| `<` | **Greater than**: Compares two values and returns the `true` Boolean data type if the value on the right side is larger than the left | `5 < 6 // true` |
| `<=` | **Greater than or equal to**: Compares two values and returns the `true` Boolean data type if the value on the right side is larger than or equal to the left | `5 <= 6 // true` |
| `>` | **Less than**: Compares two values and returns the `true` Boolean data type if the value on the left side is larger than the right | `5 > 6 // false` |
| `>=` | **Less than or equal to**: Compares two values and returns the `true` Boolean data type if the value on the left side is larger than or equal to the right | `5 >= 6 // false` |
| `===` | **Strict equality**: Compares two values and returns the `true` Boolean data type if values on the right and left are equal AND are the same data type. | `5 === 6 // false` |
| `!==` | **Inequality**: Compares two values and returns the opposite Boolean value of what a strict equality operator would return | `5 !== 6 // true` |
| `&&` | **Logical AND**: Compares two Boolean expressions. Returns true **only** if both sides are true | `(5 > 6) && (5 < 6 ) //One side is false, other is true. Returns false` |
| `||` | **Logical OR**: Compares two Boolean expressions. Returns true if at least one side is true | `(5 > 6) || (5 < 6) //One side is false, other is true. Returns true` |
| `!` | **Logical NOT**: Returns the opposite value of a Boolean expression | `!(5 > 6) // 5 is not greater than 6, but "!" will return true` |