import re from utils.console import print_step, print_substep import praw import random from dotenv import load_dotenv from os import getenv, environ from utils.videos import check_done TEXT_WHITELIST = set('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890') def textify(text): return ''.join(filter(TEXT_WHITELIST.__contains__, text)) def get_subreddit_threads(): """ Returns a list of threads from the selected subreddit. """ print_step("Getting subreddit threads...") content = {} load_dotenv() reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=getenv("REDDIT_CLIENT_ID"), client_secret=getenv("REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET"), user_agent="Accessing subreddit threads", username=getenv("REDDIT_USERNAME"), password=getenv("REDDIT_PASSWORD"), ) """ Ask user for subreddit input """ if not getenv("SUBREDDIT"): subreddit = reddit.subreddit( input("What subreddit would you like to pull from? ")) # if the env isnt set, ask user else: print_substep(f"Using subreddit: r/{getenv('SUBREDDIT')} from environment variable config") subreddit = reddit.subreddit( getenv("SUBREDDIT")) # Allows you to specify in .env. Done for automation purposes. if getenv('POST_ID'): submission = reddit.submission(id=getenv('POST_ID')) else: threads = submission = list(threads)[random.randrange(0, 25)] submission = check_done(submission) if submission == None: return get_subreddit_threads() print_substep( f'subreddit thread is: {submission.title}\n(if you dont like this, you can change it by exiting and rerunning the program)') environ["VIDEO_TITLE"] = str(textify(submission.title)) environ["VIDEO_ID"] = str(textify( try: content["thread_url"] = submission.url content["thread_title"] = submission.title content["comments"] = [] for top_level_comment in submission.comments: if len(top_level_comment.body) <= int(environ["MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH"]): content["comments"].append( {"comment_body": top_level_comment.body, "comment_url": top_level_comment.permalink, "comment_id":, }) except AttributeError as e: pass print_substep("Received subreddit threads Successfully.", style="bold green") return content