#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import os import time from os.path import exists from moviepy.editor import ( VideoFileClip, AudioFileClip, ImageClip, concatenate_videoclips, concatenate_audioclips, CompositeAudioClip, CompositeVideoClip, ) from moviepy.video.io import ffmpeg_tools from rich.console import Console from reddit import subreddit from utils.cleanup import cleanup from utils.console import print_step, print_substep console = Console() W, H = 1080, 1920 def make_final_video(number_of_clips, length): print_step("Creating the final video 🎥") VideoFileClip.reW = lambda clip: clip.resize(width=W) VideoFileClip.reH = lambda clip: clip.resize(width=H) opacity = os.getenv("OPACITY") background_clip = ( VideoFileClip("assets/temp/background.mp4") .without_audio() .resize(height=H) .crop(x1=1166.6, y1=0, x2=2246.6, y2=1920) ) # Gather all audio clips audio_clips = [] for i in range(0, number_of_clips): audio_clips.append(AudioFileClip(f"assets/temp/mp3/{i}.mp3")) audio_clips.insert(0, AudioFileClip("assets/temp/mp3/title.mp3")) audio_concat = concatenate_audioclips(audio_clips) audio_composite = CompositeAudioClip([audio_concat]) # Get sum of all clip lengths total_length = sum([clip.duration for clip in audio_clips]) # round total_length to an integer int_total_length = round(total_length) # Output Length console.log(f"[bold green] Video Will Be: {int_total_length} Seconds Long") # add title to video image_clips = [] # Gather all images if ( opacity is None or float(opacity) >= 1 ): # opacity not set or is set to one OR MORE image_clips.insert( 0, ImageClip("assets/temp/png/title.png") .set_duration(audio_clips[0].duration) .set_position("center") .resize(width=W - 100), ) else: image_clips.insert( 0, ImageClip("assets/temp/png/title.png") .set_duration(audio_clips[0].duration) .set_position("center") .resize(width=W - 100) .set_opacity(float(opacity)), ) for i in range(0, number_of_clips): if ( opacity is None or float(opacity) >= 1 ): # opacity not set or is set to one OR MORE image_clips.append( ImageClip(f"assets/temp/png/comment_{i}.png") .set_duration(audio_clips[i + 1].duration) .set_position("center") .resize(width=W - 100), ) else: image_clips.append( ImageClip(f"assets/temp/png/comment_{i}.png") .set_duration(audio_clips[i + 1].duration) .set_position("center") .resize(width=W - 100) .set_opacity(float(opacity)), ) # if os.path.exists("assets/mp3/posttext.mp3"): # image_clips.insert( # 0, # ImageClip("assets/png/title.png") # .set_duration(audio_clips[0].duration + audio_clips[1].duration) # .set_position("center") # .resize(width=W - 100) # .set_opacity(float(opacity)), # ) # else: image_concat = concatenate_videoclips(image_clips).set_position( ("center", "center") ) image_concat.audio = audio_composite final = CompositeVideoClip([background_clip, image_concat]) def get_video_title() -> str: title = os.getenv("VIDEO_TITLE") or "final_video" if len(title) <= 35: return title else: return title[0:30] + "..." filename = f"{get_video_title()}.mp4" def save_data(): with open("./video_creation/data/videos.json", "r+") as raw_vids: done_vids = json.load(raw_vids) if str(subreddit.submission.id) in [video["id"] for video in done_vids]: return # video already done but was specified to continue anyway in the .env file payload = { "id": str(os.getenv("VIDEO_ID")), "time": str(int(time.time())), "background_credit": str(os.getenv("background_credit")), "reddit_title": str(os.getenv("VIDEO_TITLE")), "filename": filename, } done_vids.append(payload) raw_vids.seek(0) json.dump(done_vids, raw_vids, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) save_data() if not exists("./results"): print_substep("the results folder didn't exist so I made it") os.mkdir("./results") final.write_videofile( "assets/temp/temp.mp4", fps=30, audio_codec="aac", audio_bitrate="192k", verbose=False, ) ffmpeg_tools.ffmpeg_extract_subclip( "assets/temp/temp.mp4", 0, length, targetname=f"results/{filename}" ) # os.remove("assets/temp/temp.mp4") print_step("Removing temporary files 🗑") cleanups = cleanup() print_substep(f"Removed {cleanups} temporary files 🗑") print_substep("See result in the results folder!") print_step( f"Reddit title: {os.getenv('VIDEO_TITLE')} \n Background Credit: {os.getenv('background_credit')}" )