# :dollar: Build a Bank In this project, you'll learn how to build a fictional bank. These lessons include instructions on how to layout a web app and provide routes, build forms, manage state, and fetch data from an API from which you can fetch the bank's data. |  |  | |--------------------------------|--------------------------------| ## Lessons 1. [HTML Templates and Routes in a Web App](1-template-route/README.md) 2. [Build a Login and Registration Form](2-forms/README.md) 3. [Methods of Fetching and Using Data](3-data/README.md) 4. [Concepts of State Management](4-state-management/README.md) ### Credits These lessons were written with :hearts: by [Yohan Lasorsa](https://twitter.com/sinedied). If you're interested to learn how to build the [server API](./api/README) used in these lessons, you can follow [this series of videos](https://aka.ms/NodeBeginner) (in particular videos 17 through 21). You can also take a look at [this interactive Learn tutorial](https://aka.ms/learn/express-api).