import re from os import getenv import praw from praw.models import MoreComments from utils.console import print_step, print_substep from utils.subreddit import get_subreddit_undone from utils.videos import check_done def get_subreddit_threads(POST_ID: str): """ Returns a list of threads from the AskReddit subreddit. """ print_substep("Logging into Reddit.") content = {} if str(getenv("REDDIT_2FA")).casefold() == "yes": print("\nEnter your two-factor authentication code from your authenticator app.\n") code = input("> ") print() pw = getenv("REDDIT_PASSWORD") passkey = f"{pw}:{code}" else: passkey = getenv("REDDIT_PASSWORD") username = getenv("REDDIT_USERNAME") if username.casefold().startswith("u/"): username = username[2:] reddit = praw.Reddit( client_id=getenv("REDDIT_CLIENT_ID"), client_secret=getenv("REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET"), user_agent="Accessing Reddit threads", username=username, passkey=passkey, check_for_async=False, ) # Ask user for subreddit input print_step("Getting subreddit threads...") if not getenv( "SUBREDDIT" ): # note to user. you can have multiple subreddits via reddit.subreddit("redditdev+learnpython") try: subreddit = reddit.subreddit( re.sub(r"r\/", "", input("What subreddit would you like to pull from? ")) # removes the r/ from the input ) except ValueError: subreddit = reddit.subreddit("askreddit") print_substep("Subreddit not defined. Using AskReddit.") else: print_substep(f"Using subreddit: r/{getenv('SUBREDDIT')} from environment variable config") subreddit_choice = getenv("SUBREDDIT") if subreddit_choice.casefold().startswith("r/"): # removes the r/ from the input subreddit_choice = subreddit_choice[2:] subreddit = reddit.subreddit( subreddit_choice ) # Allows you to specify in .env. Done for automation purposes. if POST_ID: # would only be called if there are multiple queued posts submission = reddit.submission(id=POST_ID) elif getenv("POST_ID") and len(getenv("POST_ID").split("+")) == 1: submission = reddit.submission(id=getenv("POST_ID")) else: threads = submission = get_subreddit_undone(threads, subreddit) submission = check_done(submission) # double-checking if submission is None: return get_subreddit_threads(POST_ID) # submission already done. rerun upvotes = submission.score ratio = submission.upvote_ratio * 100 num_comments = submission.num_comments print_substep(f"Video will be: {submission.title} :thumbsup:", style="bold green") print_substep(f"Thread has {upvotes} upvotes", style="bold blue") print_substep(f"Thread has a upvote ratio of {ratio}%", style="bold blue") print_substep(f"Thread has {num_comments} comments", style="bold blue") content["thread_url"] = f"{submission.permalink}" content["thread_title"] = submission.title content["thread_post"] = submission.selftext content["thread_id"] = content["comments"] = [] for top_level_comment in submission.comments: if isinstance(top_level_comment, MoreComments): continue if top_level_comment.body in ["[removed]", "[deleted]"]: continue # # see if not top_level_comment.stickied: if len(top_level_comment.body) <= int(getenv("MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH", "500")): if ( is not None ): # if errors occur with this change to if not. content["comments"].append( { "comment_body": top_level_comment.body, "comment_url": top_level_comment.permalink, "comment_id":, } ) print_substep("Received subreddit threads Successfully.", style="bold green") return content