# Battleship Bot **Tier:** 3-Advanced Battleship Bot is takes the [Battleship Game Engine](./Battleship-Game-Engine.md) to the next level. This challenge uses your Battleship Game Engine to create a presentation layer using Discord's bot API to allow you to play the game via a Discord chat. ## User Stories - [ ] User can display game rules by entering `bb help` into the chat window. - [ ] User can start a game by entering `bb start` into the chat - [ ] User can target a cell by enteering `bb shoot r,c` into the chat window, where `r` and `c` are the row and column coordinates of the cell to be targeted. - [ ] User can see the game board showing hits and misses displayed by the bot after each shot is taken - [ ] User can see an congratulations message after the shot that sinks the last remaining ship. ## Bonus features - [ ] User can surrender a game by entering `bb surrender` in the chat window. - [ ] User can see a card containing a graphical representation of the hits and misses rather than a simple 2D table of characters. ## Useful links and resources - [Battleship Game Engine](./Battleship-Game-Engine.md) - [How to Create a Discord Bot Under 15 Minutes](https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-create-a-discord-bot-under-15-minutes-fb2fd0083844) - [Using Embeds in Messages](https://anidiots.guide/first-bot/using-embeds-in-messages) - [Discord Developer Portal](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/intro) ## Example projects - [Gamebot(Battleship)](https://repl.it/talk/challenge/GameBot-Battleship/8813)