# Spell-It **Tier:** 3-Advanced Knowing how to spell is a fundamental part of being fluent in any language. Whether you are a youngster learning how to spell or an individual learning a new language being able to practice helps to solidify your language skills. The Spell-It app helps users practice their spelling by playing the audio recording of a word the user must then spell using the computer keyboard. ## User Stories - [ ] User can click the 'Play' button to hear the word that's to be entered - [ ] User can see letters displayed in the word input text box as they are entered on the keyboard - [ ] User can click the 'Enter' button to submit the word that has been typed in the word input text box - [ ] User can see a confirmation message when the correct word is typed - [ ] User can see a message requesting the word be typed again when it is spellect incorrectly - [ ] User can see a tally of the number of correct spellings, total number of words attempted, and a percentage of successful entries. ## Bonus features - [ ] User can hear an confirmation sound when the word is correctly spelled - [ ] User can hear a warning sound when the word is incorrectly spelled - [ ] User can click the 'Hint' button to highlight the incorrect letters in the word input text box - [ ] User can press the 'Enter' key on the keyboard to submit a typed word or click the 'Enter' button in the app window ## Useful links and resources - [Texas Instruments Speak and Spell]() - [Web Audio API](https://codepen.io/2kool2/pen/RgKeyp) - [Click and Speak](https://codepen.io/shangle/pen/Wvqqzq) ## Example projects - [Speak N Spell on Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=au.id.weston.scott.SpeakAndSpell&hl=en_US) - [Word Wizard for iOS](https://itunes.apple.com/app/id447312716)