# Christmas Lights **Tier:** 1-Beginner The ChristmasLights application relies on your development talents to create a mesmerizing light display. Your task is to draw seven colored circles in a row and based on a timer change the intensity of each each circle. When a circle is brightened it's predecessor returns to its normal intensity. This simulates the effect of a string of rippling lights, similar to the ones displayed during the Christmas Holidays. ## User Stories - [ ] User can press a button to start and stop the display - [ ] User can change the interval of time controlling the change in intensity ## Bonus features - [ ] User can select the color used to fill each circle - [ ] User can specify the intensity value - [ ] User can change the size of any circle in the row - [ ] User can specify the number of rows to be included in the display. From one to seven rows can be chosen ## Useful links and resources - [Sample Image](https://previews.123rf.com/images/whiterabbit/whiterabbit1003/whiterabbit100300020/6582600-seven-color-balls-red-orange-yellow-green-cyan-blue-and-magenta-in-a-row-on-a-white-background.jpg) - [Adafruit LED Matrix](https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/970x728/1487-02.jpg) ## Example projects [PureCSSChristmasLights](https://codepen.io/tobyj/pen/QjvEex)