import re from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, Tuple import toml from rich.console import Console from utils.console import handle_input console = Console() config = dict # autocomplete def crawl(obj: dict, func=lambda x, y: print(x, y, end="\n"), path=None): if path is None: # path Default argument value is mutable path = [] for key in obj.keys(): if type(obj[key]) is dict: crawl(obj[key], func, path + [key]) continue func(path + [key], obj[key]) def check(value, checks, name): def get_check_value(key, default_result): return checks[key] if key in checks else default_result incorrect = False if value == {}: incorrect = True if not incorrect and "type" in checks: try: value = eval(checks["type"])(value) except: incorrect = True if ( not incorrect and "options" in checks and value not in checks["options"] ): # FAILSTATE Value is not one of the options incorrect = True if ( not incorrect and "regex" in checks and ( (isinstance(value, str) and re.match(checks["regex"], value) is None) or not isinstance(value, str) ) ): # FAILSTATE Value doesn't match regex, or has regex but is not a string. incorrect = True if ( not incorrect and not hasattr(value, "__iter__") and ( ("nmin" in checks and checks["nmin"] is not None and value < checks["nmin"]) or ("nmax" in checks and checks["nmax"] is not None and value > checks["nmax"]) ) ): incorrect = True if ( not incorrect and hasattr(value, "__iter__") and ( ("nmin" in checks and checks["nmin"] is not None and len(value) < checks["nmin"]) or ("nmax" in checks and checks["nmax"] is not None and len(value) > checks["nmax"]) ) ): incorrect = True if incorrect: value = handle_input( message=( (("[blue]Example: " + str(checks["example"]) + "\n") if "example" in checks else "") + "[red]" + ("Non-optional ", "Optional ")["optional" in checks and checks["optional"] is True] ) + "[#C0CAF5 bold]" + str(name) + "[#F7768E bold]=", extra_info=get_check_value("explanation", ""), check_type=eval(get_check_value("type", "False")), default=get_check_value("default", NotImplemented), match=get_check_value("regex", ""), err_message=get_check_value("input_error", "Incorrect input"), nmin=get_check_value("nmin", None), nmax=get_check_value("nmax", None), oob_error=get_check_value( "oob_error", "Input out of bounds(Value too high/low/long/short)" ), options=get_check_value("options", None), optional=get_check_value("optional", False), ) return value def crawl_and_check(obj: dict, path: list, checks: dict = {}, name=""): if len(path) == 0: return check(obj, checks, name) if path[0] not in obj.keys(): obj[path[0]] = {} obj[path[0]] = crawl_and_check(obj[path[0]], path[1:], checks, path[0]) return obj def check_vars(path, checks): global config crawl_and_check(config, path, checks) def check_toml(template_file, config_file) -> Tuple[bool, Dict]: global config config = None try: template = toml.load(template_file) except Exception as error: console.print(f"[red bold]Encountered error when trying to to load {template_file}: {error}") return False try: config = toml.load(config_file) except toml.TomlDecodeError: console.print( f"""[blue]Couldn't read {config_file}. Overwrite it?(y/n)""" ) if not input().startswith("y"): print("Unable to read config, and not allowed to overwrite it. Giving up.") return False else: try: with open(config_file, "w") as f: f.write("") except: console.print( f"[red bold]Failed to overwrite {config_file}. Giving up.\nSuggestion: check {config_file} permissions for the user." ) return False except FileNotFoundError: console.print( f"""[blue]Couldn't find {config_file} Creating it now.""" ) try: with open(config_file, "x") as f: f.write("") config = {} except: console.print( f"[red bold]Failed to write to {config_file}. Giving up.\nSuggestion: check the folder's permissions for the user." ) return False console.print( """\ [blue bold]############################### # # # Checking TOML configuration # # # ############################### If you see any prompts, that means that you have unset/incorrectly set variables, please input the correct values.\ """ ) crawl(template, check_vars) with open(config_file, "w") as f: toml.dump(config, f) return config if __name__ == "__main__": directory = Path().absolute() check_toml(f"{directory}/utils/.config.template.toml", "config.toml")