From 1c693d86b8257f5cbdd86c99528da0acec42cd2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hexatester Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2021 00:29:54 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Translate quizz app of 3-terrarium to Indonesian --- quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json | 122 +++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-) diff --git a/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json b/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json index 116651ec..1a6bd33d 100644 --- a/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json +++ b/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json @@ -756,47 +756,47 @@ }, { "id": 15, - "title": "Lesson 8 - Terrarium Project - Introduction to HTML: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 8 - Proyek Terarium - Pengantar HTML: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "HTML stands for 'HyperText Mockup Language'", + "questionText": "HTML singkatan dari 'HyperText Mockup Language'", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "All HTML tags need both opening and closing tags", + "questionText": "Semua tag HTML membutuhkan tag pembuka dan penutup", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Using semantic markup is most important for", + "questionText": "Penggunaan markup semantik adalah yang paling penting untuk", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "code readability", + "answerText": "keterbacaan kode (code readability)", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "screen readers", + "answerText": "pembaca layar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "maintenance", + "answerText": "pemeliharaan", "isCorrect": "false" } ] @@ -805,26 +805,26 @@ }, { "id": 16, - "title": "Lesson 8 - Terrarium Project - Introduction to HTML: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 8 - Proyek Terarium - Pengantar HTML: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "Spans and Divs are interchangeable", + "questionText": "Span dan Div dapat dipertukarkan", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "The head of an HTML doc can contain:", + "questionText": "Kepala (head) dokumen HTML dapat berisi:", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "the title tag", + "answerText": "tag title", "isCorrect": "false" }, { @@ -832,24 +832,24 @@ "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "all the above", + "answerText": "semua di atas", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "You can't use deprecated tags in your markup", + "questionText": "Anda tidak dapat menggunakan tag yang tidak berlaku lagi di markup Anda", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false, but they have been deprecated for good reason", + "answerText": "salah, tapi mereka sudah tidak digunakan lagi karena alasan yang baik", "isCorrect": "true" } ] @@ -858,43 +858,43 @@ }, { "id": 17, - "title": "Lesson 9 - Terrarium Project - Introduction to CSS: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 9 - Proyek Terarium - Pengantar CSS: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "HTML elements must have either a class or an id in order to be styled", + "questionText": "Elemen HTML harus memiliki class atau id untuk mendapatkan gaya", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "CSS stands for 'Complete Style Sheets'", + "questionText": "CSS adalah singkatan dari 'Complete Style Sheets'", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "CSS can be used to create animations", + "questionText": "CSS dapat digunakan untuk membuat animasi", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] @@ -903,30 +903,30 @@ }, { "id": 18, - "title": "Lesson 9 - Terrarium Project - Introduction to CSS: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 9 - Proyek Terarium - Pengantar CSS: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "You can write CSS directly in the head section of your HTML file", + "questionText": "Anda dapat menulis CSS langsung di bagian kepala file HTML Anda", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "It's always necessary to include CSS in your app", + "questionText": "Itu selalu perlu untuk menyertakan CSS di aplikasi Anda", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" }, { @@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ ] }, { - "questionText": "Which browser tool can be used to inspect CSS?", + "questionText": "Alat browser mana yang dapat digunakan untuk memeriksa CSS?", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "Elements", @@ -956,43 +956,43 @@ }, { "id": 19, - "title": "Lesson 10 - Terrarium Project - DOM Manipulation and a Closure: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 10 - Proyek Terarium - Manipulasi DOM dan Penutupan: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "The DOM stands for 'Document Object Management'", + "questionText": "DOM adalah singkatan dari 'Document Object Management'", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "The DOM can be thought of as a tree", + "questionText": "DOM dapat dianggap sebagai pohon", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Using the Web API, you can manipulate the DOM", + "questionText": "Menggunakan API Web, Anda dapat memanipulasi DOM", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] @@ -1001,43 +1001,43 @@ }, { "id": 20, - "title": "Lesson 10 - Terrarium Project - DOM Manipulation and a Closure: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 10 - Proyek Terarium - Manipulasi DOM dan Penutupan: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "The DOM is a model to represent a document on the web", + "questionText": "DOM adalah model untuk merepresentasikan dokumen di web", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Use JavaScript closures to perform the following:", + "questionText": "Penutupan JavaScript (JavaScript closures) untuk melakukan hal berikut:", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "write functions within functions", + "answerText": "tulis fungsi di dalam fungsi", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "enclose the DOM", + "answerText": "menyertakan DOM", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "close script blocks", + "answerText": "tutup blok script", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Fill in the blank: Closures are useful when one or more functions need to access an outer function's...", + "questionText": "Isi yang kosong: Closures berguna ketika satu atau lebih fungsi perlu mengakses fungsi luar ...", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "arrays", + "answerText": "array", "isCorrect": "false" }, { @@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "functions", + "answerText": "fungsi", "isCorrect": "false" } ] From c1dd7547db6bb0d37764bac29765141868572249 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hexatester Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2021 00:30:43 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Translate quizz app of 4-typing-game to Indonesian --- quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json | 38 ++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json b/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json index 1a6bd33d..d9fdbf0d 100644 --- a/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json +++ b/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json @@ -1054,48 +1054,48 @@ }, { "id": 21, - "title": "Lesson 11 - Typing Game: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 11 - Game Mengetik: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "Event-driven programming is when a user", + "questionText": "Pemrograman berbasis peristiwa (Event-driven programming) adalah saat pengguna", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "clicks on a button", + "answerText": "mengklik tombol", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "changes a value", + "answerText": "mengubah nilai", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "interacts with the page", + "answerText": "berinteraksi dengan halaman", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "any of the above", + "answerText": "salah satu di atas", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "In procedural programming, functions are called", + "questionText": "Dalam pemrograman prosedural, fungsi dipanggil", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "any time", + "answerText": "kapan saja", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "in a specific order", + "answerText": "dalam urutan tertentu", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "left to right", + "answerText": "kiri ke kanan", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "The universal method exposed in the DOM for registering event handlers is called", + "questionText": "Metode universal yang diekspos di DOM untuk mendaftarkan penangan kejadian (event handlers) dipanggil", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "addEventListener", @@ -1115,23 +1115,23 @@ }, { "id": 22, - "title": "Lesson 11 - Typing Game: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 11 - Game Mengetik: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "Just about anything a user does on a page raises an event", + "questionText": "Hampir semua hal yang dilakukan pengguna di halaman akan menimbulkan peristiwa", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Common events include", + "questionText": "Event umum termasuk", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "click_event", @@ -1152,14 +1152,14 @@ ] }, { - "questionText": "You can use anonymous functions to create event handlers", + "questionText": "Anda bisa menggunakan fungsi anonim untuk membuat penangan kejadian", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] From 73ff2665c0add81aca0c6adee182acd9df110124 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hexatester Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2021 00:31:45 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Translate quizz app of 5-browser-extension to Indonesian --- quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json | 104 +++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-) diff --git a/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json b/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json index d9fdbf0d..0ecdfb41 100644 --- a/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json +++ b/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json @@ -1168,27 +1168,27 @@ }, { "id": 23, - "title": "Lesson 12 - Browser Extension Project - All about Browsers: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 12 - Proyek Ekstensi Browser - Semua tentang Browser: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "You can get browser extensions from", + "questionText": "Anda bisa mendapatkan ekstensi browser dari", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "WalMart", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "The browser's extension store", + "answerText": "Toko ekstensi browser", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "The App store", + "answerText": "Toko Aplikasi", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "NPM stands for", + "questionText": "NPM adalah singkatan dari", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "Node Package Manager", @@ -1205,14 +1205,14 @@ ] }, { - "questionText": "Your browser can serve web pages both securely and insecurely", + "questionText": "Browser Anda dapat menyajikan halaman web dengan aman dan tidak aman", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] @@ -1221,10 +1221,10 @@ }, { "id": 24, - "title": "Lesson 12 - Browser Extension Project - All about Browsers: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 12 - Proyek Ekstensi Browser - Semua tentang Browser: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "The World Wide Web was invented by", + "questionText": "World Wide Web ditemukan oleh", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "Tom Barnard-Loft", @@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ ] }, { - "questionText": "The first browser was called", + "questionText": "Browser pertama dipanggil", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "WorldWideWeb", @@ -1258,14 +1258,14 @@ ] }, { - "questionText": "Browsers can store a user's browsing history", + "questionText": "Browser dapat menyimpan riwayat penjelajahan pengguna", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] @@ -1274,10 +1274,10 @@ }, { "id": 25, - "title": "Lesson 13 - Browser Extension Project - Call an API, use Local Storage: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 13 - Proyek Ekstensi Browser - Panggil API, gunakan Penyimpanan Lokal: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "APIs stand for", + "questionText": "API singkatan dari", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "Application Programming Interfaces", @@ -1294,31 +1294,31 @@ ] }, { - "questionText": "Use an API to interact with", + "questionText": "Menggunakan API untuk berinteraksi dengan", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "Another web-connected asset", + "answerText": "Aset lain yang terhubung ke web", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "A database", + "answerText": "Sebuah database", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "Either of the above", + "answerText": "Salah satu dari yang di atas", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Anyone can create an API", + "questionText": "Siapapun dapat membuat API", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] @@ -1327,36 +1327,36 @@ }, { "id": 26, - "title": "Lesson 13 - Browser Extension Project - Call an API, use Local Storage: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 13 - Proyek Ekstensi Browser - Panggil API, gunakan Penyimpanan Lokal: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "LocalStorage is cleared every time you close the browser window", + "questionText": "LocalStorage dihapus setiap kali Anda menutup jendela browser", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "The main browser window controls a browser's extension's LocalStorage", + "questionText": "Jendela browser utama mengontrol Penyimpanan Lokal ekstensi browser", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "REST in an API context stands for", + "questionText": "REST dalam konteks API adalah singkatan dari", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "Representational State Transfer", @@ -1376,44 +1376,44 @@ }, { "id": 27, - "title": "Lesson 14 - Browser Extension Project - Learn about Background Tasks and Performance: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 14 - Proyek Ekstensi Browser - Pelajari tentang Tugas Latar Belakang dan Kinerja: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "Test the performance of your app", + "questionText": "Uji performa aplikasi Anda", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "Using the browser's tools", + "answerText": "Menggunakan alat dari peramban", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "Using a separate software package", + "answerText": "Menggunakan paket perangkat lunak terpisah", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "Manually", + "answerText": "Secara manual", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "The 'performance' of a web site is an analysis of", + "questionText": "'Kinerja' situs web adalah analisis dari", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "How fast it loads", + "answerText": "Seberapa cepat itu dimuat", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "How fast the code on it runs", + "answerText": "Seberapa cepat kodenya berjalan", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "Both of the above", + "answerText": "Kedua di atas", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Overall, the 'weight' of web pages over the past few years has", + "questionText": "Secara keseluruhan, 'bobot' halaman web selama beberapa tahun terakhir telah", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "gotten lighter", @@ -1433,51 +1433,51 @@ }, { "id": 28, - "title": "Lesson 14 - Browser Extension Project - Learn about Background Tasks and Performance: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 14 - Proyek Ekstensi Browser - Pelajari tentang Tugas Latar Belakang dan Kinerja: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "To get a better view of your site's performance, clear its cache and reload in the profiler", + "questionText": "Untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih baik tentang kinerja situs Anda, kosongkan cache-nya dan muat ulang di profiler", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Browser extensions are inherently performant", + "questionText": "Ekstensi browser pada dasarnya memiliki performa yang baik", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Analyze the following for performance bottlenecks", + "questionText": "Analisis hal-hal berikut untuk kemacetan kinerja", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "DOM traversals", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "JavaScript optimizations", + "answerText": "Pengoptimalan JavaScript", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "Asset management", + "answerText": "Manajemen aset", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "All the above", + "answerText": "Semua yang di atas", "isCorrect": "true" } ] From 54501e23d4eeb07a0e54cdb75f22fcbdee6926f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hexatester Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2021 00:32:44 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 4/5] Translate quizz app of 6-space-game to Indonesian --- quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json | 250 +++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 125 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-) diff --git a/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json b/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json index 0ecdfb41..fb749c64 100644 --- a/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json +++ b/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json @@ -1486,43 +1486,43 @@ }, { "id": 29, - "title": "Lesson 15 - Space Game - Introduction: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 15 - Game Luar Angkasa - Pendahuluan: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "JavaScript is an unpopular language for building games", + "questionText": "JavaScript adalah bahasa yang tidak populer untuk membuat game", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Pub/Sub is a preferred pattern for managing the game's assets and flow", + "questionText": "Pub / Sub adalah pola yang disukai untuk mengelola aset dan aliran game", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Object inheritance can be handled by either using classes or composition", + "questionText": "Pewarisan objek (object inheritance) dapat ditangani baik dengan menggunakan class atau komposisi", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] @@ -1531,36 +1531,36 @@ }, { "id": 30, - "title": "Lesson 15 - Space Game - Introduction: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 15 - Game Luar Angkasa - Pendahuluan: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "Classes rely on inheritance to ascribe to behaviors", + "questionText": "Class bergantung pada warisan untuk dianggap berasal dari perilaku", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Composition is the preferred design pattern for game objects", + "questionText": "Komposisi adalah pola desain yang disukai untuk objek game", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Pub/Sub stands for:", + "questionText": "Pub / Sub adalah singkatan dari:", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "Publish/Subscribe", @@ -1580,43 +1580,43 @@ }, { "id": 31, - "title": "Lesson 16 - Space Game - Draw Hero and Monsters to Canvas: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 16 - Game Luar Angkasa - Menggambar Pahlawan dan Monster ke Kanvas: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "The Canvas element is what you use to draw on a screen", + "questionText": "Elemen Canvas adalah apa yang Anda gunakan untuk menggambar di layar", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "You can only draw simple geometric shapes using the Canvas API", + "questionText": "Anda hanya dapat menggambar bentuk geometris sederhana menggunakan Canvas API", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "The point 0,0 is in the bottom left", + "questionText": "Titik 0,0 berada di kiri bawah", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] @@ -1625,36 +1625,36 @@ }, { "id": 32, - "title": "Lesson 16 - Space Game - Draw Hero and Monsters to Canvas: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 16 - Game Luar Angkasa - Menggambar Pahlawan dan Monster ke Kanvas: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "You can perform drawing operations directly on the Canvas", + "questionText": "Anda dapat melakukan operasi menggambar langsung di Kanvas", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "You listen to the onload event to know when an image has loaded asynchronously", + "questionText": "Anda mendengarkan acara onload untuk mengetahui kapan gambar dimuat secara asinkron", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "You draw images onto a screen with an operation called:", + "questionText": "Anda menggambar gambar ke layar dengan operasi yang disebut:", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "paintImage()", @@ -1674,36 +1674,36 @@ }, { "id": 33, - "title": "Lesson 17 - Space Game - Adding Motion: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 17 - Game Luar Angkasa - Menambahkan Gerakan: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "Any object on the screen can receive keyboard events", + "questionText": "Objek apa pun di layar dapat menerima acara keyboard", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "You can use the same method to listen to key events and mouse events", + "questionText": "Anda dapat menggunakan metode yang sama untuk mendengarkan peristiwa utama dan peristiwa mouse", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "To make things happen at a regular interval, you use what function?", + "questionText": "Untuk membuat sesuatu terjadi secara berkala, Anda menggunakan fungsi apa?", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "setInterval()", @@ -1723,51 +1723,51 @@ }, { "id": 34, - "title": "Lesson 17 - Space Game - Adding Motion: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 17 - Game Luar Angkasa - Menambahkan Gerakan: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "You always need to redraw the screen", + "questionText": "Anda selalu perlu menggambar ulang layar", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "What is a game loop?", + "questionText": "Apa itu game loop?", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "A function that ensures the game can be restarted", + "answerText": "Sebuah fungsi yang memastikan game dapat dimulai ulang", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "A function that decided how fast the game should run", + "answerText": "Fungsi yang memutuskan seberapa cepat game harus dijalankan", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "A function that is invoked at regular intervals and draws what the user should see", + "answerText": "Fungsi yang dipanggil secara berkala dan menggambarkan apa yang seharusnya dilihat pengguna", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "A good case for redrawing the screen is", + "questionText": "Kasus yang bagus untuk menggambar ulang layar adalah", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "A user interaction happened", + "answerText": "Interaksi pengguna terjadi", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "Something has moved", + "answerText": "Sesuatu telah berpindah", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "Time has passed", + "answerText": "Waktu telah berlalu", "isCorrect": "false" } ] @@ -1776,51 +1776,51 @@ }, { "id": 35, - "title": "Lesson 18 - Space Game - Adding A Laser and Detecting Collisions: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 18 - Game Luar Angkasa - Menambahkan Laser dan Mendeteksi Tabrakan: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "Collision detection is how we detect if two things have collided", + "questionText": "Deteksi tabrakan adalah cara kami mendeteksi jika dua benda bertabrakan", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "How can we remove an item from the screen?", + "questionText": "Bagaimana cara menghapus item dari layar?", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "Call the garbage collector", + "answerText": "Panggil pengumpul sampah", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "Mark it as dead, only paint not dead objects next time we draw the screen", + "answerText": "Tandai sebagai mati, hanya tampilkan bukan benda mati saat kita menggambar layar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "Place the item on a negative coordinate", + "answerText": "Tempatkan item di koordinat negatif", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "A good way to simulate firing a laser in JavaScript is:", + "questionText": "Cara yang baik untuk mensimulasikan penembakan laser di JavaScript adalah:", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "make a visual element respond to a key event", + "answerText": "membuat elemen visual merespons peristiwa utama", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "create animated gifs", + "answerText": "membuat gif animasi", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "make enemies blow up at intervals", + "answerText": "membuat musuh meledak secara berkala", "isCorrect": "false" } ] @@ -1829,51 +1829,51 @@ }, { "id": 36, - "title": "Lesson 18 - Space Game - Adding A Laser and Detecting Collisions: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 18 - Game Luar Angkasa - Menambahkan Laser dan Mendeteksi Tabrakan: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "In collision detection you compare two", + "questionText": "Dalam deteksi tabrakan Anda membandingkan dua", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "circles and whether they intersect", + "answerText": "lingkaran dan apakah mereka berpotongan", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "rectangles and whether they intersect", + "answerText": "persegi panjang dan apakah mereka berpotongan", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "distances between two points", + "answerText": "jarak antara dua titik", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "The reason for implementing a cooldown effect is because", + "questionText": "Alasan penerapan efek cooldown adalah karena", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "Making the game harder as you can't repeatedly fire a laser to destroy enemies", + "answerText": "Membuat permainan lebih sulit karena Anda tidak dapat menembakkan laser berulang kali untuk menghancurkan musuh", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "JavaScript can only produce a certain number of events per time unit, so you need to limit them", + "answerText": "JavaScript hanya dapat menghasilkan sejumlah kejadian per unit waktu, jadi Anda perlu membatasinya", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Constants are identifiable in code because", + "questionText": "Konstanta dapat diidentifikasi dalam kode karena", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "they are written in capital letters", + "answerText": "mereka ditulis dengan huruf kapital", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "they have specific names", + "answerText": "mereka memiliki nama yang spesifik", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "they are written in kebab-case like-this", + "answerText": "mereka ditulis dalam kebab-case seperti-ini", "isCorrect": "false" } ] @@ -1882,40 +1882,40 @@ }, { "id": 37, - "title": "Lesson 19 - Space Game - Scoring and Lives: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 19 - Game Luar Angkasa - Penilaian dan Kehidupan: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "How do you draw text on a screen using the Canvas element?", + "questionText": "Bagaimana Anda menggambar teks di layar menggunakan elemen Canvas?", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "Place text inside a div or span element", + "answerText": "Tempatkan teks di dalam div atau elemen span", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "Call drawText() on the Canvas element", + "answerText": "Panggil drawText() pada elemen Canvas", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "Call fillText() on the context object", + "answerText": "Panggil fillText() pada konteks objek", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Why do you have the concept of 'lives' in a game?", + "questionText": "Mengapa Anda memiliki konsep 'nyawa' dalam sebuah game?", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "To show how much damage you can take", + "answerText": "Untuk menunjukkan seberapa banyak kerusakan yang bisa Anda terima", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "So that the game doesn't end straight away, but you have n number of chances before the game is over", + "answerText": "Agar permainan tidak langsung berakhir, tetapi Anda memiliki sejumlah peluang sebelum permainan berakhir", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Add color to text on Canvas using", + "questionText": "Tambahkan warna ke teks di kanvas menggunakan", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "fillColor", @@ -1935,51 +1935,51 @@ }, { "id": 38, - "title": "Lesson 19 - Space Game - Scoring and Lives: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 19 - Game Luar Angkasa - Penilaian dan Kehidupan: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "What's a fun way to show how many lives a player has left?", + "questionText": "Apa cara yang menyenangkan untuk menunjukkan berapa banyak nyawa yang tersisa?", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "a number of ships", + "answerText": "jumlah kapal", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "a points system", + "answerText": "sistem poin", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "How do you center text in the middle of the screen using the Canvas element?", + "questionText": "Bagaimana Anda memusatkan teks di tengah layar menggunakan elemen Canvas?", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "You use Flexbox", + "answerText": "Anda menggunakan Flexbox", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "You instruct the text to be drawn at the x coordinate of the client window width/2", + "answerText": "Anda menginstruksikan teks yang akan digambar pada koordinat x dari lebar jendela klien/2", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "You set the textAlign property to the value center on the context object", + "answerText": "Anda menyetel properti textAlign ke pusat nilai pada konteks objek", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "In code, deduct a life like this:", + "questionText": "Dalam kode, kurangi nyawa seperti ini:", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "", + "answerText": "this.nyawa-", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "", + "answerText": "this.nyawa--", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "", + "answerText": "this.nyawa++", "isCorrect": "false" } ] @@ -1988,51 +1988,51 @@ }, { "id": 39, - "title": "Lesson 20 - Space Game - End and Restart: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 20 - Game Luar Angkasa - Akhiri dan Mulai Ulang: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "When is a good time to restart a game", + "questionText": "Kapan waktu yang tepat untuk memulai kembali permainan", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "when a player wins or loses", + "answerText": "ketika seorang pemain menang atau kalah", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "whenever", + "answerText": "kapanpun", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "When should a game end", + "questionText": "Kapan pertandingan harus berakhir", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "when an enemy ship is destroyed", + "answerText": "ketika kapal musuh dihancurkan", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "when a hero ship is destroyed", + "answerText": "saat kapal pahlawan dihancurkan", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "when points are collected", + "answerText": "saat poin dikumpulkan", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "A good way to add a level to your game is:", + "questionText": "Cara yang baik untuk menambahkan level ke game Anda adalah:", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "Increment the amount of points necessary to complete a given level", + "answerText": "Meningkatkan jumlah poin yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan level tertentu", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "Add more players to the game", + "answerText": "Tambahkan lebih banyak pemain ke dalam game", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "Add more graphics to the game", + "answerText": "Tambahkan lebih banyak grafik ke dalam game", "isCorrect": "false" } ] @@ -2041,51 +2041,51 @@ }, { "id": 40, - "title": "Lesson 20 - Space Game - End and Restart: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 20 - Game Luar Angkasa - Akhiri dan Mulai Ulang: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "What is a good pattern to use when a game end condition has been met?", + "questionText": "Apa pola yang baik untuk digunakan ketika kondisi akhir permainan telah terpenuhi?", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "Display a suitable message", + "answerText": "Tampilkan pesan yang sesuai", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "Quit the game", + "answerText": "Keluar dari permainan", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "Display a suitable message, offer the player to restart, and display what key to hit for that action", + "answerText": "Tampilkan pesan yang sesuai, tawarkan pemain untuk memulai kembali, dan tampilkan tombol apa yang harus ditekan untuk tindakan itu", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "You should offer a restart only when the game has ended", + "questionText": "Anda harus menawarkan restart hanya ketika permainan telah berakhir", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "A good way to clear the EventEmitter when ending a game is:", + "questionText": "Cara yang baik untuk membersihkan EventEmitter saat mengakhiri permainan adalah:", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "clearing listeners", + "answerText": "membersihkan listeners", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "clearing the screen", + "answerText": "membersihkan layar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "closing the game window", + "answerText": "menutup jendela permainan", "isCorrect": "false" } ] From 1ac8941a7f5436bb41e6cc3395398c61548b2cf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hexatester Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2021 00:33:43 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Translate quiz-app of 6-space-game to Indonesian --- quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json | 154 +++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-) diff --git a/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json b/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json index fb749c64..bbf1c5ae 100644 --- a/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json +++ b/quiz-app/src/assets/translations/id.json @@ -2094,47 +2094,47 @@ }, { "id": 41, - "title": "Lesson 21 - Bank Project - HTML Templates and Routes in a Web App: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 21 - Proyek Bank - Template HTML dan Rute di Aplikasi Web: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "You need to create multiple HTML files to display different screens in a web app", + "questionText": "Anda perlu membuat beberapa file HTML untuk menampilkan layar yang berbeda di web app", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "You can store and persist data locally in a web app", + "questionText": "Anda dapat menyimpan dan menyimpan data secara lokal di web app", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "What's the best data provider for a web app?", + "questionText": "Apa penyedia data terbaik untuk web app?", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "A local database", + "answerText": "Database lokal", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "A JavaScript object", + "answerText": "Objek JavaScript", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "A server with a JSON API", + "answerText": "Server dengan JSON API", "isCorrect": "true" } ] @@ -2143,23 +2143,23 @@ }, { "id": 42, - "title": "Lesson 21 - Bank Project HTML Templates and Routes in a Web App: Post-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 21 - Template dan Rute HTML Proyek Bank di Aplikasi Web: Kuis Pasca-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "HTML templates are part of the DOM by default", + "questionText": "Template HTML adalah bagian dari DOM secara default", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "false" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "true" } ] }, { - "questionText": "Which part of the URL is needed for routing?", + "questionText": "Bagian mana dari URL yang diperlukan untuk perutean (routing)?", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "window.location.pathname", @@ -2176,7 +2176,7 @@ ] }, { - "questionText": "What's the name of the event triggered when calling the history.pushState() function?", + "questionText": "Apa nama peristiwa yang dipicu saat memanggil fungsi history.pushState()?", "answerOptions": [ { "answerText": "pushstate", @@ -2196,43 +2196,43 @@ }, { "id": 43, - "title": "Lesson 22 - Bank Project - Build a Login and Registration Form: Pre-Lecture Quiz", + "title": "Pelajaran 22 - Proyek Bank - Buat Formulir Login dan Pendaftaran: Kuis Pra-Kuliah", "quiz": [ { - "questionText": "HTML forms allow to send user input to a server without using JavaScript", + "questionText": "Formulir HTML memungkinkan untuk mengirim input pengguna ke server tanpa menggunakan JavaScript", "answerOptions": [ { - "answerText": "true", + "answerText": "benar", "isCorrect": "true" }, { - "answerText": "false", + "answerText": "salah", "isCorrect": "false" } ] }, { - "questionText": "