#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pathlib import Path from typing import Tuple import re from os import getenv from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 import translators as ts from rich.progress import track from moviepy.editor import AudioFileClip, CompositeAudioClip, concatenate_audioclips from utils.console import print_step, print_substep from utils.voice import sanitize_text DEFUALT_MAX_LENGTH: int = 50 class TTSEngine: """Calls the given TTS engine to reduce code duplication and allow multiple TTS engines. Args: tts_module : The TTS module. Your module should handle the TTS itself and saving to the given path under the run method. reddit_object : The reddit object that contains the posts to read. path (Optional) : The unix style path to save the mp3 files to. This must not have leading or trailing slashes. max_length (Optional) : The maximum length of the mp3 files in total. Notes: tts_module must take the arguments text and filepath. """ def __init__( self, tts_module, reddit_object: dict, path: str = "assets/temp/mp3", max_length: int = DEFUALT_MAX_LENGTH, ): self.tts_module = tts_module() self.reddit_object = reddit_object self.path = path self.max_length = max_length self.length = 0 def run(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: Path(self.path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # This file needs to be removed in case this post does not use post text, so that it wont appear in the final video try: Path(f"{self.path}/posttext.mp3").unlink() except OSError: pass print_step("Saving Text to MP3 files...") self.call_tts("title", self.reddit_object["thread_title"]) if ( self.reddit_object["thread_post"] != "" and getenv("STORYMODE", "").casefold() == "true" ): self.call_tts("posttext", self.reddit_object["thread_post"]) idx = None for idx, comment in track( enumerate(self.reddit_object["comments"]), "Saving..." ): # ! Stop creating mp3 files if the length is greater than max length. if self.length > self.max_length: break if not self.tts_module.max_chars: self.call_tts(f"{idx}", comment["comment_body"]) else: self.split_post(comment["comment_body"], idx) print_substep("Saved Text to MP3 files successfully.", style="bold green") return self.length, idx def split_post(self, text: str, idx: int) -> str: split_files = [] split_text = [ x.group().strip() for x in re.finditer( rf" *((.{{0,{self.tts_module.max_chars}}})(\.|.$))", text ) ] idy = None for idy, text_cut in enumerate(split_text): # print(f"{idx}-{idy}: {text_cut}\n") self.call_tts(f"{idx}-{idy}.part", text_cut) split_files.append(AudioFileClip(f"{self.path}/{idx}-{idy}.part.mp3")) CompositeAudioClip([concatenate_audioclips(split_files)]).write_audiofile( f"{self.path}/{idx}.mp3", fps=44100, verbose=False, logger=None ) for i in range(0, idy + 1): # print(f"Cleaning up {self.path}/{idx}-{i}.part.mp3") Path(f"{self.path}/{idx}-{i}.part.mp3").unlink() def call_tts(self, filename: str, text: str): self.tts_module.run( text=process_text(text), filepath=f"{self.path}/{filename}.mp3" ) self.length += MP3(f"{self.path}/{filename}.mp3").info.length def process_text(text: str): lang = getenv("POSTLANG", "") new_text = sanitize_text(text) if lang: print_substep("Translating Text...") translated_text = ts.google(text, to_language=lang) new_text = sanitize_text(translated_text) return new_text