import multiprocessing import os import re import tempfile import textwrap import threading import time from os.path import exists # Needs to be imported specifically from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, Final, Tuple import ffmpeg import translators from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from rich.console import Console from rich.progress import track from utils import settings from utils.cleanup import cleanup from utils.console import print_step, print_substep from utils.fonts import getheight from utils.thumbnail import create_thumbnail from utils.videos import save_data console = Console() class ProgressFfmpeg(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, vid_duration_seconds, progress_update_callback): threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="ProgressFfmpeg") self.stop_event = threading.Event() self.output_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+", delete=False) self.vid_duration_seconds = vid_duration_seconds self.progress_update_callback = progress_update_callback def run(self): while not self.stop_event.is_set(): latest_progress = self.get_latest_ms_progress() if latest_progress is not None: completed_percent = latest_progress / self.vid_duration_seconds self.progress_update_callback(completed_percent) time.sleep(1) def get_latest_ms_progress(self): lines = self.output_file.readlines() if lines: for line in lines: if "out_time_ms" in line: out_time_ms_str = line.split("=")[1].strip() if out_time_ms_str.isnumeric(): return float(out_time_ms_str) / 1000000.0 else: # Handle the case when "N/A" is encountered return None return None def stop(self): self.stop_event.set() def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.stop() def name_normalize(name: str) -> str: name = re.sub(r'[?\\"%*:|<>]', "", name) name = re.sub(r"( [w,W]\s?\/\s?[o,O,0])", r" without", name) name = re.sub(r"( [w,W]\s?\/)", r" with", name) name = re.sub(r"(\d+)\s?\/\s?(\d+)", r"\1 of \2", name) name = re.sub(r"(\w+)\s?\/\s?(\w+)", r"\1 or \2", name) name = re.sub(r"\/", r"", name) lang = settings.config["reddit"]["thread"]["post_lang"] if lang: print_substep("Translating filename...") translated_name = translators.translate_text(name, translator="google", to_language=lang) return translated_name else: return name def prepare_background(reddit_id: str, W: int, H: int) -> str: output_path = f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/background_noaudio.mp4" output = ( ffmpeg.input(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/background.mp4") .filter("crop", f"ih*({W}/{H})", "ih") .output( output_path, an=None, **{ "c:v": "h264", "b:v": "20M", "b:a": "192k", "threads": multiprocessing.cpu_count(), }, ) .overwrite_output() ) try: except ffmpeg.Error as e: print(e.stderr.decode("utf8")) exit(1) return output_path def create_fancy_thumbnail(image, text, text_color, padding, wrap=35): print_step(f"Creating fancy thumbnail for: {text}") font_title_size = 47 font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join("fonts", "Roboto-Bold.ttf"), font_title_size) image_width, image_height = image.size lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=wrap) y = ( (image_height / 2) - (((getheight(font, text) + (len(lines) * padding) / len(lines)) * len(lines)) / 2) + 30 ) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) username_font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join("fonts", "Roboto-Bold.ttf"), 30) draw.text( (205, 825), settings.config["settings"]["channel_name"], font=username_font, fill=text_color, align="left", ) if len(lines) == 3: lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=wrap + 10) font_title_size = 40 font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join("fonts", "Roboto-Bold.ttf"), font_title_size) y = ( (image_height / 2) - (((getheight(font, text) + (len(lines) * padding) / len(lines)) * len(lines)) / 2) + 35 ) elif len(lines) == 4: lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=wrap + 10) font_title_size = 35 font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join("fonts", "Roboto-Bold.ttf"), font_title_size) y = ( (image_height / 2) - (((getheight(font, text) + (len(lines) * padding) / len(lines)) * len(lines)) / 2) + 40 ) elif len(lines) > 4: lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=wrap + 10) font_title_size = 30 font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join("fonts", "Roboto-Bold.ttf"), font_title_size) y = ( (image_height / 2) - (((getheight(font, text) + (len(lines) * padding) / len(lines)) * len(lines)) / 2) + 30 ) for line in lines: draw.text((120, y), line, font=font, fill=text_color, align="left") y += getheight(font, line) + padding return image def merge_background_audio(audio: ffmpeg, reddit_id: str): """Gather an audio and merge with assets/backgrounds/background.mp3 Args: audio (ffmpeg): The TTS final audio but without background. reddit_id (str): The ID of subreddit """ background_audio_volume = settings.config["settings"]["background"]["background_audio_volume"] if background_audio_volume == 0: return audio # Return the original audio else: # sets volume to config bg_audio = ffmpeg.input(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/background.mp3").filter( "volume", background_audio_volume, ) # Merges audio and background_audio merged_audio = ffmpeg.filter([audio, bg_audio], "amix", duration="longest") return merged_audio # Return merged audio def make_final_video( number_of_clips: int, length: int, reddit_obj: dict, background_config: Dict[str, Tuple], ): """Gathers audio clips, gathers all screenshots, stitches them together and saves the final video to assets/temp Args: number_of_clips (int): Index to end at when going through the screenshots' length (int): Length of the video reddit_obj (dict): The reddit object that contains the posts to read. background_config (Tuple[str, str, str, Any]): The background config to use. """ # settings values W: Final[int] = int(settings.config["settings"]["resolution_w"]) H: Final[int] = int(settings.config["settings"]["resolution_h"]) opacity = settings.config["settings"]["opacity"] reddit_id = re.sub(r"[^\w\s-]", "", reddit_obj["thread_id"]) allowOnlyTTSFolder: bool = ( settings.config["settings"]["background"]["enable_extra_audio"] and settings.config["settings"]["background"]["background_audio_volume"] != 0 ) print_step("Creating the final video 🎥") background_clip = ffmpeg.input(prepare_background(reddit_id, W=W, H=H)) # Gather all audio clips audio_clips = list() if number_of_clips == 0 and settings.config["settings"]["storymode"] == "false": print( "No audio clips to gather. Please use a different TTS or post." ) # This is to fix the TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'NoneType' exit() if settings.config["settings"]["storymode"]: if settings.config["settings"]["storymodemethod"] == 0: audio_clips = [ffmpeg.input(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/mp3/title.mp3")] audio_clips.insert(1, ffmpeg.input(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/mp3/postaudio.mp3")) elif settings.config["settings"]["storymodemethod"] == 1: audio_clips = [ ffmpeg.input(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/mp3/postaudio-{i}.mp3") for i in track(range(number_of_clips + 1), "Collecting the audio files...") ] audio_clips.insert(0, ffmpeg.input(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/mp3/title.mp3")) else: audio_clips = [ ffmpeg.input(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/mp3/{i}.mp3") for i in range(number_of_clips) ] audio_clips.insert(0, ffmpeg.input(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/mp3/title.mp3")) audio_clips_durations = [ float(ffmpeg.probe(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/mp3/{i}.mp3")["format"]["duration"]) for i in range(number_of_clips) ] audio_clips_durations.insert( 0, float(ffmpeg.probe(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/mp3/title.mp3")["format"]["duration"]), ) audio_concat = ffmpeg.concat(*audio_clips, a=1, v=0) ffmpeg.output( audio_concat, f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/audio.mp3", **{"b:a": "192k"} ).overwrite_output().run(quiet=True) console.log(f"[bold green] Video Will Be: {length} Seconds Long") screenshot_width = int((W * 45) // 100) audio = ffmpeg.input(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/audio.mp3") final_audio = merge_background_audio(audio, reddit_id) image_clips = list() Path(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/png").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Credits to tim (beingbored) # get the title_template image and draw a text in the middle part of it with the title of the thread title_template ="assets/title_template.png") title = reddit_obj["thread_title"] title = name_normalize(title) font_color = "#000000" padding = 5 # create_fancy_thumbnail(image, text, text_color, padding title_img = create_fancy_thumbnail(title_template, title, font_color, padding)"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/png/title.png") image_clips.insert( 0, ffmpeg.input(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/png/title.png")["v"].filter( "scale", screenshot_width, -1 ), ) current_time = 0 if settings.config["settings"]["storymode"]: audio_clips_durations = [ float( ffmpeg.probe(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/mp3/postaudio-{i}.mp3")["format"]["duration"] ) for i in range(number_of_clips) ] audio_clips_durations.insert( 0, float(ffmpeg.probe(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/mp3/title.mp3")["format"]["duration"]), ) if settings.config["settings"]["storymodemethod"] == 0: image_clips.insert( 1, ffmpeg.input(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/png/story_content.png").filter( "scale", screenshot_width, -1 ), ) background_clip = background_clip.overlay( image_clips[0], enable=f"between(t,{current_time},{current_time + audio_clips_durations[0]})", x="(main_w-overlay_w)/2", y="(main_h-overlay_h)/2", ) current_time += audio_clips_durations[0] elif settings.config["settings"]["storymodemethod"] == 1: for i in track(range(0, number_of_clips + 1), "Collecting the image files..."): image_clips.append( ffmpeg.input(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/png/img{i}.png")["v"].filter( "scale", screenshot_width, -1 ) ) background_clip = background_clip.overlay( image_clips[i], enable=f"between(t,{current_time},{current_time + audio_clips_durations[i]})", x="(main_w-overlay_w)/2", y="(main_h-overlay_h)/2", ) current_time += audio_clips_durations[i] else: for i in range(0, number_of_clips + 1): image_clips.append( ffmpeg.input(f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/png/comment_{i}.png")["v"].filter( "scale", screenshot_width, -1 ) ) image_overlay = image_clips[i].filter("colorchannelmixer", aa=opacity) assert ( audio_clips_durations is not None ), "Please make a GitHub issue if you see this. Ping @JasonLovesDoggo on GitHub." background_clip = background_clip.overlay( image_overlay, enable=f"between(t,{current_time},{current_time + audio_clips_durations[i]})", x="(main_w-overlay_w)/2", y="(main_h-overlay_h)/2", ) current_time += audio_clips_durations[i] title = re.sub(r"[^\w\s-]", "", reddit_obj["thread_title"]) idx = re.sub(r"[^\w\s-]", "", reddit_obj["thread_id"]) title_thumb = reddit_obj["thread_title"] filename = f"{name_normalize(title)[:251]}" subreddit = settings.config["reddit"]["thread"]["subreddit"] if not exists(f"./results/{subreddit}"): print_substep("The 'results' folder could not be found so it was automatically created.") os.makedirs(f"./results/{subreddit}") if not exists(f"./results/{subreddit}/OnlyTTS") and allowOnlyTTSFolder: print_substep("The 'OnlyTTS' folder could not be found so it was automatically created.") os.makedirs(f"./results/{subreddit}/OnlyTTS") # create a thumbnail for the video settingsbackground = settings.config["settings"]["background"] if settingsbackground["background_thumbnail"]: if not exists(f"./results/{subreddit}/thumbnails"): print_substep( "The 'results/thumbnails' folder could not be found so it was automatically created." ) os.makedirs(f"./results/{subreddit}/thumbnails") # get the first file with the .png extension from assets/backgrounds and use it as a background for the thumbnail first_image = next( (file for file in os.listdir("assets/backgrounds") if file.endswith(".png")), None, ) if first_image is None: print_substep("No png files found in assets/backgrounds", "red") else: font_family = settingsbackground["background_thumbnail_font_family"] font_size = settingsbackground["background_thumbnail_font_size"] font_color = settingsbackground["background_thumbnail_font_color"] thumbnail ="assets/backgrounds/{first_image}") width, height = thumbnail.size thumbnailSave = create_thumbnail( thumbnail, font_family, font_size, font_color, width, height, title_thumb, )"./assets/temp/{reddit_id}/thumbnail.png") print_substep(f"Thumbnail - Building Thumbnail in assets/temp/{reddit_id}/thumbnail.png") text = f"Background by {background_config['video'][2]}" background_clip = ffmpeg.drawtext( background_clip, text=text, x=f"(w-text_w)", y=f"(h-text_h)", fontsize=5, fontcolor="White", fontfile=os.path.join("fonts", "Roboto-Regular.ttf"), ) background_clip = background_clip.filter("scale", W, H) print_step("Rendering the video 🎥") from tqdm import tqdm pbar = tqdm(total=100, desc="Progress: ", bar_format="{l_bar}{bar}", unit=" %") def on_update_example(progress) -> None: status = round(progress * 100, 2) old_percentage = pbar.n pbar.update(status - old_percentage) defaultPath = f"results/{subreddit}" with ProgressFfmpeg(length, on_update_example) as progress: path = defaultPath + f"/{filename}" path = ( path[:251] + ".mp4" ) # Prevent a error by limiting the path length, do not change this. try: ffmpeg.output( background_clip, final_audio, path, f="mp4", **{ "c:v": "h264", "b:v": "20M", "b:a": "192k", "threads": multiprocessing.cpu_count(), }, ).overwrite_output().global_args("-progress", quiet=True, overwrite_output=True, capture_stdout=False, capture_stderr=False, ) except ffmpeg.Error as e: print(e.stderr.decode("utf8")) exit(1) old_percentage = pbar.n pbar.update(100 - old_percentage) if allowOnlyTTSFolder: path = defaultPath + f"/OnlyTTS/{filename}" path = ( path[:251] + ".mp4" ) # Prevent a error by limiting the path length, do not change this. print_step("Rendering the Only TTS Video 🎥") with ProgressFfmpeg(length, on_update_example) as progress: try: ffmpeg.output( background_clip, audio, path, f="mp4", **{ "c:v": "h264", "b:v": "20M", "b:a": "192k", "threads": multiprocessing.cpu_count(), }, ).overwrite_output().global_args("-progress", quiet=True, overwrite_output=True, capture_stdout=False, capture_stderr=False, ) except ffmpeg.Error as e: print(e.stderr.decode("utf8")) exit(1) old_percentage = pbar.n pbar.update(100 - old_percentage) pbar.close() save_data(subreddit, filename + ".mp4", title, idx, background_config["video"][2]) print_step("Removing temporary files 🗑") cleanups = cleanup(reddit_id) print_substep(f"Removed {cleanups} temporary files 🗑") print_step("Done! 🎉 The video is in the results folder 📁")