This lesson covers the basics of programming languages. The topics covered here apply to most modern programming languages today. In the 'Tools of the Trade' section, you'll learn about useful software that helps you as a developer.
Esta lección cubre los conceptos básicos de los lenguajes de programación. Los temas que aprenderemos aquí se aplican a la mayoría de los lenguajes de programación modernos en la actualidad. En la sección 'Herramientas del oficio', aprenderás sobre software y herramientas que te ayudarán como desarrollador.
Cette leçon couvre les bases des langages de programmation. Les sujets abordés ici s'appliquent à la plupart des langages de programmation modernes d'aujourd'hui. Dans la section «Outils du métier», vous découvrirez des logiciels utiles qui vous aideront en tant que développeur.
Αυτό το μάθημα καλύπτει τα βασικά των γλωσσών προγραμματισμού. Τα θέματα που καλύπτονται εδώ ισχύουν για τις περισσότερες σύγχρονες γλώσσες προγραμματισμού σήμερα. Στην ενότητα 'Εργαλεία του Εμπορίου', θα μάθετε για χρήσιμο λογισμικό που σας βοηθά ως προγραμματιστές.
Pelajaran ini mencakup dasar-dasar bahasa pemrograman. Topik yang dibahas di sini berlaku untuk sebagian besar bahasa pemrograman modern saat ini. Di bagian 'Alat Keterampilan', Anda akan belajar tentang perangkat lunak yang berguna yang membantu Anda sebagai pengembang.
Questa lezione tratta delle basi dei linguaggi di programmazione. Gli argomenti trattati qui si applicano alla maggior parte dei moderni linguaggi di programmazione di oggi. Nella sezione 'Strumenti Necessari' conoscerete utili software che vi aiuteranno come programmatore.

> Sketchnote di [Tomomi Imura](
Pelajaran ini merangkumi asas bahasa pengaturcaraan. Topik yang anda akan belajar di sini dapat mengaplikasikan untuk kebanyakan bahasa pengaturcaraan moden hari ini. Pada bahagian 'Alat Perdagangan', anda akan belajar bagaimana mengenai perisian berguna yang membantu anda sebagai pembangun.
Deze les beschrijft de basis over programmeertalen. De onderwerpen zijn van toepassing op de meeste hedendaagse programeertalen. In het 'Vakgereedschap' onderdeel leert u over nuttige toepassingen die u helpen als web ontwikkelaar.
Pelajaran ini merangkumi pengetahuan asas tentang GitHub, dan adalah salah satu platform untuk menjadi tuan rumah dan menguruskan perubahan pada kod anda.

> Sketchnote by [Tomomi Imura](
> Sketchnote karya [Wassim Chegham](
| 01 | Getting Started | Introduction to Programming and Tools of the Trade | Learn the basic underpinnings behind most programming languages and about software that helps professional developers do their jobs | [Intro to Programming Languages and Tools of the Trade](/1-getting-started-lessons/1-intro-to-programming-languages/ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Jasmine |
| 02 | Getting Started | Basics of GitHub, includes working with a team | How to use GitHub in your project, how to collaborate with others on a code base | [Intro to GitHub](/1-getting-started-lessons/2-github-basics/ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🛑 | Floor |
| 03 | Getting Started | Accessibility | Learn the basics of web accessibility | [Accessibility Fundamentals](/1-getting-started-lessons/3-accessibility/ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🛑 | Christopher |
| 04 | JS Basics | JavaScript Data Types | The basics of JavaScript data types | [Data Types](/2-js-basics/1-data-types/ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Jasmine |
| 05 | JS Basics | Functions and Methods | Learn about functions and methods to manage an application's logic flow | [Functions and Methods](/2-js-basics/2-functions-methods/ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Jasmine and Christopher |
| 06 | JS Basics | Making Decisions with JS | Learn how to create conditions in your code using decision-making methods | [Making Decisions](/2-js-basics/3-making-decisions/ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Jasmine |
| 07 | JS Basics | Arrays and Loops | Work with data using arrays and loops in JavaScript | [Arrays and Loops](/2-js-basics/4-arrays-loops/ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Jasmine |
| 08 | [Terrarium](/3-terrarium/solution/ | HTML in Practice | Build the HTML to create an online terrarium, focusing on building a layout | [Introduction to HTML](/3-terrarium/1-intro-to-html/ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🛑 | Jen |
| 09 | [Terrarium](/3-terrarium/solution/ | CSS in Practice | Build the CSS to style the online terrarium, focusing on the basics of CSS including making the page responsive | [Introduction to CSS](/3-terrarium/2-intro-to-css/ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🛑 | Jen |
| 10 | [Terrarium](/3-terrarium/solution) | JavaScript Closures, DOM manipulation | Build the JavaScript to make the terrarium function as a drag/drop interface, focusing on closures and DOM manipulation | [JavaScript Closures, DOM manipulation](/3-terrarium/3-intro-to-DOM-and-closures/ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🛑 | Jen |
| 11 | [Typing Game](/4-typing-game/solution) | Build a Typing Game | Learn how to use keyboard events to drive the logic of your JavaScript app | [Event-Driven Programming](/4-typing-game/typing-game/ | ✅ | 🛑 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Christopher |
| 12 | [Green Browser Extension](/5-browser-extension/solution) | Working with Browsers | Learn how browsers work, their history, and how to scaffold the first elements of a browser extension | [About Browsers](/5-browser-extension/1-about-browsers/ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🛑 | Jen |
| 13 | [Green Browser Extension](/5-browser-extension/solution) | Building a form, calling an API and storing variables in local storage | Build the JavaScript elements of your browser extension to call an API using variables stored in local storage | [APIs, Forms, and Local Storage](/5-browser-extension/2-forms-browsers-local-storage/ | ✅ | 🛑 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Jen |
| 14 | [Green Browser Extension](/5-browser-extension/solution) | Background processes in the browser, web performance | Use the browser's background processes to manage the extension's icon; learn about web performance and some optimizations to make | [Background Tasks and Performance](/5-browser-extension/3-background-tasks-and-performance/ | ✅ | 🛑 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🛑 | Jen |
| 15 | [Space Game](/6-space-game/solution) | More Advanced Game Development with JavaScript | Learn about Inheritance using both Classes and Composition and the Pub/Sub pattern, in preparation for building a game | [Introduction to Advanced Game Development](/6-space-game/1-introduction/ | ✅ | 🛑 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🛑 | Chris |
| 16 | [Space Game](/6-space-game/solution) | Drawing to canvas | Learn about the Canvas API, used to draw elements to a screen | [Drawing to Canvas](/6-space-game/2-drawing-to-canvas/ | ✅ | 🛑 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🛑 | Chris |
| 17 | [Space Game](/6-space-game/solution) | Moving elements around the screen | Discover how elements can gain motion using the cartesian coordinates and the Canvas API | [Moving Elements Around](/6-space-game/3-moving-elements-around/ | ✅ | 🛑 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🛑 | Chris |
| 18 | [Space Game](/6-space-game/solution) | Collision detection | Make elements collide and react to each other using keypresses and provide a cooldown function to ensure performance of the game | [Collision Detection](/6-space-game/4-collision-detection/ | ✅ | 🛑 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🛑 | Chris |
| 19 | [Space Game](/6-space-game/solution) | Keeping score | Perform math calculations based on the game's status and performance | [Keeping Score](/6-space-game/5-keeping-score/ | ✅ | 🛑 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🛑 | Chris |
| 20 | [Space Game](/6-space-game/solution) | Ending and restarting the game | Learn about ending and restarting the game, including cleaning up assets and resetting variable values | [The Ending Condition](/6-space-game/6-end-condition/ | ✅ | 🛑 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🛑 | Chris |
| 21 | [Banking App](/7-bank-project/solution) | HTML Templates and Routes in a Web App | Learn how to create the scaffold of a multipage website's architecture using routing and HTML templates | [HTML Templates and Routes](/7-bank-project/1-template-route/ | ✅ | 🛑 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Yohan |
| 22 | [Banking App](/7-bank-project/solution) | Build a Login and Registration Form | Learn about building forms and handing validation routines | [Forms](/7-bank-project/2-forms/ | ✅ | 🛑 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Yohan |
| 23 | [Banking App](/7-bank-project/solution) | Methods of Fetching and Using Data | How data flows in and out of your app, how to fetch it, store it, and dispose of it | [Data](/7-bank-project/3-data/ | ✅ | 🛑 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | Yohan |
| 24 | [Banking App](/7-bank-project/solution) | Concepts of State Management | Learn how your app retains state and how to manage it programmatically | [State Management](/7-bank-project/4-state-management/ | ✅ | 🛑 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | Yohan |
| 01 | Getting Started | Introduction to Programming and Tools of the Trade | Learn the basic underpinnings behind most programming languages and about software that helps professional developers do their jobs | [Intro to Programming Languages and Tools of the Trade](/1-getting-started-lessons/1-intro-to-programming-languages/ | Jasmine |
| 02 | Getting Started | Basics of GitHub, includes working with a team | How to use GitHub in your project, how to collaborate with others on a code base | [Intro to GitHub](/1-getting-started-lessons/2-github-basics/ | Floor |
| 03 | Getting Started | Accessibility | Learn the basics of web accessibility | [Accessibility Fundamentals](/1-getting-started-lessons/3-accessibility/ | Christopher |
| 04 | JS Basics | JavaScript Data Types | The basics of JavaScript data types | [Data Types](/2-js-basics/1-data-types/ | Jasmine |
| 05 | JS Basics | Functions and Methods | Learn about functions and methods to manage an application's logic flow | [Functions and Methods](/2-js-basics/2-functions-methods/ | Jasmine and Christopher |
| 06 | JS Basics | Making Decisions with JS | Learn how to create conditions in your code using decision-making methods | [Making Decisions](/2-js-basics/3-making-decisions/ | Jasmine |
| 07 | JS Basics | Arrays and Loops | Work with data using arrays and loops in JavaScript | [Arrays and Loops](/2-js-basics/4-arrays-loops/ | Jasmine |
| 08 | [Terrarium](/3-terrarium/solution/ | HTML in Practice | Build the HTML to create an online terrarium, focusing on building a layout | [Introduction to HTML](/3-terrarium/1-intro-to-html/ | Jen |
| 09 | [Terrarium](/3-terrarium/solution/ | CSS in Practice | Build the CSS to style the online terrarium, focusing on the basics of CSS including making the page responsive | [Introduction to CSS](/3-terrarium/2-intro-to-css/ | Jen |
| 10 | [Terrarium](/3-terrarium/solution) | JavaScript Closures, DOM manipulation | Build the JavaScript to make the terrarium function as a drag/drop interface, focusing on closures and DOM manipulation | [JavaScript Closures, DOM manipulation](/3-terrarium/3-intro-to-DOM-and-closures/ | Jen |
| 11 | [Typing Game](/4-typing-game/solution) | Build a Typing Game | Learn how to use keyboard events to drive the logic of your JavaScript app | [Event-Driven Programming](/4-typing-game/typing-game/ | Christopher |
| 12 | [Green Browser Extension](/5-browser-extension/solution) | Working with Browsers | Learn how browsers work, their history, and how to scaffold the first elements of a browser extension | [About Browsers](/5-browser-extension/1-about-browsers/ | Jen |
| 13 | [Green Browser Extension](/5-browser-extension/solution) | Building a form, calling an API and storing variables in local storage | Build the JavaScript elements of your browser extension to call an API using variables stored in local storage | [APIs, Forms, and Local Storage](/5-browser-extension/2-forms-browsers-local-storage/ | Jen |
| 14 | [Green Browser Extension](/5-browser-extension/solution) | Background processes in the browser, web performance | Use the browser's background processes to manage the extension's icon; learn about web performance and some optimizations to make | [Background Tasks and Performance](/5-browser-extension/3-background-tasks-and-performance/ | Jen |
| 15 | [Space Game](/6-space-game/solution) | More Advanced Game Development with JavaScript | Learn about Inheritance using both Classes and Composition and the Pub/Sub pattern, in preparation for building a game | [Introduction to Advanced Game Development](/6-space-game/1-introduction/ | Chris |
| 16 | [Space Game](/6-space-game/solution) | Drawing to canvas | Learn about the Canvas API, used to draw elements to a screen | [Drawing to Canvas](/6-space-game/2-drawing-to-canvas/ | Chris |
| 17 | [Space Game](/6-space-game/solution) | Moving elements around the screen | Discover how elements can gain motion using the cartesian coordinates and the Canvas API | [Moving Elements Around](/6-space-game/3-moving-elements-around/ | Chris |
| 18 | [Space Game](/6-space-game/solution) | Collision detection | Make elements collide and react to each other using keypresses and provide a cooldown function to ensure performance of the game | [Collision Detection](/6-space-game/4-collision-detection/ | Chris |
| 19 | [Space Game](/6-space-game/solution) | Keeping score | Perform math calculations based on the game's status and performance | [Keeping Score](/6-space-game/5-keeping-score/ | Chris |
| 20 | [Space Game](/6-space-game/solution) | Ending and restarting the game | Learn about ending and restarting the game, including cleaning up assets and resetting variable values | [The Ending Condition](/6-space-game/6-end-condition/ | Chris |
| 21 | [Banking App](/7-bank-project/solution) | HTML Templates and Routes in a Web App | Learn how to create the scaffold of a multipage website's architecture using routing and HTML templates | [HTML Templates and Routes](/7-bank-project/1-template-route/ | Yohan |
| 22 | [Banking App](/7-bank-project/solution) | Build a Login and Registration Form | Learn about building forms and handing validation routines | [Forms](/7-bank-project/2-forms/ | Yohan |
| 23 | [Banking App](/7-bank-project/solution) | Methods of Fetching and Using Data | How data flows in and out of your app, how to fetch it, store it, and dispose of it | [Data](/7-bank-project/3-data/ | Yohan |
| 24 | [Banking App](/7-bank-project/solution) | Concepts of State Management | Learn how your app retains state and how to manage it programmatically | [State Management](/7-bank-project/4-state-management/ | Yohan |
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