#!/usr/bin/env python3 from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown from rich.padding import Padding from rich.panel import Panel from rich.text import Text from rich.columns import Columns import re console = Console() def print_markdown(text): """Prints a rich info message. Support Markdown syntax.""" md = Padding(Markdown(text), 2) console.print(md) def print_step(text): """Prints a rich info message.""" panel = Panel(Text(text, justify="left")) console.print(panel) def print_table(items): """Prints items in a table.""" console.print(Columns([Panel(f"[yellow]{item}", expand=True) for item in items])) def print_substep(text, style=""): """Prints a rich info message without the panelling.""" console.print(text, style=style) def handle_input( message: str = "", check_type=False, match: str = "", err_message: str = "", nmin=None, nmax=None, oob_error="", extra_info="", options: list = None, default=NotImplemented, ): if default is not NotImplemented: console.print( "[green]" + message + '\n[blue bold]The default value is "' + str(default) + '"\nDo you want to use it?(y/n)' ) if input().casefold().startswith("y"): return default if options is None: match = re.compile(match) console.print("[green bold]" + extra_info, no_wrap=True) while True: console.print(message, end="") user_input = input("").strip() if check_type is not False: try: user_input = check_type(user_input) if (nmin is not None and user_input < nmin) or ( nmax is not None and user_input > nmax ): # FAILSTATE Input out of bounds console.print("[red]" + oob_error) continue break # Successful type conversion and number in bounds except ValueError: # Type conversion failed console.print("[red]" + err_message) continue elif match != "" and re.match(match, user_input) is None: console.print( "[red]" + err_message + "\nAre you absolutely sure it's correct?(y/n)" ) if input().casefold().startswith("y"): break continue else: # FAILSTATE Input STRING out of bounds if (nmin is not None and len(user_input) < nmin) or ( nmax is not None and len(user_input) > nmax ): console.print("[red bold]" + oob_error) continue break # SUCCESS Input STRING in bounds return user_input console.print(extra_info, no_wrap=True) while True: console.print(message, end="") user_input = input("").strip() if user_input not in options: console.print( "[red bold]" + err_message + "\nValid options are: " + ", ".join(map(str, options)) + "." ) continue return user_input