@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ First, let's find a repository - or: repo - on GitHub of interest to you and to
✅ A good way to find 'beginner-friendly' repos is to [search by the tag 'good-first-issue'](https://github.blog/2020-01-22-browse-good-first-issues-to-start-contributing-to-open-source/).
✅ A good way to find 'beginner-friendly' repos is to [search by the tag 'good-first-issue'](https://github.blog/2020-01-22-browse-good-first-issues-to-start-contributing-to-open-source/).
![Copy a repo locally](/images/clone_repo.png)
![Copy a repo locally](images/clone_repo.png)
There are several ways of copying code. One way is to "clone" the contents of the repository, using HTTPS, SSH, or using the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface).
There are several ways of copying code. One way is to "clone" the contents of the repository, using HTTPS, SSH, or using the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface).