from asyncio import as_completed from pyppeteer import launch from import Page as PageCls from pyppeteer.browser import Browser as BrowserCls from pyppeteer.element_handle import ElementHandle as ElementHandleCls from pyppeteer.errors import TimeoutError as BrowserTimeoutError from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict from utils import settings from rich.progress import track import translators as ts from utils.console import print_step, print_substep from attr import attrs, attrib from attr.validators import instance_of, optional from typing import TypeVar, Optional, Callable, Union _function = TypeVar("_function", bound=Callable[..., object]) _exceptions = TypeVar("_exceptions", bound=Optional[Union[type, tuple, list]]) @attrs class ExceptionDecorator: """ Decorator factory for catching exceptions and writing logs """ exception: Optional[_exceptions] = attrib(default=None) __default_exception: _exceptions = attrib(default=BrowserTimeoutError) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if not self.exception: self.exception = self.__default_exception def __call__( self, func: _function, ): async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: obj_to_return = await func(*args, **kwargs) return obj_to_return except Exception as caughtException: import logging logger = logging.getLogger("webdriver_log") logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) handler = logging.FileHandler(".webdriver.log", mode="a+", encoding="utf-8") logger.addHandler(handler) if isinstance(self.exception, type): if not type(caughtException) == self.exception: logger.error(f"unexpected error - {caughtException}") else: if not type(caughtException) in self.exception: logger.error(f"unexpected error - {caughtException}") return wrapper def catch_exception( func: Optional[_function], exception: Optional[_exceptions] = None, ) -> Union[ExceptionDecorator, _function]: """ Decorator for catching exceptions and writing logs Args: func: Function to be decorated exception: Expected exception(s) Returns: Decorated function """ exceptor = ExceptionDecorator(exception) if func: exceptor = exceptor(func) return exceptor @attrs class Browser: """ Args: default_Viewport (dict):Pyppeteer Browser default_Viewport options browser (BrowserCls): Pyppeteer Browser instance """ default_Viewport: dict = attrib( validator=instance_of(dict), default={ # 9x21 to see long posts "defaultViewport": { "width": 500, "height": 1200, }, }, kw_only=True, ) browser: Optional[BrowserCls] = attrib( validator=optional(instance_of(BrowserCls)), default=None, kw_only=True, ) async def get_browser( self, ) -> None: """ Creates Pyppeteer browser """ self.browser = await launch(self.default_Viewport) async def close_browser( self, ) -> None: """ Closes Pyppeteer browser """ await self.browser.close() class Wait: @staticmethod @catch_exception async def find_xpath( page_instance: PageCls, xpath: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> 'ElementHandleCls': """ Explicitly finds element on the page Args: page_instance: Pyppeteer page instance xpath: xpath query options: Pyppeteer waitForXPath parameters Available options are: * ``visible`` (bool): wait for element to be present in DOM and to be visible, i.e. to not have ``display: none`` or ``visibility: hidden`` CSS properties. Defaults to ``False``. * ``hidden`` (bool): wait for element to not be found in the DOM or to be hidden, i.e. have ``display: none`` or ``visibility: hidden`` CSS properties. Defaults to ``False``. * ``timeout`` (int|float): maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds). Pass ``0`` to disable timeout. Returns: Pyppeteer element instance """ if options: el = await page_instance.waitForXPath(xpath, options=options) else: el = await page_instance.waitForXPath(xpath) return el @catch_exception async def click( self, page_instance: Optional[PageCls] = None, xpath: Optional[str] = None, find_options: Optional[dict] = None, options: Optional[dict] = None, el: Optional[ElementHandleCls] = None, ) -> None: """ Clicks on the element Args: page_instance: Pyppeteer page instance xpath: xpath query find_options: Pyppeteer waitForXPath parameters options: Pyppeteer click parameters el: Pyppeteer element instance """ if not el: el = await self.find_xpath(page_instance, xpath, find_options) if options: await else: await @catch_exception async def screenshot( self, page_instance: Optional[PageCls] = None, xpath: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[dict] = None, find_options: Optional[dict] = None, el: Optional[ElementHandleCls] = None, ) -> None: """ Makes a screenshot of the element Args: page_instance: Pyppeteer page instance xpath: xpath query options: Pyppeteer screenshot parameters find_options: Pyppeteer waitForXPath parameters el: Pyppeteer element instance """ if not el: el = await self.find_xpath(page_instance, xpath, find_options) if options: await el.screenshot(options) else: await el.screenshot() @attrs(auto_attribs=True) class RedditScreenshot(Browser, Wait): """ Args: reddit_object (Dict): Reddit object received from reddit/ screenshot_idx (int): List with indexes of voiced comments """ reddit_object: dict screenshot_idx: list async def __dark_theme( self, page_instance: PageCls, ) -> None: """ Enables dark theme in Reddit Args: page_instance: Pyppeteer page instance with reddit page opened """ await page_instance, "//*[contains(@class, 'header-user-dropdown')]", {"timeout": 5000}, ) # It's normal not to find it, sometimes there is none :shrug: await page_instance, "//*[contains(text(), 'Settings')]/ancestor::button[1]", {"timeout": 5000}, ) await page_instance, "//*[contains(text(), 'Dark Mode')]/ancestor::button[1]", {"timeout": 5000}, ) # Closes settings await page_instance, "//*[contains(@class, 'header-user-dropdown')]", {"timeout": 5000}, ) async def __close_nsfw( self, page_instance: PageCls ) -> None: from asyncio import ensure_future print_substep("Post is NSFW. You are spicy...") # To await indirectly reload navigation = ensure_future(page_instance.waitForNavigation()) # Triggers indirectly reload await page_instance, '//button[text()="Yes"]', {"timeout": 5000}, ) # Await reload await navigation await (await self.find_xpath( page_instance, '//button[text()="Click to see nsfw"]', {"timeout": 5000}, )).click() async def __collect_comment( self, comment_obj: dict, filename_idx: int, ) -> None: """ Makes a screenshot of the comment Args: comment_obj: prew comment object filename_idx: index for the filename """ comment_page = await self.browser.newPage() await comment_page.goto(f'{comment_obj["comment_url"]}') # Translates submission' comment if settings.config["reddit"]["thread"]["post_lang"]: comment_tl = comment_obj["comment_body"], to_language=settings.config["reddit"]["thread"]["post_lang"], ) await comment_page.evaluate( f'([tl_content, tl_id]) => document.querySelector(`#t1_{comment_obj["comment_id"]} > div:nth-child(2) ' f'> div > div[data-testid="comment"] > div`).textContent = {comment_tl}', ) await self.screenshot( comment_page, f'//*[contains(@id, \'t1_{comment_obj["comment_id"]}\')]', {"path": f"assets/temp/png/comment_{filename_idx}.png"}, ) async def download( self, ): """ Downloads screenshots of reddit posts as seen on the web. Downloads to assets/temp/png """ print_step("Downloading screenshots of reddit posts...") print_substep("Launching Headless Browser...") await self.get_browser() # ! Make sure the reddit screenshots folder exists Path("assets/temp/png").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Get the thread screenshot reddit_main = await self.browser.newPage() await reddit_main.goto(self.reddit_object["thread_url"]) if settings.config["settings"]["theme"] == "dark": await self.__dark_theme(reddit_main) if self.reddit_object["is_nsfw"]: # This means the post is NSFW and requires to click the proceed button. await self.__close_nsfw(reddit_main) # Translates submission title if settings.config["reddit"]["thread"]["post_lang"]: print_substep("Translating post...") texts_in_tl = self.reddit_object["thread_title"], to_language=settings.config["reddit"]["thread"]["post_lang"], ) await reddit_main.evaluate( "tl_content => document.querySelector('[data-test-id=\"post-content\"] > div:nth-child(3) > div > " "div').textContent = tl_content", texts_in_tl, ) else: print_substep("Skipping translation...") async_tasks_primary = [ self.__collect_comment(self.reddit_object["comments"][idx], idx) for idx in self.screenshot_idx ] async_tasks_primary.append( self.screenshot( reddit_main, f'//*[contains(@id, \'t3_{self.reddit_object["thread_id"]}\')]', {"path": "assets/temp/png/title.png"}, ) ) # Lots of tabs - lots of memory # chunk needed to minimize memory required def chunks(lst, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from list.""" for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i:i + n] for idx, chunked_tasks in enumerate( [chunk for chunk in chunks(async_tasks_primary, 10)], start=1, ): chunk_list = async_tasks_primary.__len__() // 10 + (1 if async_tasks_primary.__len__() % 10 != 0 else 0) for task in track( as_completed(chunked_tasks), description=f"Downloading comments: Chunk {idx}/{chunk_list}", total=chunked_tasks.__len__(), ): await task print_substep("Comments downloaded Successfully.", style="bold green") await self.close_browser()