""" Setup Script for RedditVideoMakerBot """ # Imports import os import time from utils.console import print_markdown from utils.console import print_step from utils.console import print_substep from rich.console import Console from utils.loader import Loader console = Console() # These lines ensure the user: # - knows they are in setup mode # - knows that they are about to erase any other setup files/data. print_step("Setup Assistant") print_markdown( "### You're in the setup wizard. Ensure you're supposed to be here, then type yes to continue. If you're not sure, type no to quit." ) # This Input is used to ensure the user is sure they want to continue. ensureSetupIsRequired = input("Are you sure you want to continue? > ") if ensureSetupIsRequired != "yes": console.print("[red]Exiting...") time.sleep(0.5) exit() else: # Again, let them know they are about to erase all other setup data. console.print("[bold red] This will overwrite your current settings. Are you sure you want to continue? [bold green]yes/no") overwriteSettings = input("Are you sure you want to continue? > ") if overwriteSettings != "yes": console.print("[red]Abort mission! Exiting...") time.sleep(0.5) exit() else: # Once they confirm, move on with the script. console.print("[bold green]Alright! Let's get started!") time.sleep(1) console.log("Ensure you have the following ready to enter:") console.log("[bold green]Reddit Client ID") console.log("[bold green]Reddit Client Secret") console.log("[bold green]Reddit Username") console.log("[bold green]Reddit Password") time.sleep(0.5) console.print("[green]If you don't have these, please follow the instructions in the README.md file to set them up.") console.print("[green]If you do have these, type yes to continue. If you dont, go ahead and grab those quickly and come back.") confirmUserHasCredentials = input("Are you sure you have the credentials? > ") if confirmUserHasCredentials != "yes": console.print("[red]I don't understand that.") console.print("[red]Exiting...") exit() else: console.print("[bold green]Alright! Let's get started!") time.sleep(1) """ Begin the setup process. """ console.log("Enter your credentials now.") cliID = input("Client ID > ") cliSec = input("Client Secret > ") user = input("Username > ") passw = input("Password > ") console.log("Attempting to save your credentials...") loader = Loader("Saving Credentials...", "Done!").start() # you can also put a while loop here, e.g. while VideoIsBeingMade == True: ... time.sleep(0.5) console.log("Removing old .env file...") os.remove(".env") time.sleep(0.5) console.log("Creating new .env file...") with open('.env', 'a') as f: f.write(f'REDDIT_CLIENT_ID="{cliID}"\n') time.sleep(0.5) f.write(f'REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET="{cliSec}"\n') time.sleep(0.5) f.write(f'REDDIT_USERNAME="{user}"\n') time.sleep(0.5) f.write(f'REDDIT_PASSWORD="{passw}"\n') loader.stop() console.log("[bold green]Setup Complete! Returning...") # Post-Setup: send message and try to run main.py again. os.system("python3 main.py")