REDDIT_CLIENT_ID="" REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET="" REDDIT_USERNAME="" REDDIT_PASSWORD="" # If no, it will ask you a thread link to extract the thread, if yes it will randomize it. Default: "no" RANDOM_THREAD="no" # Valid options are "yes" and "no" for the variable below REDDIT_2FA="" SUBREDDIT="AskReddit" # True or False ALLOW_NSFW="False" # Used if you want to use a specific post. example of one is urdtfx POST_ID="" #set to either LIGHT or DARK THEME="LIGHT" # used if you want to run multiple times. set to an int e.g. 4 or 29 and leave blank for 1 TIMES_TO_RUN="" # max number of characters a comment can have. MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH="500" # default is 500 # Range is 0 -> 1 recommended around 0.8-0.9 OPACITY="1" # see different voice options: todo: add docs VOICE="Matthew" # e.g. en_us_002 TTsChoice="polly" # IN-PROGRESS - not yet implemented STORYMODE="False"