploadSession *serializer.UploadSession, file fsctx.FileHeader) (*serializer.UploadCredential, error) {
// 生成回调地址
siteURL := model.GetSiteURL()
apiBaseURI, _ := url.Parse("/api/v3/callback/upyun/" + uploadSession.Key)
apiURL := siteURL.ResolveReference(apiBaseURI)
// 上传策略
fileInfo := file.Info()
putPolicy := UploadPolicy{
Bucket: handler.Policy.BucketName,
// TODO escape
SaveKey: fileInfo.SavePath,
Expiration: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second).Unix(),
CallbackURL: apiURL.String(),
ContentLength: fileInfo.Size,
ContentLengthRange: fmt.Sprintf("0,%d", fileInfo.Size),
AllowFileType: strings.Join(handler.Policy.OptionsSerialized.FileType, ","),
// 生成上传凭证
policyJSON, err := json.Marshal(putPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
policyEncoded := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(policyJSON)
// 生成签名
elements := []string{"POST", "/" + handler.Policy.BucketName, policyEncoded}
signStr := handler.Sign(ctx, elements)
return &serializer.UploadCredential{
SessionID: uploadSession.Key,
Policy: policyEncoded,
Credential: signStr,
UploadURLs: []string{"" + handler.Policy.BucketName},
}, nil
// 取消上传凭证
func (handler Driver) CancelToken(ctx context.Context, uploadSession *serializer.UploadSession) error {
return nil
// Sign 计算又拍云的签名头
func (handler Driver) Sign(ctx context.Context, elements []string) string {
password := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(handler.Policy.SecretKey)))
mac := hmac.New(sha1.New, []byte(password))
value := strings.Join(elements, "&")
signStr := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString((mac.Sum(nil)))
return fmt.Sprintf("UPYUN %s:%s", handler.Policy.AccessKey, signStr)