# Card-Memory-Game **Tier:** 2-Intermediate Card memory is a game where you have to click on a card to see what image is underneath it and try to find the matching image underneath the other cards. ## User Stories - [ ] User can see a grid with n x n cards (`n` is an integer). All the cards are faced down initially (`hidden` state) - [ ] User can click a button to start the game. When this button is clicked, a timer will start - [ ] User can click on any card to unveil the image that is underneath it (change it to `visible` state). The image will be displayed until the user clicks on a 2nd card When the User clicks on the 2nd card: - [ ] If there is a match, the 2 cards will be eliminated from the game (either hide/remove them or leave them in the `visible` state) - [ ] If there isn't a match, the 2 cards will flip back to their original state (`hidden` state) - [ ] When all the matches have been found, the User can see a dialog box showing a Congratulations message with a counter displaying the time it took to finish the game ## Bonus features - [ ] Use can choose between multiple levels of difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard). Increased difficulty means: decreasing the time available to complete and/or increasing the number of cards - [ ] User can see the game statistics (nr. of times he won / he lost, best time for each level) ## Project Board You can track your progress by cloning this [TBD](url-goes-here) ## Useful links and resources - [Wikipedia]() ## Example projects - [Flip - card memory game](https://codepen.io/zerospree/full/bNWbvW) - [SMB3 Memory Card Game](https://codepen.io/hexagoncircle/full/OXBJxV)