You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package model
import (
// Share 分享模型
type Share struct {
Password string // 分享密码,空值为非加密分享
IsDir bool // 原始资源是否为目录
UserID uint // 创建用户ID
SourceID uint // 原始资源ID
Views int // 浏览数
Downloads int // 下载数
RemainDownloads int // 剩余下载配额,负值标识无限制
Expires *time.Time // 过期时间,空值表示无过期时间
Score int // 每人次下载扣除积分
// 数据库忽略字段
User User `gorm:"PRELOAD:false,association_autoupdate:false"`
File File `gorm:"PRELOAD:false,association_autoupdate:false"`
Folder Folder `gorm:"PRELOAD:false,association_autoupdate:false"`
// Create 创建分享
// TODO 测试
func (share *Share) Create() (uint, error) {
if err := DB.Create(share).Error; err != nil {
util.Log().Warning("无法插入数据库记录, %s", err)
return 0, err
return share.ID, nil
// GetShareByHashID 根据HashID查找分享
// TODO 测试
func GetShareByHashID(hashID string) *Share {
id, err := hashid.DecodeHashID(hashID, hashid.ShareID)
if err != nil {
return nil
var share Share
result := DB.First(&share, id)
if result.Error != nil {
return nil
return &share
// IsAvailable 返回此分享是否可用(是否过期)
// TODO 测试
func (share *Share) IsAvailable() bool {
if share.RemainDownloads == 0 {
return false
if share.Expires != nil && time.Now().After(*share.Expires) {
return false
// 检查源对象是否存在
var sourceID uint
if share.IsDir {
folder := share.GetSourceFolder()
sourceID = folder.ID
} else {
file := share.GetSourceFile()
sourceID = file.ID
if sourceID == 0 {
return false
return true
// GetCreator 获取分享的创建者
func (share *Share) GetCreator() *User {
if share.User.ID == 0 {
share.User, _ = GetUserByID(share.UserID)
return &share.User
// GetSource 返回源对象
func (share *Share) GetSource() interface{} {
if share.IsDir {
return share.GetSourceFolder()
return share.GetSourceFile()
// GetSourceFolder 获取源目录
func (share *Share) GetSourceFolder() *Folder {
if share.Folder.ID == 0 {
folders, _ := GetFoldersByIDs([]uint{share.SourceID}, share.UserID)
if len(folders) > 0 {
share.Folder = folders[0]
return &share.Folder
// GetSourceFile 获取源文件
func (share *Share) GetSourceFile() *File {
if share.File.ID == 0 {
files, _ := GetFilesByIDs([]uint{share.SourceID}, share.UserID)
if len(files) > 0 {
share.File = files[0]
return &share.File
// CanBeDownloadBy 返回此分享是否可以被给定用户下载
func (share *Share) CanBeDownloadBy(user *User) error {
// 用户组权限
if !user.Group.OptionsSerialized.ShareDownloadEnabled {
if user.IsAnonymous() {
return errors.New("未登录用户无法下载")
return errors.New("您当前的用户组无权下载")
// 需要积分但未登录
if share.Score > 0 && user.IsAnonymous() {
return errors.New("未登录用户无法下载")
return nil
// WasDownloadedBy 返回分享是否已被用户下载过
func (share *Share) WasDownloadedBy(user *User) bool {
_, exist := cache.Get(fmt.Sprintf("share_%d_%d", share.ID, user.ID))
return exist
// DownloadBy 增加下载次数、检查积分等,匿名用户不会缓存
func (share *Share) DownloadBy(user *User) error {
if !share.WasDownloadedBy(user) {
if err := share.Purchase(user); err != nil {
return err
if !user.IsAnonymous() {
cache.Set(fmt.Sprintf("share_%d_%d", share.ID, user.ID), true,
GetIntSetting("share_download_session_timeout", 2073600))
return nil
// Purchase 使用积分购买分享
func (share *Share) Purchase(user *User) error {
// 不需要付积分
if share.Score == 0 || user.Group.OptionsSerialized.ShareFreeEnabled {
return nil
ok := user.PayScore(share.Score)
if !ok {
return errors.New("积分不足")
return nil
// Viewed 增加访问次数
func (share *Share) Viewed() {
DB.Model(share).UpdateColumn("views", gorm.Expr("views + ?", 1))
// Downloaded 增加下载次数
func (share *Share) Downloaded() {
DB.Model(share).UpdateColumn("downloads", gorm.Expr("downloads + ?", 1))