141 lines
6.2 KiB
141 lines
6.2 KiB
import json
import random
import re
from pathlib import Path
from random import randrange
from typing import Any, Tuple,Dict
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip,AudioFileClip
from moviepy.video.io.ffmpeg_tools import ffmpeg_extract_subclip
from pytube import YouTube
from pytube.cli import on_progress
from utils import settings
from utils.console import print_step, print_substep
def load_background_options():
background_options = {}
# Load background videos
with open("./utils/background_videos.json") as json_file:
background_options["video"] = json.load(json_file)
# Load background audios
with open("./utils/background_audios.json") as json_file:
background_options["audio"] = json.load(json_file)
# Remove "__comment" from backgrounds
background_options["video"].pop("__comment", None)
background_options["audio"].pop("__comment", None)
# Add position lambda function
# (https://zulko.github.io/moviepy/ref/VideoClip/VideoClip.html#moviepy.video.VideoClip.VideoClip.set_position)
for name in list(background_options["video"].keys()):
pos = background_options["video"][name][3]
if pos != "center":
background_options["video"][name][3] = lambda t: ("center", pos + t)
return background_options
def get_start_and_end_times(video_length: int, length_of_clip: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Generates a random interval of time to be used as the background of the video.
video_length (int): Length of the video
length_of_clip (int): Length of the video to be used as the background
tuple[int,int]: Start and end time of the randomized interval
random_time = randrange(180, int(length_of_clip) - int(video_length))
return random_time, random_time + video_length
def get_background_config(mode: str):
"""Fetch the background/s configuration"""
choice = str(
except AttributeError:
print_substep("No background selected. Picking random background'")
choice = None
# Handle default / not supported background using default option.
# Default : pick random from supported background.
if not choice or choice not in background_options[mode]:
choice = random.choice(list(background_options[mode].keys()))
return background_options[mode][choice]
def download_background_video(background_config: Tuple[str, str, str, Any]):
"""Downloads the background/s video from YouTube."""
Path("./assets/backgrounds/video/").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# note: make sure the file name doesn't include an - in it
uri, filename, credit, _ = background_config
if Path(f"assets/backgrounds/video/{credit}-{filename}").is_file():
"We need to download the backgrounds videos. they are fairly large but it's only done once. 😎"
print_substep("Downloading the backgrounds videos... please be patient 🙏 ")
print_substep(f"Downloading {filename} from {uri}")
YouTube(uri, on_progress_callback=on_progress).streams.filter(
).first().download("assets/backgrounds/video", filename=f"{credit}-{filename}")
print_substep("Background video downloaded successfully! 🎉", style="bold green")
def download_background_audio(background_config: Tuple[str, str, str]):
"""Downloads the background/s audio from YouTube."""
Path("./assets/backgrounds/audio/").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# note: make sure the file name doesn't include an - in it
uri, filename, credit = background_config
if Path(f"assets/backgrounds/audio/{credit}-{filename}").is_file():
"We need to download the backgrounds audio. they are fairly large but it's only done once. 😎"
print_substep("Downloading the backgrounds audio... please be patient 🙏 ")
print_substep(f"Downloading {filename} from {uri}")
YouTube(uri, on_progress_callback=on_progress).streams.filter(only_audio=True).first().download("assets/backgrounds/audio", filename=f"{credit}-{filename}")
print_substep("Background audio downloaded successfully! 🎉", style="bold green")
def chop_background(
background_config: Dict[str,Tuple[str, str, str, Any]], video_length: int, reddit_object: dict
"""Generates the background footage to be used in the video and writes it to assets/temp/background.mp4
background_config (Tuple[str, str, str, Any]) : Current background configuration
video_length (int): Length of the clip where the background footage is to be taken out of
print_step("Finding a spot in the backgrounds video to chop...✂️")
video_choice = f"{background_config['video'][2]}-{background_config['video'][1]}"
audio_choice = f"{background_config['audio'][2]}-{background_config['audio'][1]}"
id = re.sub(r"[^\w\s-]", "", reddit_object["thread_id"])
background_video = VideoFileClip(f"assets/backgrounds/video/{video_choice}")
background_audio = AudioFileClip(f"assets/backgrounds/audio/{audio_choice}")
start_time_video, end_time_video = get_start_and_end_times(video_length, background_video.duration)
start_time_audio, end_time_audio = get_start_and_end_times(video_length, background_audio.duration)
except (OSError, IOError): # ffmpeg issue see #348
print_substep("FFMPEG issue. Trying again...")
with VideoFileClip(f"assets/backgrounds/video/{video_choice}") as video:
new = video.subclip(start_time_video, end_time_video)
print_substep("Background video chopped successfully!", style="bold green")
return background_config[2]
# Create a tuple for downloads background (background_audio_options, background_video_options)
background_options = load_background_options() |