# Build a Banking App Part 1: HTML Templates and Routes in a Web App ## Pre-Lecture Quiz [Pre-lecture quiz](https://ashy-river-0debb7803.1.azurestaticapps.net/quiz/41) ### Introduction Since the advent of JavaScript in browsers, websites are becoming more interactive and complex than ever. Web technologies are now commonly used to create fully functional applications that runs directly into a browser that we call [web applications](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_application). As Web apps are highly interactive, users do not want to wait for a full page reload every time an action is performed. That's why JavaScript is used to update the HTML directly using the DOM, to provide a smoother user experience. In this lesson, we're going to lay out the foundations to create bank web app, using HTML templates to create multiple screens that can be displayed and updated without having to reload the entire HTML page. ### Prerequisite You need a local web server to test the web app we'll build in this lesson. If you don't have one, you can install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org) and use the command `npx lite-server` from your project folder. It will create a local web server and open your app in a browser. ### Preparation On your computer, create a folder named `bank` with a file named `index.html` inside it. We'll start from this HTML [boilerplate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boilerplate_code): ```html Bank App ``` --- ## HTML templates If you want to create multiple screens for a web page, one solution would be to create one HTML file for every screen you want to display. However, this solution comes with some inconvenience: - You have to reload the entire HTML when switching screen, which can be slow. - It's difficult to share data between the different screens. Another approach is to have only one HTML file, and define multiple [HTML templates](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTML/Element/template) using the `